Chapter 5903: Be Patient

Name:Emperor's Domination Author:
Chapter 5903: Be Patient

The cloud took its time thinking about its future. After all, despite its long life, it saw a new beginning after meeting Li Qiye.

“Heavenrealm is the right choice. Perhaps changes are coming, an entirely new chapter.” Li Qiye said.

The cloud remained skeptical.

“You don’t believe me?” Li Qiye smiled and got the same reaction again - the cloud telling him to read the room.

“Believe in me because when I initiate the battle, a curtain will be drawn for a new chapter.” Li Qiye shook his head and said.

The cloud once again scanned the area above.

“I know what you want but it’s all just starting. Although the villainous heaven is forever unchanging and indestructible, it’s the right time for a new chapter.” Li Qiye smiled.

It looked back down at Li Qiye.

“Trust.” Li Qiye said: “This will be a battle to the very end, I will get an answer. Yes, you have cause for concern, that I’ll be replacing it, the same idea as many other old men. This is reasonable, the outcome will be the same as before and the cycle continues.”

He sighed and said: “Listen, I have no interest in becoming the villainous heaven or an immortal with eternal life.”

“When I met him back then, he was indeed perfect. Of course, there are great flaws hidden behind perfection. For example, when the whole world is shrouded in light, it is only a hair’s breadth away from darkness. I do have to admit, Tribunal is only one tiny step away and inspires admiration upon sight.” He continued.

“The other geezers are questionable but Tribunal is alright. His goal is to be the scale of justice, but how can one weigh everything in the world? The hearts of the people cannot be judged in this manner. This is the biggest flaw of his way. He had such a good chance back then but this little gap alone was fatal.” He lamented.

“A few places are safe.” He suggested: “We built Crimsonheaven’s place into a fortress so as long as the brats have been doing a good job defending it, you should head there.”

The cloud believed Li Qiye but too much time had passed.

“It’s true, I no longer know if these places are still around, especially after this sweep.” He admitted: “Some of the monsters back then are probably dead since they were used as pawns, it’s not time for the direct confrontation yet.”

The cloud seemed interested in Crimsonheaven.

“I told Min Ren to be patient and lay low, that’s all he had to do.” He smiled before looking up: “Unfortunately, I know him too well, that’s not his personality. He’ll stand up for his belief during the sweep. Others might call him righteous and foolish, but it’s hard to hate this foolish boy.”

The cloud didn’t respond.

“Okay, it’s a deal then. You can run if it looks bad.” Li Qiye rubbed its head like a puppy: “Some of the geezers might be dead by then so you can explore a bit, not only to see this world but maybe you’ll come across what you’re looking for.”

The cloud nodded, making up its mind about moving forward.