Chapter 5919: A Little Bit

Name:Emperor's Domination Author:
Chapter 5919: A Little Bit

The girl’s presence brought coolness into this scorching world, a bowl of icy springwater amidst the unending sand.

Her bright eyes, in particular, were comforting and refreshing like a spring in the wilderness. Her ponytail swayed in the hot wind, exuding an air of vivacity and freedom. Fôll0w current novÊls on n/o/(v)/3l/b((in).(co/m)

She slowed down the carriage and matched his pace, casting a shadow to shield him from the sun.

Anyone would be surprised to see her here, but she was also surprised to see the young man. She took a closer look and noticed his lack of cultivation.

His plain attire and ordinary frame made him unremarkable. Yet, something about him drew people in - an inexplicable sense of returning to simplicity and authenticity.

All in all, he was ordinary yet as alive as could be. She then glanced at the sword tied to his back, hidden beneath the cloth bundle.

It exuded no aura or gave any hint of sharp intent. This seemed to be an iron sword without a sharpened tip.

There was something off about this young man walking in the desert. His presence was somehow both incongruous and natural, adding to her confusion.

A mortal wouldn’t be able to survive the cruel sun and merciless sand. Of course, he didn’t seem to have an easy time either. His feet sank deep into the yellow sand after each step while the wind brought sand to fill his robe and blind his eyes.

She was an influential figure but her status and background didn’t matter now. She felt as if she needed to play the role of the carriage driver.

She smiled wryly and flicked her ponytail, still speaking with a polite tone: “My name is Chu Zhu, what’s yours?”

“Li Qiye.” He answered with a smile.

“Do you practice martial arts?” She glanced at his sword again. It looked like a weapon to fend off beasts in the wilderness.

“Just a little bit.” He said.

“Just a little bit.” She murmured, wanting to ask for more information but being nosy was not her personality.

“You’re not from here, right? Another continent?” She looked around and asked.

“I don’t know, I haven’t been here for a long time so this place has become unrecognizable.”

“You visited before?” She became interested.

“A long time ago but it didn’t look like this. Maybe I got the wrong place.” Li Qiye said.