Chapter 5930: The Original Pursuit

Name:Emperor's Domination Author:
Chapter 5930: The Original Pursuit

“Hmm, indeed.” Li Qiye smiled.

She still didn’t get any clue from the relaxing man this time.

“I heard Poye is dead now, have you received the same information?” She asked.

“And?” Li Qiye shrugged.

She became disappointed because she failed to read his expression. Although she had suspicions, pushing her luck was rather unwise.

“Are you just visiting places, Young Noble?” She changed the conversation.

“I should be asking you this, why are you walking in the mortal world?” Li Qiye smirked while staring at her.

“I wish to revisit the path I’ve taken and the road I’ve traveled since I might not be able to do so in the future.” She replied sincerely.

“Seeking a breakthrough?” He inquired.

“To be honest with you, Young Noble, I haven’t made up my mind yet. I might go to visit Old World or enter my final secluded session soon, so I’m taking advantage of the opportunity.” She shook her head, flipping her ponytail freely again.

“After reaching a certain level, people always look back. It is not clinging to the past but rather saying goodbye to it, goodbye to the old self as well to begin a metamorphosis.” He said.

His words struck a chord in her heart as she said: “Right, it’s been so long.”

“And how does it feel to see them again?” He asked.

“Yes, defeating everyone and seizing it.” He said.

She agreed because such an item was valuable enough to warrant the risk.

“So when you stand at the apex and seek everlasting life, what are you willing to do?” He asked.

She had no response for this scenario.

“Would you refine the whole world if it can grant your wish?” He smiled.

She shuddered before blurting out: “I don’t know.”

“Let’s say there is an ant nest right there and the item you’re looking for is underneath, will you dig up the ant nest to take it?” He pointed outside.

“Yes.” She nodded.

“You’re not strong enough right now to truly grasp the previous question. You are saying goodbye to the past and once you’re at the apex, you will say goodbye to the world again, it no longer has anything to do with you and is no different from an ant nest. Therefore, would you refine it to obtain everlasting life?” He elaborated.

She took a deep breath and calmed her dao heart, staring at him and asking: “What about you, Young Noble? Do you view the world as an ant nest at that point too?”

“I am just a mortal, I do not forget my original pursuit.” He smiled.

“Just a mortal... do not forget my origination pursuit.” She repeated softly before remarking: “Cannot forget the path traveled then.”

“Remember or forget, it’s not that simple.” Li Qiye said: “Power makes everything else seem like dust in comparison. When you start forgetting the path traveled, you become a passerby to the world and that is the time to leave while keeping in mind the original pursuit.”

“The right time to leave.” She mumbled.