Chapter 5964: No Longer In This World

Name:Emperor's Domination Author:
Chapter 5964: No Longer In This World

“Insulting our sect should be met with death!” The king’s eyes turned cold.

The elders were jolted to hear this. One of them hurriedly said: “Your Majesty, please refrain from being angry and think of the big picture. We cannot oppose the Chu as we are right now.”

“Hmph, how strong can they be?” The genius disagreed.

“We must mind our words.” An elder disagreed.

“The clan itself has no genius and their ancestors have passed away, its power is still there.” Another reminded him.

“So what, we will rise soon.” He couldn’t handle the perceived insult.

“Of course.” The first elder was the calmest and said: “But look beyond the surface. Have you forgotten about a particular ancestor from the Chu?”

“Which one?” Someone asked.

“From long ago. I’ve never met her, and neither did my master and his peers.” The first elder said: “This ancestor left the Chu and found incredible success, rumor to be at the apex imperial level.”

“How true are these rumors? How come we haven’t seen her before?” Everyone remained skeptical.

“It’s an unspoken secret.” The first elder shook his head.

“I do know about an ancestor venturing outside to seek the dao, but it might just be a legend. This ancestor perhaps does not exist or had passed away.” The king said.

“Yes, if they have an ancestor of this level, they would not be here right now. An apex-level emperor? They would be the strongest lineage.” Others agreed.

“The strongest lineage outside of Splendor is still Ancient Step, not the Chu.” An elder said.

“Regardless, the Chu was out of line for sending a mortal.” An elder remained angry.

“Patience is the prerequisite to any grand plan.” The first elder said: “Putting aside this ancestor, we need to be lenient toward the heavenly commander’s descendants.”

“That’s in the past.” Someone remarked.

“Yes, Soaring Phoenix Commander, swept away by the river of time at this point.” Another added.

“Tell me, what kind of cultivator was the commander?” The first elder raised his voice.

“Above the apex.” None could deny her domination.

“But she is no longer in this world.” Furious Wind said.

“Don’t be so sure, I’ve heard some rumors that she appeared during Night Watch.” The first elder revealed.

“Impossible.” The crowd blurted out in unison.

“How can that be? She must be dead since so much time had passed.” An elder said.

“I searched our records and one of them talked about the king communicating with Life and Death Heaven.” The first elder said.

Everyone turned pale because Enigma might be a behemoth to them but it was nothing compared to Life and Death Heaven.

“She was probably qualified.” One of them calmed down and murmured: “Our Insane Court back then was one of the ten dao lineages.”

Their eyes lit up with pride after talking about the glorious past. Their Insane Court had three ultimate cultivators, allowing them to dominate Three Immortals.