Chapter 5967: Just Fills Up My Pocket Unnecessarily

Name:Emperor's Domination Author:
Chapter 5967: Just Fills Up My Pocket Unnecessarily

“Valley Lord, I’m afraid Insane Gate cannot solve your problem fast enough.” Someone spoke with a clear and bright voice: “If you wish, you should visit my sect because my master may be able to help you.”

A youth came over, one as dazzling as the sun. He wore an expensive robe befitting his nobility. He exuded an aura of ascension with each step as if he could soar upward at any second. An air of arrogance was unavoidable.

“Thank you for your kind intention, Saint Child.” Radiant Master bowed slightly in return.

“Six-step Saint Child.” Incense Daoist didn’t seem to welcome him.

The youth saw everyone else and only greeted Edge Mountain Crone: “So you are here too, Senior Edge Mountain.”

The king himself treated her with respect yet he was only being polite at best. He naturally didn’t give a damn about Incense Daoist and especially not a mortal such as Li Qiye.

“Six-step Saint Child, how is the Grand Emperor doing?” Edge Mountain Crone returned the greeting.

“Thank you for asking, Senior. The emperor is doing well.” His tone became more polite once this was brought up.

He came from Ancient Step, the strongest lineage outside of Splendor. Both Insane Gate and Resting Bull were utterly inferior.

Although Ancient Step couldn’t compare to the three dynasties, it would have no problem destroying minor sects. Rumor has it their Stone Aegis Progenitor was still alive, not to mention Beneficence Grand Emperor. The latter alone only needed one hand wave to destroy Insane Gate and Resting Bull.

“Valley Lord, my master has nothing but praises for you. Please come with me back to Ancient Step and I’m sure he’ll be more than happy to solve your problem.” Six-step repeated, causing Radiant Master to frown.

His master, Sky Step King, was a suitor who had been refused before. Visiting Ancient Step had negative consequences.

“Fifty million.” Radiant Master answered but had no hope.

This was an enormous sum for anyone. Resting Bull might have had it but their sect master refused.

She came to Insane Gate with the same call for support. The king here wanted to help her but didn’t have the refined jades. Insane Gate itself needed more time to decide.

“Brat, did you hear that, fifty million chaos refined jades, not fifty million gold pieces. The world of cultivators isn’t meant for an insect like you, step aside.” Six-step glared at him.

He didn’t have this many jades but his master did, hence his invitation to Radiant Master. If he could bring the two together, it would be a great contribution.

“I don’t have fifty million jades.” Li Qiye smiled.

“I appreciate the intent, Young Noble.” Radiant Master responded, aware of the mission’s difficulty.

No one here could muster this sum and only a few in a large sect such as Ancient Step could do so.

“Hahaha, just five hundred jades is enough to last you and your descendants for generations to come, let alone fifty million jades.” Six-step said.

“What I meant to say was, this kind of junk just fills up my pocket unnecessarily.” Li Qiye answered indifferently.

The casual remark took the saint child and the king by surprise.

“A big talker, I see. So ignorant, I doubt you can muster five jades.” Six-step sneered.