Chapter 5980: Your Progenitor Was A Cockroach

Name:Emperor's Domination Author:
Chapter 5980: Your Progenitor Was A Cockroach

“Such a shameless robber.” A voice came from the shrine and the gate opened, revealing an ordinary mortal - Li Qiye.

All eyes were on him. Sky Step King frowned - a mortal dared to speak to him in this manner?

“Who are you?!” Eight-treasure Monarch shouted. Gét latest novel chapters on nov(e)lbj/n(.)c/om

Li Qiye ignored him, shaking his head at Sky Step instead: “This is the style of your Ancient Step?”

“A mortal doesn’t need to comment on our sect’s conduct.” Sky Step glared intimidatingly, enough to drive mortals down to their knees.

“More descendants choosing to throw away their ancestors’ face.” Li Qiye was unaffected.

“Worm, enough out of you!” Eight-treasure attempted to please Sky Step again, wanting to slap Li Qiye.

Killing a mortal was no big deal if it meant being on Sky Step’s good side.

“Ahh!” The expected outcome of Li Qiye’s head exploding didn’t happen. Li Qiye somehow easily ripped the monarch’s arm off the socket.

Furious Wind, Sky Step, and the others couldn’t see his actual movement.

“Fuck!” Eight-treasure was blinded by rage and disbelief, summoning his treasures: “I will cut you to pieces!”

The treasures pulsed and released immense shockwaves. Li Qiye stomped down with his foot, crushing all eight treasures.

The monarch had no time to run before being stomped to the ground by Li Qiye.

“Insane Spear and Furious Immortal Sword!” Spectators couldn’t contain their excitement.

Members of Insane Gate prostrated to show respect for their ancestors’ weapons. These were the symbols of their golden age, the spear in particular.

Soaring Phoenix Commander led armies across Three Immortals, turning their dao lineage into one of the greatest in history.

Descendants had searched for these missing weapons for eras and today, they had the privilege of seeing them again.

“What is your relationship with Insane Court?” Sky Step’s expression changed dramatically.

“It doesn’t matter but don’t worry, it will only be a beating today, I won’t kill you.” Li Qiye smiled.

“You! Well, let us see how much power you can muster from them.” Sky Step nearly vomited blood from anger from the disdain while remaining skeptical about Li Qiye’s ability to control the two weapons.

“Boom!” He summoned a giant shield.

Everyone felt as if mountains were pushing down on them, enough to destroy all of Insane Gate. They shouted in horror as it descended.

“Try this.” Li Qiye smiled and performed a vertical swing with the spear, crushing through the shield and hitting Sky Step.

“Crack!” Sky Step fell to the ground, bloodied from top to bottom while vomiting blood.

Li Qiye had shown mercy or he would be a bloody mist. The spear came again so he panicked and crossed his arms to parry it.

In the last second, Li Qiye stopped the attack, leaving the crowd slack-jawed.