Chapter 5988: Ignition Key

Name:Emperor's Domination Author:
Chapter 5988: Ignition Key

“Boom!” The expelled power traveled through this boundless expanse and reached a cliff, causing it to flash blue. There seemed to be a mysterious power within.

Li Qiye focused on the direction of the blue waves and took one step forward, appearing on a floating continent.

He crushed it with one blow and took something out from the debris. This was the source of the blue light but it stopped shining once it was caught. CHeCk for new stories on no/v/el/bin(.)c0m

It appeared to be a flat key made from polished stone. It had a gray color when not exposed to any light. The flat surface was filled with cracks too small to be discernible by the naked eye. This gave the impression that the slightest touch would break it.

After a careful observation, he sent his primordial power into the key, activating its power. It seemed through the infinite number of cracks and reached the center where a blue light awaited. This minuscule light was a firefly among the night, flickering faintly at first.

It lit up the cracks slowly, resembling a beating heart pumping light through the cracks. Finally, all the cracks had a blue light flowing through them. The whole key became transparent and beautiful; its purpose became clear.

The cracks turned out to be a network of veins. When focusing on the key, one could see a magnificent blue galaxy inside.

They didn’t attack Li Qiye and merely started a channeling cycle, seemingly attempting to activate or empower something with electrical arcs.

“A different lifeform, using electricity to gestate life.” Li Qiye understood the process and pulled back his hand.

Without his primordial light, the electrical arcs withdrew into the water drops and disappeared.

He stood up to take a careful look at the walls, using his cultivation to derive and calculate their meanings. No one could decipher them due to how foreign they were. They had nothing to do with the current epoch’s knowledge and cultivation.

Nevertheless, his primordial cultivation gradually made sense of them, deducing them into modern dao laws to reveal their mysteries. Nothing could elude his gaze.

“Clank!” The dao laws came together to form supreme runes and words, turning the palace into a heart capable of powering the cosmos.

“The heart of Machine Epoch’s energy source.” The person’s intention became clear now for Li Qiye: “Quite ambitious, using energy to create Machine Epoch and steal the heaven’s power to form life. It’s not that easy though.”