Chapter 5998: Believe What You Want

Name:Emperor's Domination Author:
Chapter 5998: Believe What You Want

Among the three ancestors, Strategy was seen the most often for this ancestor was in charge of Enigma.

Hidden had never appeared, never seen by the emperors or even Strategy. Secret was also reclusive but not to this extent. At the very least, Minisun and the others have met the person before.

A brief silence ensued as she pondered while stealing glances at the bracelet.

“Young Noble, perhaps our Secret Ancestor knows more about the grotto. A conversation will be helpful.” She suggested.

“Elaborate.” Li Qiye said.

“From what I’ve heard, Secret Ancestor’s cultivation was taught by Hidden Ancestor, it’s related to the grotto too.” She said.

He stared at the bracelets and said: “Have you thought of the possibility of your Hidden Ancestor not existing at all?”

“Impossible.” She immediately disagreed.

Hidden Ancestor was a spiritual totem of their sect. As long as this ancestor was around, their dynasty could survive forever. If this absurd comment were true, it would break the legend of them being indestructible.

“Believe what you want.” He shrugged.

“Young Noble, what will you do with these loops?” She changed the topic.

“Want me to give it back?” He asked.

This was indeed her thought because if he weren’t their Hidden Ancestor, his possession of the bracelets might be unfavorable.

“Who in Sin can break this barrier?” He asked while standing at the broken entrance to Splendor Terra.

One side was Splendor City and the other side was Splendor Terra, once protected by a powerful barrier consisting of the area’s momentums and energies.

“Only Immortal Suppressor in all of Sin. Moreover, I believe Unrivalled Monarch was here too.” She answered.

“The attacker was strong.” He said.

“The barrier is broken and Unrivalled Monarch is nowhere to be found.” She said: “It couldn’t have been Immortal Suppressor though because everyone would know.”

“Where is the attacker now?” He smiled while gazing into the distance.

“Everything happened so quickly, one barrage breaking the barrier instantly before the invasion.” She remarked.

Such a powerful cultivator appeared out of thin air. Could this person be stronger than Immortal Suppressor?

“Go if you want to find some treasures, I’m not interested in them.” He stopped looking and told her.

“Very well.” Minisun didn’t want to miss out or bother Li Qiye any longer. She bowed and said: “I hope you will eventually visit our dynasty.”

After her departure, he continued his stroll toward the destination and saw broken palaces and pavilions along the way.

Splendor Terra was massive with incredible landscapes. Mountain ranges and rivers stretched infinitely alongside countless architectures.

Unfortunately, chasms and abysses replaced them. One deep crack seemingly divided the land into two halves - a sign of the destructive battle that had taken place.