Chapter 6001: Broken Splendor City

Name:Emperor's Domination Author:
Chapter 6001: Broken Splendor City

Sky Step heaved a sigh of relief after the old man’s departure. That aura suffocated and nearly forced him to the ground.

“Young Noble, our administration seemed to be lacking, we apologize.” Minisun bowed. If this fellow wasn’t their ancestor, he was still a big shot.

“I thought you were going to find treasures.” Li Qiye wasn’t bothered by the disruption.

“I gave up.” Minisun shook her head: “In my opinion, the whole thing isn’t simple. Unrivalled Monarch seems to be alive so Splendor Terra will stand. There is no need to antagonize them.”

When she came to find the best treasures, she found the monarch to be alive. Therefore, she immediately gave up and contained her greed.

“That makes it more interesting.” Li Qiye smiled.

“May I ask why you are here, Young Noble?” She asked.

“I want something that they just happen to have.” He responded: “Let’s go, wouldn’t want someone else to get it.”

As they moved forward, they came across someone waving at them and yelling: “Young Noble!”

The person flew over and landed before Li Qiye.

“Manager, should you be here? It’s perilous.” Minisun was surprised to see the manager of the city’s Splendor Square.

“Fellow Daoist.” The manager was surprised to see her and bowed: “I’m indeed a bit busy but since the young noble needs something, it’s my top priority.”

Having said that, he took out a box and presented it with both hands to Li Qiye: “Young Noble, this is what you asked for, I was afraid of someone stealing it after the fall of our barrier. Please accept.”

Li Qiye opened it and saw a key - the other half of the one he found in the ruins of Radiant Longevity.

The main branch of Splendor Square was located in this area but today, it has been breached. Powerful sects and even the dynasties couldn’t help themselves and wanted to take advantage of the situation.

Some believed the grand dynasties gave the order to Witch King and Sky Tree to launch an assault. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have been so blatant.

“Splendor Square went down!” The group saw cultivators rushing in.

Splendor Square was a massive auction house with mighty defenses. Today, these barriers and buildings were in shambles.

“Splendor Fortress is next.” Minisun shook her head.

“If the fortress cannot hold, then the palace is in trouble as well.” Sky Step had visited this place before and recalled how prosperous it used to be.

“People are already at the palace, we’ll see what happens next. It doesn't look good because top emperors are making moves, Allmountain.” Minisun said.

“Allmountain Emperor of Immortal Suppression, they’re serious.” Sky Step said.

“The treasures here are just too tempting, just a few items in that palace are enough to drive people mad.” Minisun said.

A horn sounded and numerous stone elephants rose from the ruins of Splendor Square. They carried massive treasure troves on their back, heading deeper into the region.

“Retreat!” The remaining members of Splendor had no choice but to evacuate.

“They’re moving to the fortress.” Sky Step observed the stone elephants carrying huge treasuries.

“Where do you think you’re going?!” Several mighty groups broke through the final defense and caught up to the escaping disciples.

The latter unsheathed their weapons, preparing to protect the elephants.