Chapter 6077: If You Want To Fight, Fight Me

Name:Emperor's Domination Author:
Chapter 6077: If You Want To Fight, Fight Me

“Clank” Yangrune’s shield turned bright as he grew massive. Metallic pulses emanated from him, creating layers of scales that turned into flesh later. He resembled a machine but was still made of flesh and blood.

“A metalkin!” Spectators were startled to see the transformation from metal to flesh.

“Is this the highest stage?” Another metalkin became emotional because obtaining a flesh body was hard enough, let alone shifting between the two stages.

“Poof!” As he became gigantic, a solar rune identical to the one on the shield appeared on his chest.

He turned into a vessel for the fire affinity, capable of engulfing the world with flames. His aura intensified and turned into a raging storm.

“So this is an apex emperor.” Someone commented, believing that he could destroy the entire market.

“You’re exposed!” Disaster Emperor became excited for a fight and raised his divine sword, harnessing the power of fire and lightning. It became difficult to tell whether he was holding a blade or a spear of tribulation.

The flashy spectacle and fear of tribulation made people think he could kill Yangrune.

“Tribulation Catch!” He roared, causing the crowd to feel as if the nine heavens and the deepest abysses couldn’t escape the area of effect.

“Screech!” A sharp shriek resembling a phoenix’s cry ruptured eardrums and blood gushed out.

The temperature of the market rose instantaneously, making everyone feel as if they were inside a volcano. It showed no sign of stopping either.

“Disaster, if you want to fight, fight me.” A woman spoke. Although her voice was pleasant, it pricked listeners like numerous needles.

They looked up and saw just how gorgeous she was in a thin veil shimmering like flames. Her skin was visible - white and flawless like snow.

A glimpse was all they had since her gaze was as sharp as a blade, giving off the dread of being decapitated. A pair of magical wings unfurled behind her, summoning a heavenly kingdom of fire. This was the source of the unbearable heat; a flap of her wings could turn the market to ashes.

“Bloodsparrow Emperor!” Everyone became alarmed because she was another apex emperor from Immortal Suppression.

“Perhaps Allmountain, Transcendent, and Tranquility Emperor are near.” Another speculated.

Bloodsparrow was rumored to be from the fire race. During her youth, she was fortunate enough to drink the blood of a heavenly bloodsparrow by chance. Most importantly, she survived the ordeal.

This fortune allowed her to embark on the cultivation path, eventually reaching the apex stage.