Chapter 6 There Would Be No Wedding



If she was there, she would have seen the look of pure dread on the lady's face while she said that.

"Miss Kai, what are you saying?" Meiling Rong inquired, sensing trouble right away.

"Simple. I called to tell you that there would be no wedding."

Meiling Rong felt like her heart was going to go into overdrive and burst in her chest any minute from then.

Several thoughts spiraled in her mind. It was like she was stuck in a time loop where those words repeatedly came to her and right now, she felt like she was going to go nuts if it continued.

'There would be no wedding. There would be no wedding.'

This wasn't the legendary runaway bride. No. If there was anything, Andromeda was thrilled with the wedding and that was what said it all. She could not have had cold feet. No.

"Umm, Meiling Rong, are you there?" Andromeda called out, breaking her from her trance and time loop.

"Huh? Yes, yes, yes. No, wait, no, no, no. How can you ask me that after what my poor ears and brain have heard, huh?"

She smiled sweetly as though she saw the wedding planner so as to ease her mind. "I am sorry, Meiling but this is my decision."

"But what do I tell Mr Wu?"

"He is smart, he would figure it out by himself."


"What? No. Please, reconsider."

For her, this was a big hit to her career. She had planned weddings for people but never had anyone cancel.

If Andromeda did this, it would affect her reputation very well. Gossip would happen

and she knew some would be about her.

Her haters would use it to tarnish her image and say the bride ran due to poor wedding planning.

No matter how she thought about it, it was going to affect her so terribly.

"Do not worry. I would still pay you, well not me but he would. Besides, I bet he can get a last-minute bride for the wedding to continue."

"Ms Kai, please do not say that. It is your wedding day," she tried to convince her. "I know this is all just a trick, hehe…" she nervously let out a laughter, trying to convince not only Andromeda but herself that it was all a joke.

"If you were the one, and you find out your fiancé is a conniving bastard, would you still get married to him?" She could not answer her and pause briefly.

"I thought so too. This is beyond just a wedding. It is my life and I make the call. Sorry once again. Bye."


She hated to do this to such a nice person as Meiling Rong but this was more than just a wedding planner. It involved her life and her future.

She should be glad though she was nice to her, then again, she knew her shock and pain.

"I would compensate you, Meiling, I promise you. You shall cover my wedding again in the future and then, it would be the best."

Meiling Rong who was still stupefied by what had happened did not realize the call going dead until she kept on trying and trying to get her attention and heard nothing.

"God this cannot be happening to me."

She was also about to make more fuss when the words Andromeda said hit back at her.

'If you find out your fiancé was a conniving bastard would you still get married to him? I guess she had her reasons, right? And she was also right about one thing, it is her life and it is more than just a wedding.'

With those thoughts in her mind, she wondered what Wu Bai must have done to his fiancé to get her pissed off to the extent of ruining a wedding she was eager for and spent months planning.

She let out a deep sigh before locating the nearest chair in the reception venue. "I guess I can rest now. There would be no more stress."


Just as Liu Xueyi had stated, he made his way back to the hotel he had left very early in the morning to meet with the staff on duty and off duty.

Three cars arrived almost at once and parked right in front of the hotel.

The car doors opened and several men in suits rushed out and then went to line up near one of the range jeeps.

Soon enough, the door opened with a leg stepping out first, followed by the owner.

The second his feet stepped on the ground, a certain dread cascaded down the body of the hotel staffs who could see the display outside from the transparent glass.

As soon as he stepped out into the light, his eyes shone with magnified brilliance.

The aura around him spoke of his might and being. With hands skillfully tucked away in his pockets he cast a cold gaze up ahead before looking at the building.

His hair fluttered in the wind behind him, giving him more vibrance and making any girl who set eyes on him to have a giddy feeling.

Unlike most guys of his calibre that had shorter hair, his neck length black hair displayed a sense of richness and vibrancy.

It fell forward a bit white the other side was neatly tucked around one of his ears with every other strand being pulled back.

His sharp eye-piercing features could not go unnoticed by anyone who gazed at him, making one wonder how perfectly created God had made him.

His symmetrical face, perfectly carved, thick eyebrows that put most girls' brows to shame, long straight lashes, adorning his pretty eyelids and his chiselled jawline, brought out his handsomeness even more.

His eyes were a perfect dark onyx one that seemed to radiate even more when under the morning sun, yet had the perfect bone-chilling look that could freeze one at the spot.

His small and pointed nose was a perfect match to the ensemble and his thin pink lips, whose colour only complimented his looks the more.

Everything about his look, made him feel like a newly sculptured art.

He wore a grey coat with a black furry material at the shoulders. The material had silver linings around the collar that draped to the back and front with matching cufflinks.

Taking a step forward, his matching grey trousers and black shoes, shone with brilliance.

He had aroused the piqued curiosity in the few people around by his elegant yet imposing immaculate fashion sense of his. One that was not to be reckoned with given his position.

Soon enough, the train of men straightened up properly as he made his way through the path lined up for him.

He pulled a hand from his pocket, swinging it lightly as he made his way towards the building.

Without being told, the hotel staff knew one thing. War was coming.

The door slid open, welcoming the cold god that had descended to take vengeance on those who hurt him. In this case, caused him an immeasurable amount of pleasure.

As soon as he entered, they all lowered their heads, too scared to look him in the eyes lest they did something embarrassing.

He scanned the fifteen staff standing before him with anger laced in his eyes before fixing his gaze on the middle aged-man standing separately from them.

"Where is she?"