Chapter 69 Liu Xueyi’s Visit: A Treat


CHAPTER 69 – Liu Xueyi's Visit

The news about their company kept spreading across the city like wildfire. That morning, Liu Xueyi had received several calls and requests coming through to him from the customer team.

Apparently, their orders were becoming too much and the team were at a loss on how to handle the situation. Things had spiralled way out of control.

To make matters worse, social media was hitting so much on the aspect of who the mysterious lady was that it was becoming a bother.

On one of the threads he read online, someone instigated another topic.

'Rather than bothering about who the mysterious fashion designer is. I want to make my bookings before I hear it is closed. FYI I have a sure link. wink'

Several hundreds of replies immediately followed up, stating they also wanted to book.

Liu Xueyi took in another deep sigh, rewarding his already handsome face with a side smile.

"I better go congratulate her, this is going to be one heck of a work year together."


Unlike everyone who was busy rampaging about the news, Andromeda wanted none of that. She needed to calm her head in order to be more productive.

To make the situation even more critical, a fashion show was coming up which she had to diligently prepare for, so receiving new orders wasn't what she needed.

However, when Jian Xiaofei spoke with her, she came to realize she could put their talents to good use.

Her only stress would be supervising the sketches when it was done and making a few corrections here and there to give it her killer touch.

That way, production could carry on and no one would lose, save for the mega workload.

Going over Jian Xiaofei's ideas once again, she agreed. She remained occupied with making calls to get the needed materials from their contact but this time, not all the materials she needed could be provided.

'This is going to be bad. What the...'

A single knock came on her door at that time, pulling her out from her thoughts.

She furrowed her brows deeply at the interruption, before snickering as she tried to relax.

"Come in."

As much as she hated being interrupted when she was thinking or working, she knew if she didn't respond to whoever was constantly knocking on her door, that person might not leave. So, accepting the disturbance was her best pick.

"Enter," she called out louder.

The door pushed open slightly, followed by the nosy head of the one person she did not think would have the time to disturb her.

She blinked in surprise, finding his presence to be a very unexpected one.

He wore his best proud smile as he casually walked in and shut the door behind him. Adding to her already surprised demeanor, he did not come empty-handed.

His hand was kept busy with the bottle of wine he was firmly holding.


She creased her brows in suspicion while her questioning gaze remained locked on the wine.

"Relax, it's non-alcoholic," he assured, putting her mind to rest.

"Better," she thought out loud.

Recalling all her episodes with an alcoholic drink, she always ended up shaming herself before him, and now... No, she couldn't think of it.

"What were you thinking, that I would get you drunk at work when I know you cannot hold your liquor?" He lifted a brow at her questioningly.

She pressed her lips together pushing them to the side. As much as she wished to retaliate, she could not counter him. In the end, she was the one overthinking.

One could not blame her though. Wasn't she careful and trusting when Wu Bai in his terrible gracious plotted against her?

Suddenly she felt a flicker on her forehead, accompanied by sharp pain and she gazed up at him.

"How did you...?"

Her eyes sized him carefully, before they dimmed at him while thinking of ways to evade her naughty CEO should in case he tried something stupid or naughty.

"Gain grounds on you?" Liu Xueyi finished for her. "Of course, you forgot yourself for a minute there. What has you so deep in thoughts, Andromeda?"

She rubbed at her temples and let out a sigh.

"We can drink this here," Liu Xueyi began, breaking her from her train of thoughts, "or we can go out for lunch to celebrate the masterpiece you created."

His words sounded nice and tempting she had to say but the thought of her workload weighed so much at her subconscious. Taking a break wasn't just cut out with it.

"Thanks, but I have work," she politely declined with a smile.

"I know but you refused to attend the movie launch and you did another gratifying design earning the company profits thereby making us popular again. I think you deserve my thanks and a treat to lunch at least."

"I am glad you think so. How about we talk about that pay increase?"

"No worries. I assure you. It shall be raised with a nice bonus. The H.R department would handle that." He lifted his brows at her and then shifted his gaze to the wine. "Let's have a nice treat. You need food for work, Andy."

She snapped her head up from the design she was looking at. That name... Only a selected few ever used it and in that few, her mother was one of them and the other person, wasn't even here.

Hearing it now from a completely different person struck a chord in her heart.

Her smile dropped and her brows kneaded together forming a V between them as she raised her brows a bit to ask. "What did you say?"

"You need food for work," Liu Xueyi replied without a second thought.


His eyes seemed to wander a bit before realization dawned on him and he smiled, pressing his eyes together. "Andy?"

She closed her eyes. The genuity of his smile brought back the feeling of a certain warmth. Her brain recalled the times these three people called her that, Andy.

That name singularly brought in so much of emotions she could not begin to fathom.

"Why? Is anything wrong?" Liu Xueyi inquired. The sheer look of worry on his face would have told Andromeda of his slight care if she had looked up but she didn't.

"Don't worry." She blinked her eyes open. "I am just not used to others calling me that."

"I can stop if you want me to." He was considerate enough and to her, it was okay.

"No. You can be one of them. It's okay."

"Are you sure?" He asked once more. She gave a slight nod and stood up. "Alright then. As you wish. I would just try not to use it often to not seem..."

Andromeda shook her head at him, still wearing her trademark smile as she rounded her table to stand before him.

"Stop being a goody-two-shoes, Xueyi, and let's go. I guess I am starving after all."

Irrespective of the fact that she knew he wanted to know more, she did not plan on telling him. It was best she left it at that for now.

Perhaps another day.