Chapter 465 The Bitter Truth

Chapter 465 The Bitter Truth



Zheng Ying felt she was cornered but even more so she trembled at the thought of what Liu Xueyi's actions would be.

The sterile brightness of the hospital room now felt oppressive to Zheng Ying. With each passing second, the weight of her deceit bore down on her, making her feel smaller, trapped. Liu Xueyi's cold gaze pierced her, leaving her feeling more vulnerable than she ever had.

"Do you truly not see it, Ying?" Liu Xueyi asked, a hint of pity and condescension evident in his voice.

He knew she was desperate and played after speaking to Liu Xiao Xin.

The honest truth, the moment she revealed it to him, he understood carefully what really happened. They were both played but unlike her, she flipped time and time again while he remained true to her until he met Andromeda and his world changed.

Zheng Ying's wide eyes darted between Liu Xueyi and Andromeda, searching for any form of escape from the damning situation. With a shaky voice she asked, "See what? What are you talking about?"

Liu Xueyi sighed, the disappointment evident in his tone. "All the games, the lies, the schemes... don't you wonder who truly stood to gain from all this?"

Zheng Ying's brows furrowed, her confusion apparent. "What are you implying, Xueyi?"

He took a step closer, his icy eyes searching hers. "Did you really think you were the one going to benefit from your lies?"

Still Zheng Ying's eyed held her confusion loud and clear.

"Who was there from the beginning? Who nudged you, influenced your decisions? Who became heavily invested in ensuring our relationship fell apart?"

Zheng Ying's breathing grew more erratic as her mind raced. The web of deceit was intricate, and the pieces seemed scattered. "I... I don't... No one did anything from the beginning. I left of my own free will."

"Right... Right after someone returned from the states and befriended you."

Her brows furrowed further, her mind racing back to six years ago. Just like now she was sought out back then and after that when things felt like they were going great, Liu Xueyi traveled and she went to a party where it all fell down.

Liu Xueyi smirked, "The one who manipulated you, used you, and ensured our bond was ruined from the start was none other than the person you called an ally. Your co-conspirator..."

Zheng Ying's eyes widened as the name echoed like thunder in her mind.

"Gao Yuemi."

Her heart thundered in her chest, echoing the betrayal she felt. "No... No, it can't be. Yuemi..."

Liu Xueyi scoffed, "You were but a pawn in his game, Zheng Ying. And while you played your part, she played her own, setting the stage for both of us."

Tears streamed down Zheng Ying's face, a mixture of realization, anger, and heartbreak. She had been so blindsided by her own motives that she never saw the puppet strings attached to her actions. n-.OvElb1n

She lowered her head, her mind now a battle ground where all her memories started fighting to come out and piece the puzzle together.

She looked dejected and wasted just seated on the floor, her mind bleak.

Liu Xueyi, without sparing her another glance, gently held Andromeda by the waist. His touch was gentle, assuring, and possessive. The pair started to walk towards the exit, the weight of their victory evident in every step.

Just as they were about to exit, Andromeda paused and turned, her voice dripping with finality.

"Zheng Ying, actions indeed have consequences. For trying to ruin my career and my position in the fashion contest, and for all you did to Liu Xueyi, believe me, the Liu family and I won't let you escape without retribution," she promised.


"I'm sorry to say, do not bother apologizing. I long threw the thoughts away. People like you need to be dealt with and my forgiveness has run thing. Enjoy the aftermath of your seed of deceit."

With that, they left the hospital room, the door clicking shut behind them.

Quickly, Zheng Ying had tried to get up and catch them but she was too late. The door slamming shut was like a jolt back to reality. She had lost and lost for good.

Her knees gave way, and she slumped back to the cold, hard hospital floor, the walls of her deception crashing down around her.


The sun, having fully risen, cast a golden glow over the hospital, its beams reflecting off windows and surfaces, making everything seem to sparkle.

Andromeda and Liu Xueyi emerged, their joined hands forming a physical manifestation of their unbreakable bond. Their steps radiated confidence, every footfall making it clear that they had emerged victorious. Their smiles, while proud, held a hint of mischief, a shared secret between lovers.

The cool breeze ruffled Liu Xueyi's hair as he led Andromeda towards his sleek, black car. Before he could reach out to open the door for her, Andromeda tugged gently on his arm, bringing him to face her.

"Yes love?" Liu Xueyi asked, his eyes filled with concern.

She looked at him with those deep, probing eyes. "Honey, what about Zheng Ling?" Liu Xueyi lifted his brows.

"And what about him?" he inquired.

"You've made it clear about Zheng Ying... but the boy is innocent."

Liu Xueyi sighed before casting a tired look into the horizon, lost in thought for a brief moment and then turned to face her. "Andromeda, I might have had my differences with Zheng Ying, but Zheng Ling is still a child. While he might not be my blood, I am well aware of his health challenges." He paused, letting the weight of his next words sink in.

"I've already spoken with his biological father. I promised to assist with Zheng Ling's medical needs. Furthermore, I've offered him a secure job in one of the Liu Corporation's branches."

Andromeda's heart swelled with pride. The man standing in front of her, with all his power and influence, still had a heart that shone brighter than any diamond.

She took a moment before venturing further, "What about Gao Yuemi? With her track record, I doubt she'll sit still."

Liu Xueyi's eyes darkened. "Ah, Gao Yuemi... She might think she's cunning, but she's played right into our hands."

"Is that so?"

"Mmm." He leaned in, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "Xiao Xin is handling her as we speak. The Liu family is well aware of her treachery. For what she has done, trust me, she will watch her family's empire crumble brick by brick."

Andromeda gulped, the weight of Liu Xueyi's words evident.

He continued, "We've been kind, we've been patient, but enough is enough. There is no forgiveness left for those who have wronged us." His fingers tightened around hers, "I promise you, they will pay for every tear they made you shed."

Andromeda leaned into him, her voice soft yet fierce, "I know. Together, we're unstoppable."

A proud smile formed on Liu Xueyi's face, spilling into his eyes as he cupped her face, his thumb gently brushing her cheek, "Always."

With a renewed sense of purpose, he opened the car door for her. They both settled in, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, hand in hand. The car roared to life, its engine's hum echoing and breaking the silence that ensued.