Chapter 505 Director Qi's Suspicion

Chapter 505 Director Qi's Suspicion



Seated behind his polished mahogany desk, Director Qi kept a narrowed gaze at the man seated opposite from him.

Irrespective of the whirlwind of activity in the entertainment world, he maintained a calm demeanour as though the ticking hand of the clock did not affect him.

Across from him, Liu Xueyi's manager, a sharp-eyed and smart man named Zheng Wei, leaned forward, concern etched across his features.

The recent incident involving Andromeda had sent ripples through the industry, and Director Qi knew it was time to address the matter.

He steepled his fingers, his expression thoughtful as he tried to figure out what next.

"This situation with Andromeda has been quite the spectacle," he remarked, his voice unrushed.

Zheng Wei nodded. "Indeed, Director Qi. It's raised a lot of questions, and we need to address them head-on."

Director Qi leaned back in his chair, his eyes narrowing slightly as he regarded Zhang Wei. "You suspect foul play," he stated, more as an observation than a question.

Zhang Wei nodded again. "I do. It's too coincidental that this news about Andromeda's entry into the entertainment industry was released just before her movie debut."


"There are two reasons behind this to me."

"Let's hear them," Director Qi urged.

Zheng Wei sat up straight and shifted towards the edge of his chair. "First, it is to sabotage her and spread hateful comments. Secondly, to set the stage for her to flop with a big audience in case her acting skills suck."

Qi Fuyi scoffed at the last reason.

Andromeda's acting skills sucked? If she had joined an audition, she would have passed with flying colours.

To him if she could handle Xu Ming's scene on first try, she could have auditioned for bigger characters and still stood a chance.

Adjusting his tie, Qi Fuyi quirked his brows as he refuted those words. "If one said her acting skills sucked, then it would mean my judgment and instincts are on the wrong. Of which I can say in my thirty years of being in the industry, it is anything but not flawed."

"I understand, Director Qi. Although, this all feels like a deliberate attempt to tarnish her image."

Director Qi's lips curled into a faint smile. "You have a keen sense of observation, Zhang Wei."

The manager's brow furrowed. "Do you share my suspicion, Director?"

Director Qi's smile widened, revealing a hint of mischief. "In this industry, one learns to see the shadows behind the scenes, Zhang Wei. There are those who thrive on chaos and drama."

Intrigued, Zhang Wei leaned forward. "Do you have any leads, Director?"

Director Qi's eyes gleamed with an inner knowledge. "I do have a hunch, but it's merely a theory at this point."

The manager was eager for any insight at this point. He needed to report something tangible to Liu Xueyi. "Please, share it with me, Director," he urged, hoping to make the man spill.

Director Qi paused for a moment, his fingers tapping rhythmically on his desk. "Not now, Manager Zheng."

The latter sighed, bringing his finger to his jaw. "However, I also wonder why measures wasn't taken by the industry to debunk the rumours when it came out in the first place."

"Consider this, Zhang Wei. Whether or not the release of this news was intentional, I saw it as a means to raise traction for he movie."

"Typical you. You hardly do anything without personal interests," Zheng Wei stated as he leaned back the chair.

"Ouch, I'm hurt," Qi Fuyi feigned. "Not just that, though, I wanted to test Andromeda's resilience and create a storm around her debut."

Zhang Wei's eyes widened in realization. "You mean to say... this was a calculated move to see if she can handle the pressures of the industry?"

Director Qi nodded slowly. "Precisely. It's a trial by fire, so to speak. If she crumbles under the weight of this scrutiny, then perhaps she's not ready for the entertainment world."

The manager's eyes narrowed as he was deep in thought. "But why would anyone want to sabotage her like this? And who could be behind it?"

Since his last trial failed, he thought ot try again and get the name of the person behind this.

Director Qi's gaze turned mysterious. "Ah, those are the questions, aren't they? As for why, there could be many reasons. Jealousy, rivalry, or perhaps a desire to protect one's own interests."

Zhang Wei leaned back, his mind racing. "Do you have any leads, Director Qi?" he asked, hitting the nail on the head once more.

Director Qi leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with an almost predatory intensity.

"I know what you are doing, Zheng Wei. Just know I have my suspicions, and I intend to investigate. But for now, let us watch and wait. Andromeda has proven herself to be a remarkable talent, and I have high hopes for her."

Zhang Wei nodded. "We'll stand by her, Director, and we won't let anyone tarnish her reputation."

Director Qi smiled approvingly. "That's the spirit, my dear Zhang Wei. In this world of shadows and spotlights, loyalty is a rare and precious commodity. I am glad she had Liu Xueyi by her side."

As they concluded their meeting, Director Qi's gaze lingered on a framed photo on his desk, a picture of himself and a blonde-haired beauty.

The lady's eyes were filled with purpose. Just looking at her, a smile formed on his lips.

He had a feeling that this was just the beginning of Andromeda's journey, and he was eager to see how she would overcome the challenges that lay ahead.

"Alright then. Thank you for seeing me. I must take my leave now," Zheng Wei appreciated.

He stood up, picked his suitcase and extended his right hand for a shake. Similarly, Director Qi followed in his step, rising to his feet and taking his hand.

"I guess I will be seeing you on Monday with the bosses to finalize the signing of our new actress?"

"Yes. I wouldn't miss it. Have a good day, Director."

Director Qi watched as Zheng Wei took his leave but before he could walk out the door he uttered an instruction that made the latter halt.

"I saw the latest news. Andromeda should avoid meeting and indulging fans for now."

"I will extend your word of advice to her." With a smile, he nodded and walked out.