Chapter 520 Taking Bigger Steps

Chapter 520 Taking Bigger Steps



Fang Qian Qian wasn't having it.

She paced around the room, her voice growing sharper with every word.

"I... Well, it was hard," Yu Weilan tried to explain. "And I did not want to lose casting in the movie overall."

"No. It is not hard. It was simple. You should have stood your ground. Now, Andromeda gets to play the role of Xu Ming. Do you understand what that means? She's going to steal the spotlight from you—your deserved role—and you will be overshadowed playing her shadow."

Yu Weilan was torn.

She had been content with losing her role due to the accident, but Fang Qian Qian gave her a fighting chance, and she could get Xu Ming, but Director Qi's offer had been hard to refuse.

She had felt pressured to accept, thinking it was a great opportunity. Now, she was caught between a facade of a role and a fierce competitor.

Fang Qian Qian continued her tirade. "Weilan, you need to think about your career. We can't let Andromeda steal the limelight. We have to convince Director Qi to reconsider. You should be Xu Ming, not that newbie!"

Yu Weilan's brows furrowed. She was unsure of what to do.

She admired Fang Qian Qian's determination and success, but she also trusted Director Qi's judgment.

Fang Qian Qian could see the conflict in her eyes.

Seeing the indecision in Yu Weilan, she decided to play her final card. "Think about it, Weilan. Do you want your career to take a hit? You can't just give in like this. Andromeda won't do the same for you."

"But we do not know that."

"I do. Otherwise, she wouldn't have hugged the role and relinquished it to you the moment you made your intentions known. You should be the one with the more significant role, the one who stands out. Not Andromeda Kai," she persuaded.

Yu Weilan's shoulders dropped. "I know."


Lowering her gaze, she second-guessed herself. "But... It's just what if I make another mistake and..."

"None of that doubt, Weilan."

Fang Qian Qian couldn't accept that she had lost her role to Andromeda, and she was hell-bent on making Yu Weilan see the error of her decision.

"I am only looking out for you. You should too. Think about it."

With that, Fang Qian Qian left the room, leaving behind a perplexed and conflicted Yu Weilan.

She had sown the seeds of discord in her co-star's mind, and she was confident that those seeds would eventually lead to action—one that wouldn't favour Andromeda and eliminate her competitors.


Having succeeded in passing the family dinner in his home, Sun Yichen pushed through with things on his end, even with Yu An.

Aside from Andromeda, he had never been captivated by any woman like Yu An, and even though they knew nothing could come out of their relationship, he found it worthwhile than getting close to Fang Daiyu.

Still unsure of who he was dealing with, Kai Beifang decided to invite Sun Yichen over to dinner and get to know him and their company.

The second Fang Daiyu was presented with the opportunity, she was thrilled above anything and quickly sent him the message.

Soon the day arrived for dinner.

The elegant dining room in the Kia mansion was adorned with polished mahogany furniture, crystal chandeliers, and fine porcelain.

The table was set for four: Kai Beifang, Fang Mei, Fang Daiyu, and their guest—son-in-law, Sun Yichen.

For Kai Beifang, it was more of a mix of business and pleasure. n(-OvelB1n

Dressed impeccably in a tailored dark green suit, Sun Yichen sat at one end of the table. He maintained an air of well-mannered professionalism.

He understood what this meeting could bring.

One would have expected all of these familiarities to be done before their engagement, but Fang Mei was stupid enough to rush things just to ensure her daughter wasn't ill-spoken due to her pregnancy.

Fang Mei, equally well-dressed in a designer gown, gestured toward Sun Yichen as she spoke to her husband, Kai Beifang.

"So, Yichen, you can tell my husband about what you told me before. I mean, elaborate on Sun Group's keen interest in our new tech venture," she said, her voice carrying the confidence of a successful lady.

Kai Beifang nodded as he eyed Sun Yichen. "Of course, I remember. We've had some preliminary discussions about our collaboration."

Sun Yichen remained calm and collected, having anticipated this meeting. "Indeed, Mr. Beifang. Your wife and I believe this partnership could be mutually beneficial for both families, aside from our marriage."

Seated beside her mother, Fang Daiyu observed the dynamics at play. She was well aware of Kai's legacy and the importance of this potential business alliance.

The meal proceeded, punctuated by discussions of market trends and investment strategies.

Sun Yichen eloquently presented the advantages of joining forces, and Kai Beifang listened attentively.

At the same time, Fang Mei interjected with insightful questions, clearly displaying her shrewd business sense, unlike her daughter.

As the main course arrived, Sun Yichen seized an opportunity to steer the conversation.

"I must say, Mr. Beifang, your company's expansion into the tech sector is quite impressive. With your leadership and vision, I can see it becoming a major player in no time."

Kai Beifang nodded in acknowledgement of the compliment. "We have big plans for this venture. However, we're selective when it comes to choosing our partners. We value not just financial strength but shared values and a long-term vision. I hope Sun Group can live up to that expectation."

Sun Yichen raised an eyebrow, recognizing the implication. "We understand the importance of compatibility in such partnerships. Our groups share many common goals."

Fang Mei interjected, "But before we proceed further, I think it would be wise to discuss the details privately."

She knew if given the opportunity, her husband would play sheriff there during dinner, and things might get sour.

The last thing she wanted was a fallout.

Kai Beifang agreed, "I concur. There are certain confidential matters that should be addressed before we move forward."

Dinner continued, though the tone had shifted as things grew more formal.

Fang Daiyu observed the interactions keenly, taking advantage of this opportunity to understand corporate dealings that would one day become her responsibility.