Chapter 33: The Leveling Game

Name:Ends of Magic Author:
Chapter 33: The Leveling Game

Sarah and Khachi came over, looking down at Nathan sprawled in his chair. Sarah looked unamused. What?

He shrugged from the seated position. Im tired. And Ive already broken the magic in this chair, no need to spread it around. I hereby claim this chair for my butt, since it wont shape itself to any others.

Khachi snorted, and sat down on a couch across from Nathan. He leaned back and set his armored sabatons on the low - and delicately carved - table between them with a scrape of metal.

Were really not being very careful with this place. I guess knowing that well be departing before too long means we dont feel like we need to take care of it. Thats probably fine.

Nathan shook his head of the distraction, looking up at Sarah. Well, go on and sit down. I want to ask about my class Development.

Sarah raised her eyebrows, watching Nathan as she sat next to Khachi. I admit Im blasphemously curious. What will you share with us? Ñ00v€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

Nathan considered for a moment. Paraphrasing and explaining his options would help him conceptualize them, and it wasnt like he had a ton of secrets left from the Heirs. So he got started. I have four options.

Khachi rumbled in satisfaction. Good. It is common to receive fewer choices as you reach higher levels, depending on your Insights and deeds. Aarl said he had three options. I had two, though my choice was clear. Stella was an anomaly.

Yeah, she had like six. But about half of them were my fault, so

Sarah waved Khachi to silence, beckoning for Nathan to continue.

The first leans into my [Regeneration]. Says it will make me nearly unkillable and much stronger, but I dont think it will enhance my antimagic very much, or my mobility.

The second will make me better at absorbing mana for Stamina, and make me generally stronger and faster, as well as help me use all kinds of weapons. He nodded at Sarah.

She pursed her lips. Will it enable you to wield enchanted weapons?

Nathan shook his head. I dont think so. I have a Development of [Magic Absorption] coming up, I could probably make it more selective then.

What occurs? Aarl walked up, sitting down a little farther away as he wiped his hands on a cloth.

Khachi beckoned him to a seat. Nathan speaks of his level 81 Developments. Since he has no mentor, we will give him advice.

Stella had followed Aarl, and she harrumphed at having to drag over another of the comfortable couches to be included in their little circle. After a moment she gave up pulling on the heavy furniture and flicked it over with a force spell. Then she looked up. Our parents already gave him advice. What did they say?

Sarah answered. Mobility, survivability and stealth. Do any of your classes grant stealth?

Nathan waved them to silence. Let me finish going through it. [Woundless Berserker] is resilience and strength. [Manadrinker Einherjar] is better magic absorption, general physical enhancements and weapons. The next one is [Magicsunder Siegebreaker], and its about breaking enchantments and going through buildings. Generally being unstoppable.

The last one is [Implacable Antimage], and it seems like the best one to me. Better antimagic while raging, better mobility and enhancement to hand-to-hand combat ability.

Sarah leaned forward, pulling out a knife and her current whittling project - a little replica of the dungeon they were currently underneath. What in a muckgrabbers slimy asshole is an Einherjar?

Her brother gave Sarah the side eye for her language, but she was unconcerned.

Nathan shrugged. Something from Earth. Legendary warriors of one of our Pantheons. Theyre famous for being excellent fighters and going into Rages.

Also all dead. Being an Einjerjar is sort of an afterlife for those who died in battle. Collected by Valkyries and all that. I wonder if Davrar is trying to tell me something. Probably not?

Stella pointed at Nathan, a spark of lightning on her finger drawing his attention. Your choice should depend on your future plans, and ours. Will you stay with us? Will you fight Giantsrest on your own? If you want to fight on your own, your choice should be [Implacable Antimage].

Khachi picked up the thread of conversation, frowning at Stellas remark. But we have sworn our Oaths together. You must consider your role within the Heirs. [Woundless Berserker] is excellent for one who would draw the enemys ire, stand alone and unsupported while the rest of us slay the foe. [Manadrinker Einherjar] would do best with our support, granting you continual magic and relying on us to create openings for your weapons. If you wish to kill the enemy, such a class seems well-suited for it.

Aarl pulled out one of his sabers, and started to polish it to have something to do with his hands. You wanted to be able to fight larger foes, monsters and other fighters. [Manadrinker Einherjar] seems the best path to that. Sarah and I can teach you weapons, and provide unenchanted versions. The strength you gain from this class will mean that lacking enchantments is no blood from our wounds. And then you can Develop your Talent to allow you wield enchanted items, and share in the loot you help us collect.

Stella had pulled out her braid from the back of her robes, running her fingers over the entwined hairs as she waited for Aarl to finish his point. And [Magicsunder Siegebreaker] seems built to kill dungeons. If we want to stop the Ending of history by clearing countless dungeons, then that class is good. She paused, looking up and making eye contact with Nathan, trying very hard to communicate she didnt have expectations. This choice is less about what option is best, and more about what option you want.

A knife stuck point-first into the table as Sarah stabbed it down with exasperation. Harpys tits. There is a best choice here. Nathan is an Antimage. He kills mages and destroys magic, we take care of everything else. It would be a waste to Develop [Magic Absorption] to let him wield enchanted weapons. Should he be a second-tier fighter who is hard to hurt with magic, or a complete counter to all magic?

She continued, seemingly frustrated at all of them. This choice is Nathans. And while the other choices may make Nathan more dependent on us, [Implacable Antimage] is the option that will let him topple Giantsrest and their magics. He means to do that, and we might not follow him. Thats ok. But we cannot hamper him in that quest because we are afraid for him.

Sarah looked around at the other Heirs. It is time to speak of this. I do not want to fight Giantsrest. I will defend myself if they attack us. But I do not want to go to Giantsrest to topple them. Not even as a game. She turned and looked at Nathan, heaving a sigh and bowing her head. Sorry.

He nodded, scrubbing a hand through his hair. Yeah. Its unreasonable to expect you to attack Giantsrest. I dont have to fear most of what they can do. But I really cant judge you for not wanting to directly challenge them - the consequences can be so much worse than death.

I hoped but this shouldnt be a surprise. Im disappointed by this, but I really couldnt have expected it to go any other way. I might be able to use [Earnestness] to encourage them, but I'm not going to do that. I promised not to, for one thing. It would be a dick move, for another.

Nathan gave an expansive shrug, looking up at the Heirs. They were clearly trying to gauge his reaction. But they werent disputing what Sarah had said. Aarl looked relieved, Stella looked hesitant and Khachi was frowning and considering his position.

I do think if any of them would come with me, it would be Khachi.

He addressed all of them without anger. What Ive said about giving to friends and not expecting things in return. I meant that. I am really not trying to play the long game to manipulate you into fighting Giantsrest with me. I wont lie - I was hoping that eventually you might agree to do it. But part of friendship is respecting peoples decisions. And I respect your decision not to fight Giantsrest.

High-tier Earnestness 8 achieved!

Class skillRaging Thrill:

You can voluntarily enter and exit a Rage state, where you will be immersed in the thrill of combat. This will rapidly consume stamina, but will greatly increase your strength, speed and resilience to damage.

Class skill Juggernaut's Inertia -> Implacable Inertia:

Your motions carry significantly greater momentum, and any attempt to slow your movement is hindered. Magical effects will be almost completely unable to change your velocity.

Class skillUnarmored Resilience:

When not wearing armor your body becomes more resilient to damage from all sources.

New Class skill Improved Antimagic:

While Raging, your antimagic Talent is greatly enhanced, and will be especially effective at protecting you from hostile magic.

New Class skillStrenuous Agility:

You will move more quickly and easily, especially when reorienting your body in combat. Stamina spent on mobility will have a greater effect.

New Class skill Hand-to-hand Expertise:

You will be faster, hit harder and be more skilled at unarmed combat.

You have leveled up to level 88!

Status of Nathan Lark:

Permanent Talent 1: Magic Absorption 9

Permanent Talent 2: Perfected Body 3

Talent 3: High-tier Slow Fall 7

Class: Implacable Antimage level 88

Stamina: 886/2940

Antimages Impassivity

Antimagic Momentum

Raging Thrill

Implacable Inertia

Unarmored Resilience

Improved Antimagic

Strenuous Agility

Hand-to-hand Expertise

Utility skills:

Battle Meditation 3

High-tier Earnestness 8

Mid-tier Sprinting 10

High-tier Spellsense 8

High-tier Notice 2

High-tier Identify 2

High-tier Dodging Footwork 1

High-tier Enhanced Memory 7

Mid-tier Lecturing 7

Mid-tier Tumbling 7