Chapter 2297 {Corrupted Spear of Blood: Pillar of Destruction}

Name:Epic of Caterpillar Author:
Chapter 2297 {Corrupted Spear of Blood: Pillar of Destruction}


Noah kept his composure as he fought against Yog-Sothoth, his endless sea of blood kept waving around, expanding at the same time as his Divine and Cosmic Domain. His Blood Servants continued reviving over and over again, endlessly. Yog-Sothoth was growing furious because of how tough he was, and how he seemed to simply have endless energy!

Growing desperate, Yog-Sothoth enhanced the power of his Void Compressing Domain, further pressuring Noah as much as he could.

"{Void Compressing Domain: Enhancement}!"


The Domain's pressure became even stronger, Noah felt his internal body beginning to tear apart, yet his regeneration remained unparalleled, rapidly regenerating him back before he could get flattened like a pancake.

"This is going to take a little while," he looked down. "I am sure they can handle the rest."

Noah noticed, with his vast senses, that everyone was taking care of the three cities of the Red Moon. Arthur, Timasa, Alice, Jon, Adamantine, Adan, and Clementina were all incredibly powerful Blood Gods, surpassing any other Blood God down there.

There were many secrets behind the immense power of the Luna Noctem Family, but amongst them, the Lifeblood Jewels were its biggest. Although the power of the Vampiric Path Dao granted Vampires endless possibilities for their cultivation and growth, they were only a secondary power to them.

The Lifeblood Jewels, a creation of Noah in his previous life, was one of the pillars of their tremendous power. Special Divine Jewels forged using the World Essence of Earth, the planet they belonged to, and further merged with Noah's Unique Soul Essence.

It was perhaps the first time he ever used the power of his true soul, which had been sealed for ages, the power of the Outer Entity within him, the True Fragment of Azathoth's Soul that made him his True Child, and inheritor.

By combining the Essence of the System, which he had lost in his reincarnation, and combining it together with his very soul and his vampiric powers...

The crystallization of all of that was born, Lifeblood Jewels!

They contained tremendous abilities, and could grow over time by absorbing Energies, Materials, and Abilities and Skills.

Even after his reincarnation, Noah was able to recreate them thanks to his awakened Trait, and further boosted them as he combined their power with the Dao of Vampiric Paths, and the Blood Core Cultivation methods.

Ultimately, everyone within his family had a dozen of these jewels fused into their very Blood Cores and Souls, giving them tremendous power beyond the world's laws themselves.

And amongst them, Noah had the strongest Blood Core and Lifeblood Jewel fusion, having merged over fifty Lifeblood Jewels he forged out of the souls and bodies of his foes, and many other materials together.

His Blood Core became something else, over time, as each millennia passed, he continued becoming stronger, and stronger, he had no limits!


Each of his attacks unleashed an explosion of his cosmic, divine, and vampiric powers, breaking through Yog-Sothoth's defenses easily! He intercepted, using his massive tentacles and Void Armament to block the blows and try to parry them away.

Yet Noah's charge was relentless!

"You don't know how long I've been waiting to fight your kind, Yog-Sothoth!"

And he noticed Noah's face...

He wasn't struggling, his expressionless face had changed.

But it wasn't one of pain.

It was one of excitement, and of... happiness!

A wicked happiness.

"He's smiling even as I am tearing his body apart with my Void Armament?!" Yog-Sothoth thought for a moment. "BASTARD!"

His rage didn't matter to Noah, as the Blood God Emperor continued fighting, his techniques becoming stronger as he began to channel light, darkness, and blood together with his Lifeblood Jewels, his Lifeblood Exceed, and his Cosmic Power.


"I-I'm being pushed back...?!"

Yog-Sothoth realized way too late that Noah's attacks were constantly pushing him back, several meters in fact! His wounds weren't regenerating as quickly either and Noah was growing stronger by drinking his blood.

"This can't be happening...! NO!"

With a furious roar, Yog-Sothoth's powers erupted from his body even more than before.

Around Noah, reality itself started to fall apart, endless darkness engulfing him, and taking him away from Abyss.

