Chapter 1670 An Endless Undead Army

1670 An Endless Undead Army


"You're one bold motherfucker, lizard!"

Pandemonium was fuming with anger, after he thought he would still have a smooth sailing in this competition, things ended going to a completely different direction.

Without any prior announcement or anything, Drake's army arrived inside of his territory, massacring the Monster Waves that should have been his own Score Points instead!

To make things worse, they were surprisingly powerful, capable of even resisting the deadly corroding Demonic Energy unlike before, they could go toe to toe against the strongest demons he could summon!

"How are they able to resist everything so easily?!" Pandemonium thought, as he saw Drake's army continue their advance.

Undead Demons, Divine Monsters, and even the Monsters from the waves rushed together, over twenty thousand foes crashed against Pandemonium's army of three thousand demonic beasts and one thousand demons.


The sound of the war between factions reverberated across the entire pocket dimension, the demons had a clear advantage in power and durability, easily tearing through the undead one after another.

However, they didn't have the advantage in numbers, even less in buffs, which Drake continuously conjured on his units to make them temporarily stronger than before. Slowly, each demon was being overwhelmed by a dozen undead, stabbed, pierced, slashed, and torn into pieces!

And that wasn't even the only bad thing, some of the Undead, the smartest of them, the Dracoliches, dragged the corpses of both allies and enemies and started dropping them over the demon army.

And Drake activated one of his abilities with it.

"{Undead Bomb}"

[You have activated the [Divine Dracolich Phantom Graveyard (SSS)] Divine Ability within a large area surrounding you (or your Divine Domain)!]

[Within the Graveyard, a powerful {Phantom Dracolich Aura} is exuded, which enhances the Physical Strength, Magical Power, Movement Speed, and Defenses of all Undead, Phantom, Dark, and Death-type allies by +500%.]

[Alongside the Aura, the graveyard will continuously summon {Phantom Dragon Spirits}, {Black Bone Dracolich}, and {Infernal Specter Dragons} based in the amount of Mana, Divine Power, or Available Corpses within the vicinity. Their power will be based on 70% of the corpses Power if used, or 10% of the summoner's Power if summoned without them.]

[All Summons can unleash {Divine Phantasmal Explosions} with each blow, which will deal consecutive damage that increases by +100% with each successful consecutive blow, for a maximum buff of +1000% in damage dealt.] [Summons can also drain the Lifeforce of anything they kill, restoring their Master's Mana, Divine Power, and Demonic Energy based on 10% of the damage they deal to a foe.] [When enough Summons are gathered, it is possible to combine them into stronger forms, the more combined undead, the stronger the fusion will become.] By expanding his Divine Domain all the way to Pandemonium's Territory, Drake quickly conjured another of his powerful Divine Abilities, giant graves started popping out of the ground constantly.

From the graves, gigantic entities started to emerge as Drake used the hundreds of available corpses as sacrifices, not only did Black Bone Dracoliches surged, but enormous Phantom Dragon Spirits, and mighty Infernal Specter Dragons appeared.

Overflowing with powerful Auras of phantasmal and dark power thanks to the graveyard's many beneficial effects, the newly risen Undead charged forwards.

The Dracoliches tanked the attacks from the demons, becoming good defensive walls, while the phantasmal and infernal dragons unleashed their phantom and infernal flames, barely dealing any damage, but slowly weakening the demons.

The rest of the Undead, especially the Demon Undead, were the heavy hitters, carrying the strength when they were alive, the Undead Demons became incredible fighters, bringing down several foes as they charged against the weakened soldiers of Pandemonium's demonic army.

Slowly yet steadily, Drake's army was overwhelming Pandemonium's "endless" army of Demons, the more he kept summoning demons, the more stressed Pandemonium felt. Indeed, although he had "endless" Demonic Energy through his connection to hell, it didn't mean his current body could take all the pressure his true body could take on.

"Hahhh... Dammit! Do I have to give up?! No... NEVER! Demon Generals...! All of you useless pieces of shit, go kill them all! You're immortal, you can do that much, right?!"

Pandemonium grew furious and desperate, sending his last life of defense into the frontlines, all ten of his Demon Generals he had summoned recently.

This was his limit; he was already about to feel his own head explode into pieces due to the pressure his abilities exerted over his body.

"Go...! Kill them! As long as you can kill one of those bastards, then that lizard will surely regret everything!" Pandemonium smiled maliciously, although also looking exhausted, barely hanging on by a thin thread.
