Chapter 773: 5 son's rules

"Everyone, please look up. This mountain is the second highest peak of Star Picking Island. From the foot of the mountain, it is the location of eight classes."

"The lowest one is the location of the deserted class, then Hongban's upwards, and the top one is the Tianban's. Since the sacred place of Falling Star Lake, there has never been a break here. If you have good eyesight, you may be able to see under the stele. People."

Lin Zhen raised his head, only to see a group of people under the huge stone stele of Huangban, but the distance was too far to see it very seriously.

"I'll send you all here. From here onwards, handymen are forbidden to enter. The fifth son will personally come down and pick you up. Your luck is really good. In previous years, the fifth son didn't care about these trivial things."

After the handyman finished speaking, he turned and left, and the fifth son Jin Nuo, wearing a moon-white robe, was slowly descending from it.

"I have seen Brother Five!" everyone shouted in unison. People outside called Jinnuo Fifth Young Master, and people in the Holy Land called him Fifth Senior Brother.

"You are here, come with me."

Everyone followed Jin Nuo in file, only to feel that the scenery everywhere is endless, and the eyes are a little insufficient.

Looking down from the mountain, the sky is like the sky and the lake is rolling. This ancient place is full of ancient and mysterious.

In the distance, a sea wave soared into the sky and hit the dark clouds. A huge white dragon in the sea uttered a melodious dragon roar, digging into the clouds, and suddenly brought a gust of wind and rain in the distance.

When he reached the first stone tablet, Jin Nuo stopped.

There are about a dozen stone steles here, each of which is nearly a hundred meters in size. There are words, pictures, or some abstract things on them, and it is impossible to see what they are.

Jin Nuo stood in front of the crowd and said loudly: "Most of the stone tablets in the sacred place of Falling Star Lake are left by our people in the holy land. For example, the stone tablets of these deserted classes are all carved by the predecessors of this class. All of them recorded the essence of their life-long learning, either a set of kung fu, or a set of swordsmanship, or a martial skill, but there is one thing in common, that is, the content of the stele is absolutely very deep."

With that said, Jin Nuo walked towards a stone tablet.

When the enlightened people here saw Jin Nuo coming over, they stood up and called Brother Five, and then stepped aside.

"For example, this stone tablet, named Piaohuo Sword Technique, was written by a student of the first deserted class."

At this time, a student from the Huangban class said, "Then if I want to keep a technique of my own, can I also choose a stone tablet to engrave it on?"

Jin Nuo smiled: "Of course, as long as you have this ability."

He pointed to some stone steles at the back: “There are many blank steles here. I welcome anyone who has the ability to carve anything on them, but I'm afraid you can't do it.”

The warrior who was speaking was a little unconvinced. Isn't it just a stone tablet? His fingers can break the mountains, so he cares about a stone tablet?

Perhaps wanting to prove himself in front of others, this warrior strode towards a stone monument.

The veteran students in the deserted class showed a hint of irony in their eyes, but they didn't say anything.

The warrior walked to the stone tablet, raised his hand, thought about what he wanted to engrave, and flew his fingers!

"Ah ah ah ah~~!!!"

"Puff puff puff puff puff~~~!!!"

A piece of stone fragments flew, the martial artist's star power revolved, and his face showed complacency.

From top to bottom, this stone stele is not very big, and a lot of characters are engraved in a while.

But he couldn't do it in one go, he still had to land for a while.

After falling, he thought he would see a look of envy, but he saw a look of pity and mockery.

Suddenly it felt bad, and he looked back violently.

I saw that on the stone tablet behind him, he carved himself sparsely, and when the wind blew over, he was quickly dispersing!

Jin Nuo said faintly: "You feel that what you have worked so hard to carve is actually nothing but the dust on the stone tablet. Apart from the dust, you still don't have the ability to leave a little trace on the stone tablet!"

"I actually... can I only carve through the dust?" The warrior's face was ashes ashes, obviously he was greatly hit.

Jinnuo smiled: "You don't have to be depressed. There is no one besides me who has the ability to engrave on the stone tablet."

He pointed to Michelle: "He can't."

He pointed to a few Tianban students such as Dongfangyu and Sun Yidao: "They can't either."

Then the finger pointed at Lin Zhen: "He can't either."

Lin Zhen was stunned. Jinnuo said a few Tianban students. It was nothing, but there were eight people in the local ban. He only said that he couldn't, and he couldn't now.

The subtext of this is that he can do it in the future.

Looking at the jealousy in the eyes of Huang Zun and several people looking at him, Lin Zhen knew that Jin Nuo had made enemies for himself. He didn't know what Jin Nuo meant, nor could he express anything.

Jin Nuo didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his actions, and continued: "I remember I told you yesterday that after arriving at the Holy Land, you are nothing at all. It took countless years for the Holy Land to erect such stone tablets that can be recorded. What kind of people should the stone tablets be? It's disappointing to be overwhelmed just now."

The warrior's face was extremely ugly, his arrogance was already wiped out by the ashes of the blow, and he lowered his head not to make a sound.

The people around didn't dare to speak anymore. Although Jin Nuo looked gentle, he was still the current Holy Landlord, and his strength was unfathomable. No one dared to say anything at this moment.

The atmosphere was a little too solemn, and Lin Zhen suddenly asked.

"Senior Brother Five, how strong is it to be able to engrave here?"

Jin Nuo glanced at it and saw that Lin Zhen spoke, his face eased.

"A good question, I also intend to tell you this question. The Holy Land stele is not so easy to engrave on it. If you want to engrave on the stele, first you have to hit the 33 Heaven Tower."

People looked at him, this thirty-three sky tower seemed very important.

"Here is the second highest peak of Star Picking Island. At the top of the highest peak, there is a pagoda above the clouds, which is the Thirty-Three Heaven Tower. There is a guardian on each floor. If you defeat the guardian, you can continue climbing. If you can engrave on the stone tablet, you will only be eligible if you get through the 20th floor. People before the 20th floor can't write on the stone tablet."

Hearing that people are very interested here, I can't wait to test it now, how many levels can the current strength reach in the 33rd day tower.

Seeing people’s eager expressions, Jin Nuo smiled: "Will you be overpowered again? I can tell you clearly, among the more than one thousand of you, who can pass the first level at once, absolutely No more than ten!"

No one dared to question Jin Nuo's words, but when they heard such words, people still showed consternation.

In that case, how far can it pass the highest level of the 33 Heaven Tower?

However, Jin Nuo did not give too much explanation: "Well, you can slowly learn about the Thirty-Three Sky Tower in the future, but the more important thing is cultivation. The students of the deserted class will stay here to practice, but remember Live, you can’t cross the upper arch. The side of the arch belongs to Hongban’s enlightenment site, but the people above can come down to enlighten.”

"All the students of the deserted class stay. If you have a look at the stele, if the specific ranking is disputed, it can be resolved through the arena competition, but it can only be in the dimension arena. If the body fights in private, the Holy Land will be punished."

After speaking, more than 1,000 people remained, and the remaining more than 500 people followed Jinnuo to continue walking.

After passing a moon arch, there are more than twenty stone tablets erected here.

"The stone steles here were all carved by the students of Hongban. On average, there may not be one person who has the ability to carve stone steles. The holy place has been established to this day, but it is unknown how many times have passed since the establishment of the Holy Land. The students in the class have only left such a stone monument. How much you can comprehend depends on your good fortune."

"Brother Five, why are there more stone tablets here than there are in Huangban?" a Hongban student asked.

"It's very simple. Because the quality of the students in the Hong class is better than the people in the desert class, the chance of being a master is higher, so there are more stone tablets."

People nodded.

Hongban students stayed where they were, and could no longer follow Jinnuo.

At first, some people felt regretful, but soon they entered a state of selflessness, because the stele here is really attractive.

Everyone can find a suitable method for them, and everyone immediately stops to practice.

Most people honestly learned from behind and didn't dare to challenge without authorization, and some believed that the strength was good, they challenged their predecessors, but these challenges were all miserable failures without exception.

After the Hongban students were set up, Jin Nuo continued to move up with the remaining 200 people.

After another arch, there are about thirty more stone tablets here.

"This is the place of the Zhouban. It's no different from the previous rules. You can comprehend the stone monuments here or the stone monuments of the Hongbanhuangban below, but you can't go up."

After sending away the students of the Zhou class, Jin Nuo continued to move up, sending away the students of the Yu class, the students of the yellow class, and the students of the Xuan class.

When he arrived at the local level, there were only sixteen people around him.

However, there are fifty or sixty steles in the local group. Although there are fewer people in the local group, there are more masters.

There were dozens of people cultivating in the distance, and they didn't seem to be aware of Lin Zhen's arrival at all.

"You are here, all students in the Tianbandiban can add my Dimensional Universe, and you can ask me if you have anything, but I advise you not to trouble me with trivial matters."

Everyone is happy ~ It is also a glorious thing to be able to add this unfathomable fifth brother as a friend.

"Don't talk about the rules, please practice, remember, there is not much achievement, don't challenge the 33-day tower lightly, lest your confidence will be hit."

After speaking, the Tianban students continued to walk up, Jin Nuo fell behind, and suddenly came to Lin Zhen again.

Handed a flower to Lin Zhen.

"You are the only realm king this year, and it can be said to have attracted attention, but I hope you will continue to strive for self-improvement. Although the road ahead is full of thorns, but as long as you persist, you will eventually be able to bloom bright flowers, just like this thorn flower, to is you."

Lin Zhen took the flower, and Jin Nuo turned and left.

He lowered his head, looked at the flower in his hand, his heart was tumbling.

"The thorn flower..... Is this a rose! I want to calm down a bit. It's just that the customs are different, the customs are different, there is absolutely no other meaning!"