Chapter 159 Punish me

" Let's go meet the others. " Jayden said and with Emma in his arms flew towards them.

Alice followed behind him and asked:

" Have you met up with the rest already? "

" Yeah, the portal led me in front of them directly," he explained, not wanting her to be jealous.

Then while talking, they all flew at normal pace. Alice noticed the Bracelets on his wrists and asked:

" Why are you wearing such strange bracelets? "

" They're so annoying and are stuck on my wrists, no matter how much I try they just won't come off. " He replied.

" They aren't harming you are they? " Alice asked, in a concerned tone.

" No, so far they haven't. " he said.


After a few minutes, they finally saw Eleanor and the others sitting in the distance, and only now did Jayden notice an additional figure there.

Layla, whom he had completely ignored previously, as they got closer all of them stood up and waited for Jayden and Alice.

" Hey Layla, long time no see. " Jayden said, raising a hand.

" You were here just some time ago, don't tell me you didn't see me? " Layla asked.

" By the way, your dress looks nice, when did you buy that? " he asked changing the subject.

" Ah this, the last time I went to earth- no wait, answer me first. " Layla growled.

" Let's go shopping next time together, I'll buy you expensive dresses. " Jayden said, ignoring her question.

" Huh? You already made Emma forgive you? " Sophie asked in surprise.

" Yeah, she is my cute Emi after all. " Jayden said shuffling her hair.

They all sat down in a circle, with Emma still latching onto Jayden's neck, they talked about various things, from all the women's training to Jayden's adventures to the things they brought from Earth.

For the next couple of hours, they just laughed and talked, catching up with each other.


" Haa I'm really tired, let's go to sleep early. " Jayden said yawning.

" Sure, we should go now. " Sasha said, showing a knowing smile.

" Yeah, we all need a loo~ng sleep. " Eleanor chimed in, flashing a seductive smile.

" Sophie, you should take advantage of such chances, you can do whatever you want. So, take this chance and become a woman. " Sasha advised, interrupting her.

" Uhh fine then, I'm going to p- punish you, darling. " Sophie said, bashfully.

" Haha, that's my wife. I can't wait to get punished by you. " Jayden said, wrapping his arms around her slim waist.

All the other women in the room, just watched the two of them giving them some private time.

Although Alice wanted to jump in and have her hubby all for herself, she let them carry on since she didn't want Sophie to feel lonely.

Pushing Jayden onto the bed, Sophie took the lead and climbed on top of him.


In front of a cave, several people were standing, some had worried expressions on their faces while most looked indifferent.

Wang Jia looked at all the elders, her face pale from the constant searching.

In the crowd, Qiang who was standing behind the third elder, looked forward and just as his eyes landed on Xiao Rong, he jumped up in joy and ran towards her.

" Xiao, I'm so glad you're alright. You know, how heartbroken I was feeling- "As he ran, he spread his arms, wanting to take her in a tight embrace.

Xiao stepped to the side and swiftly dodged the hug, with an icy cold expression, she spoke:

" I'm fine, it's not the time to waste like that, we've to look for Wang Jin... And Peng. "

Qiang stammered and came to a halt, hearing Wang Jin's name from her mouth made him angry, but acting like a gentleman he spoke:

" Of course, we've to search for them. I was just too happy to see you fine. "

Without showing any expression, Xiao turned to look at Jia.

" Matriarch, I don't think searching any further will be any fruitful, I believe both of the disciples are probably already dead. " the third elder said to Jia.

" No, even if there is a small chance of him being alive, we can't leave him here to suffer, no matter what I'm going to search for him, alone if I have to," she concluded.

" But Matriarch, we can't leave the sect empty for too long, there are a lot of things you need to do at the sect. " the sixth elder said.

None of them cared for Wang Jin and Peng, and were only searching for Xiao Rong, the number one disciple of their sect. Now that she have been found, they didn't see the reason to waste time any more.

Third elder felt even better, he was already planning to kill Wang Jin, but with this he will save himself from all the trouble.


Jia frowned, she knew that the sect needed her presence but she couldn't leave her son alone. She needed to choose between either of them, the sect or her son.

Closing her eyes for a whole five minutes Jia pondered, then she said firmly: " You all can handle the sect in my absence, I'll look for the hideout of the red arm bandits and return as soon as I can. "

