Chapter 157: 153: Intimidation

Name:Escape From Konoha Author:
Chapter 157: 153: Intimidation

Volume 2 now complete on my Patreon.


"Are there any other conditions?"

Facing Shiraishi's question, the figure in the shadows took a moment to contemplate. After thinking for a while, they offered a smile and responded:

"Personally, I'm more interested by the way you govern the Land of Demons. However, based on the highly classified information retrieved from the two bodies of Kushimaru and Jinpachi, you seem to possess a deep understanding of our Kirigakure, or more accurately, the state of affairs in the Land of Water. It's only a matter of time before a significant coup takes place within Kiri. This coup is inevitable, even if the third voluntarily steps down."

The chaos within Kirigakure had initially been ignited by the third generation's misguided policies. Yet, the current situation was no longer under the third generation's control.

Both the Blood Mist faction and the reformist faction had set their sights on the fourth generation Mizukage. In a sense, the third generation served as a symbolic "puppet." a shield used by both sides to divert public attention.

The figure in the shadow sighed and continued, "The Blood Mist faction needs the third as a scapegoat so they can seize power in Kiri easily. On the other hand, the reformists require the third to be the target of 'hatred,' to depict him as a brutal, Blood Mist loyalist who had committed various atrocities. To overthrow tyranny, one must first paint the image of a tyrant. It is only natural. The third made a series of deep budget cuts in Kiri, in an attempt to compromise military expenditures for the Land of Water, and finally giving birth to the 'Blood Mist faction' and encouraging the ruthless actions of opportunists."

Shiraishi nodded in agreement. Recognizing that the actions and policies of the third had led to the rise of the Blood Mist faction and the chaos within the village.

The Third Mizukage had taken this further by embracing the secret traditions of the previous Mizukage. Diplomacy was cast aside, making it difficult for Kirigakure to gauge external affairs accurately and preventing outsiders from infiltrating the village and obtaining information about its internal operations.

In the wake of reduced military spending, increased secrecy, and the ascent of opportunists, the Blood Mist policy had emerged as a product of the power struggles among high-ranking individuals.

Since the conclusion of the First Ninja World War, Kirigakure had experienced almost three decades of relative peace, thanks to the daimyo of the Land of Water's efforts to cut military expenditures. Faced with an uncooperative daimyo, the third Mizukage had adopted an elite strategy, a policy that had inadvertently led to brutal killings.This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

This had resulted in the cruel graduation exams at the ninja academy, where students had been pitted against each other in deadly combat.

The brutal graduation exams had been one of the casualties of this policy, resulting in deadly confrontations between two-student teams.

Despite the brutality of these exams, they had proven effective in producing skilled and efficient ninja. The completion rate of missions had increased, and the overall strength of the village's ninja had improved. The intimidating moniker of "Blood Mist" had struck fear into the hearts of outsiders.

With time, the Third Mizukage had escalated the Blood Mist policy further, making secrecy more stringent and promoting the actions of opportunists. This strategy, born out of necessity, had unintended consequences that had spiraled out of control.

Shiraishi had a clear understanding of the matter's cause and effect. He recognized that the reasons for the turmoil within Kirigakure extended beyond the third Mizukage and the high-ranking officials implementing the Blood Mist policy.

He contemplated the situation and offered his perspective. "If I understand correctly, you want to become the Fourth Mizukage and resolve these disputes as soon as possible."

"Indeed. Only by achieving this can I claim the moral high ground to put an end to the reign of the Blood Mist."

The figure confirmed this with determination making no secret of their attachment to the position of the fourth Mizukage.

Although Kirigakure wasn't riddled with holes now, it would only be a matter of time before those Blood Mist faction's misbehavior causes Kirigakure to fall apart.

And at that time, there will definitely be a large number of elite Kirigakure ninjas who will deviate from the village and become defected ninjas.

That was the fate of the loser.

As long as they became the fourth Mizukage, they will avoid such actions from happening and end the reign of Blood Mist.

Therefore, they needed greater fame and enough strength to support themself and eliminate the officials who supports the implementation of the Blood Mist.

So far, although they had manged to accumulate huge amount of power in secret, they could only take some small actions in secret. People from the Blood Mist faction were hunted down like a mouse crossing the street.

The reason was very simple. The third Mizukage used by the Blood Mist faction represented the absolute authority of Kirigakure.

"Compared to the negative impact of joining forces with a rogue ninja, if Kiri is torn apart by the Blood Mist, that would be the last thing I want to see."

There were good reasons, however, Shiraishi shook his head and remarked, "Not enough."

"Not enough? Is there anything else you need? Just name it, as long as it falls within my limits."

The figure paused before making another concession.

"No, I'm not referring to the matter of renumeration. I believe that even if you become the Fourth Mizukage, it won't be enough. Based on the information I've gathered, the root cause of your internal problems isn't solely the Third Mizukage but those officials who implemented the blood mist policy."

"What do you mean?"

"You should understand the reason why the Third Mizukage is easily manipulated?"

The figure narrowed his eyes abruptly.

"You mean... the daimyo?"

"Excessive military expenditure cuts have stunted Kiri's growth. To push Kiri forward, the Third Mizukage was cornered into making a bad decision. It is hard to determine whether hidden forces from the Water Daimyo are colluding with the Blood Mist faction."

"It's all a guess..."

"Indeed, it is a guess. But, just as you guessed about my presence in the Land of Demons, why not entertain this assumption? If you don't change the daimyo's military expenditure cut policy, what will you do when you face a dilemma like the Third Mizukage?"

The figure fell into silence. They couldn't honestly admit they wouldn't follow in the footsteps of the Third Mizukage, allowing the Blood Mist faction to regain momentum based on misguided policies.

"Money... is an extremely realistic issue."

The figure smiled helplessly.

"Is this why you implemented military unification in the Land of Demons?"

The Land of Demons had adopted a system where military forces, including both ordinary citizens and ninjas, were united into a singular military organization.

This approach left no room for the daimyo and nobles to justify military expenditure cuts. A stronger united military institution secured their rule.

However, the challenge was in achieving this military unification. The government model of the Land of Demons differed from the ninja world's major nations.

In the five major nations, the daimyos and great nobles had their private ninja groups, although not on par with complete ninja villages, they had significant power.

The consolidation of military power into a single institution was a complex process, as it required defining whether the Five Kages would continue their dominance without outside interference, or if the daimyos and nobles would directly govern.

This change couldn't occur overnight. The daimyos and Ninja Villages deliberately avoided tackling this issue, which further complicated military unification.

"That was merely an experiment. It seems the experiment wasn't a total failure and can barely sustain itself."

"So, you don't trust me?" The figure frowned.


Shiraishi nodded honestly, indicating that he couldn't rely on the other party's promises. He continued to provide his reason.

"Recently, the actions of others has also stopped temporarily. At the moment, our most important mission is amassing strength. and it isn't the best time to make a move."

Even though they earnestly desired to bring the Blood Mist's rule to an end, the Blood Mist faction claimed the orthodox title of the third Mizukage. In terms of both power and prestige, the reformists held no advantage. Overthrowing the Blood Mist's rule wouldn't happen overnight.



At this point, the figure suddenly rrembled.

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing, really. I'm done here for today. You may leave."

For some reason, Kuraki detected a remarkable irritation in their tone, as if they had encountered something that made them feel angry.

"Very well. I will take my leave."

After Kuraki left, the figure let out a heavy sigh.

"I will remember you, Chiba! Shiraishi!"

While speaking, they navigated the darkness, pushed open a door, and advanced along the dimly lit path.

When they reached the innermost room, they broke the silence by addressing the darkness within, "Send five people who are proficient in government affairs to the Land of Demons, without alerting the Blood Mist faction. I need comprehensive information about that country. After their arrival, someone will coordinate their actions. Disperse."

In the darkness, only the sound of shuffling figures could be heard, then they faded into nothingness.

"If you want to dismantle the one-country-one-village system created by the god of ninjas, let's see where your confidence comes from, Chiba Shiraishi!"


Upon returning to the Land of Demons, Shiraishi's initial action was to discreetly relocate Ameyuri Ringo.

After all currently, Ameyuri Ringo had died from an incurable disease, she now belonged to the type of ninja who stayed in the shadows. Any exposure could bring unnecessary troubles to the Land of Demons.

After Shiraishi's arrangements, Ringo was swiftly transferred to a specialized hospital within the military sector. Besides a few personnel within the military, the rest refrained from interacting with her.

Moreover, the medical facilities here were more advanced than those outside, albeit with a slight shortage of staff, their medical proficiency falling slightly short of Konoha's.

When the military's forerunner organization had been established, Shiraishi had initiated the training of medical ninjas, heavily investing in their education. Applying Konoha's extensive medical knowledge in practice, he had created the current military medical department.

Nonetheless, in a brief period, catching up to Konoha's overall medical level was still a considerable challenge. This was the reason he had sent some staff to Konoha for 'educational' purposes, to study medical technology there. In this regard, Konoha remained unparalleled in the ninja world, and no one could contest its status.

Contrary to the outside, the hospital within the military sector was notably more peaceful, with stricter management. This became Ringo's initial impression upon being hospitalized there.

A comprehensive sensory barrier had been arranged, able to detect any abnormal Chakra presence attempting an unauthorized intrusion, promptly activating the alarm system and suppressing it by force.

As Ringo looked at the scenery beyond the window, the hospital ward's door creaked open.

An unfamiliar young man entered, garbed in a white medical coat, holding a medical kit in hand, unmistakably a medical ninja dedicated to professional healthcare.

His distinct scent, a blend of medicinal materials and chemicals, could only be acquired through frequent dealings with such substances.

"Are you Chiba Shiraishi?" Ringo asked, forcing a pale smile despite her vastly different posture from the legendary Lightning release ninja.

"So he appears to have shared some tedious details with you." Shiraishi quipped, placing the medical kit on the table by the bedside and exhaling audibly.

"I didn't expect him to come to my rescue. What sort of arrangement have you reached?"

Ringo expressed her curiosity, knowing the difference between Kirigakure and Iwagakure, raising concerns about hiring rogues.

"That's a long story. In short, there must be a prerequisite for cooperation."

"In other words, I am the important 'tool' that maintains cooperation between you?"

Ringo found herself irritated and helpless by being treated as a 'bargaining chip.'

"Let's tone it down, you're merely a bonus asset at best." Shiraishi conveyed, using an apt term to describe her unfavorable position in the cooperation.

After hearing this, Ringo was infuriated, she gritted her teeth , "Don't you have a lover, talking to a woman this wasy?"

Shiraishi ignored Ringo's mockery, peering at her with pity and empathy, further infuriating her. What did that look signify? Was he looking down on her?

"Alright, let's end this topic of discussion. I'll begin using medical ninjutsu."

Shiraishi intervened to calm Ringo's anger, pressing a finger against her forehead.

A blend of Chakra and natural energy, Senjutsu chakra, began its operation, morphing into an abundance of vitality that permeated from her forehead, enveloping her body.

The process lasted about ten seconds before Shiraishi's finger disengaged from her forehead.

"Is this sufficient? Are you merely here to deceive me?" Ringo asked skeptically, her gaze sharp.

"Your condition is quite bad. But, please don't be concerned; simply give me one month. After that period, I will have you regain your peak strength."

Shiraishi reassured her.

The task proving more challenging than imagined.

Her body's function had decayed to such a state. A little carelessness may cause her body to collapse. With his half-baked Sage Mode, she must be treated carefully, which will take a long period of time.

After hearing Shiraishi's assurance, Ringo calmed down.

"Very well, for now, remember to take the medicine in the medical kit regularly. I'll come back tomorrow."

With these parting words, Shiraishi left the ward without delay.

Ameyuri Ringo's sickness was of minor consequence to him. He was more preoccupied with the actions of Kirigakure's representative in this game and was making preparations for that.

Should he relinquish the initiative, the situation could turn dangerous. So, it seemed necessary to resort to intimidation once more.


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