Chapter 170: 166: Clones and Tailed Beasts

Name:Escape From Konoha Author:
Chapter 170: 166: Clones and Tailed Beasts

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"So many people have failed?"

After an intense battle with Iwagakure, the Fourth Raikage returned to the camp to gather first-hand information about another battlefield.

A while ago, Kumo's strategists had speculated on Iwagakure's next move. During the Battle of the Land of Grass, Iwagakure had used Konoha's S-rank rebel nin, Hyuga Ayane, to systematically deal with Konoha.

Given this situation, it was only logical to assume that Iwa wouldn't employ the same approach against Kumogakure.

Therefore, they had set up a long-prepared trap at the supply point to capture those precious Byakugan.

What they didn't anticipate was the need for so many people, plus a tailed beast, they still failed to handle an injured woman. This left the Fourth Raikage deeply dissatisfied.

In the ninja world, the only one who could withstand the violent explosion caused by a Tailed Beast bomb and still stand tall was his deceased father, the Third Raikage. He estimated that even if a ninja like Ayane survived, she would be seriously injured.

In such a scenario, if the enemy could still escape, it naturally left the Fourth Raikage disgruntled with his ambush forces.

"Yes. Here is the detailed battle report from that time. Please review it, Raikage-sama."

A Kumo Jonin placed a report in front of the Fourth Raikage.

"Not only did they fail to capture her, but they also suffered 187 casualties, with over 700 people injured. How did this happen!!?"

The Fourth Raikage was highly dissatisfied with the high casualty figures. Although the report did mention reasons for the enemy's escape, he found it filled with too many suspicious details.

However, in that situation, escaping under siege by over 3,000 ninja and a Jinchuriki made him even more concerned about Ayane's capabilities.

"If this woman isn't dealt with, she will become a serious threat to Kumo."

Her extraordinary and terrifying Gentle Fist, combined with the Byakugan's foresight and vision abilities, made her unstoppable in Kumo.

If this threat wasn't eliminated soon, it could become a grave problem for Kumogakure later on.

"Then do you want to contact Konoha?"

"Allowing their rebels to roam freely outside for so long, neglecting the duties and honor of the Five Kage, you know that Hokage and Tsuchikage are birds of the same feather. Even if you condemn him for allowing the rebels to act unchecked, he'll keep denying it."

The Fourth Raikage snorted. He never placed his hopes on Konoha, especially since he coveted Konoha's top position and didn't want to share such important Kekkei Genkai like the Byakugan with them.

The things he acquired were his alone and had no connection to Konoha.

"Quickly devise a suitable strategy based on the intelligence we have. Even if we can't eliminate her, we must limit her movements. And urge B to complete his training as a perfect Jinchuriki as soon as possible, so he doesn't waste time on his music."

The Fourth Raikage sighed, stood up, and left the room, leaving the Kumo Jonin with a bewildered expression to come up with a strategy against the Byakugan that he had little confidence in.

He had missed the opportunity to capture a her eyes, and using other strategies to deal with a ninja of her caliber would only be a waste of time.

Although having information about Byakugan from Konoha would help formulate a better battle plan, it was currently impossible for Konoha to share such critical information with outsiders for analysis.

As for urging Killer B, the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki, the Kumo Jonin remained silent.

Thankfully, he hadn't informed Raikage-sama about B-sama's recent large-scale concert, otherwise, Raikage-sama would have been infuriated.


It took Ayane over a week to recover from her injuries before she considered returning to the Land of Earth. It took another four or five days on the way.

What she didn't anticipate was that the location where the space-time ninjutsu transported her was the distant Land of Lightning Strait. To avoid Kumo's surveillance, she had to take a long detour on land, extending her journey.

Meeting Onoki again, she simply asked him to hand over the remaining reward for the mission—totaling fifty million ryo.

With the initial deposit of 50 million ryo, the total reward amounted to 100 million ryo. Despite the ambush by Kumo, Kumo's supply point had been destroyed, and Iwa was content with a 100 million ryo reward.

"Tsuchikage-sama, I need information about Kumogakure."

Ayane made this request directly to Onoki.

Onoki frowned.

"Is this really necessary?"

"No, I almost died this time. Kumo has many skilled ninja, perhaps not well-known in the ninja world, but they all possess unique abilities. If I know more about them, I can eliminate some of the stronger Kumo ninjas for you. It's a win-win, isn't it, Tsuchikage-sama?"

Ayane enticed him carefully.

After careful consideration, this represented an opportunity for Ayane to further cooperate with Iwa.

Onoki regarded Ayane seriously, sensing that she had an ulterior motive behind her request.

Nevertheless, she was merely a defected ninja with no current influence, wandering the world. Even if she gained access to the information, it shouldn't have a significant impact.

Still, Onoki felt a twinge of reluctance when providing Ayane with the intelligence on Kumo.

These were valuable data collected by Iwa at considerable expense, over a substantial period, and at the cost of sacrificing many of their best intelligence officers.

"What's your take on this, Tsuchikage-sama?" Ayane inquired.

She wasn't concerned that Onoki would refuse.

"It's acceptable to provide you with this information, but in exchange for the next two tasks, you'll assist Iwa free of charge. Then, I'll grant you access to the information for review."

"Agreed. But you mustn't falsify any intelligence."

"Of course. I just can't understand your fake smile. The more you know about Kumo, the more help you can be to Iwa."

Onoki snorted, always finding Ayane to be too pushy.

Not only did she want to freeload in Iwwa, but now she also sought to claim top-secret information as her own.

However, Ayane was correct. Without knowledge of those ninja with strange jutsus, they could easily suffer in the initial clash. This experience was a valuable lesson.

It was all in the interest of better cooperation with Iwa and to fend off the Kumo.

Yet, Onoki still couldn't help but feel a pang of reluctance when it came to sharing these top-secret files with Ayane.

He could only hope that she would serve Iwagakure well during their collaboration and thwart Kumo.

Onoki acted promptly. About an hour later, he arranged for the information on Kumo to be placed in Ayane's tent, allowing her to review the top-secret documents.

Ayane observed a huge stack of documents before her, each containing the names of Kumo's ninja. At the top of the list was the Fourth Raikage, with comprehensive information on his hobbies, personality, and ninjutsu characteristics, along with several detailed targeting strategies.

Other ninjas, like the Dodai with Lava release and Toroi of the Magnet release, also had detailed records. Some were renowned, while others were hidden but possessed incredibly cunning secret techniques or bloodline abilities.

Both senior advisors advocated dealing with Hanzo first, rather than diverting their resources to confront Konoha. This position naturally garnered the attention and support of many high-ranking Jonin.

After all, Chiyo and Ebizo had been diligently serving Sunagakure for many years. Their decisions were always made with the overall interests of their village in mind.

Therefore, the notion of confronting Konoha's leadership before Hanzo began to find acceptance among the Jonin after initial hesitation.


In early April, still within the spring season, rain continued to pour in the Land of Rain. With Konoha providing sufficient supplies, Ame initiated the first battle against Suna.

Konoha's forces stationed in the Land of Rain, led by Orochimaru, launched a counterattack against Suna, aiming to dismantle Suna's long-standing arrogance.

In response to the joint assault from Ame and Konoha, Sunagakure, after a period of disarray, began to fight with determination. They weren't in a hurry to determine the outcome of the battle instantly.

"How cunning."

Orochimaru frownex as he observed Suna troops retreating on the map. He knew that despite a year of oppression, Sunagakure had managed to retain many of the resources allocated from the Land of Rain. They were well-prepared for a protracted battle.

Konoha was in a different situation. Hanzo's threat to the alliance compelled Konoha to give Ame supplies.

After hearing Hanzo's request, Konoha readily provided Ame with financial support, free of charge. Konoha's aim was to unite Ame, swiftly conclude the war in the Land of Rain, evacuate from the region, and then lend assistance to Konoha's forces in the Land of Grass.

However, Suna's tactics directly countered Orochimaru's hopes for a swift resolution and instead aimed to prolong the war.

It's important to note that Konoha couldn't sustain providing Ame with free support indefinitely. Even if they were willing to purchase supplies, Orochimaru doubted Ame's capacity to spend enough money to acquire the necessary resources from Konoha.

Providing supplies to Ame for a short period was possible, but not for an extended duration. If Ame, lacking supplies, were to lose its combat effectiveness, it could not only hinder its support to Konoha but also become a liability to the latter.

Even after Orochimaru saw through Suna's cunning strategy, he found himself without an effective solution.

Suna had retreated into a defensive posture, patiently waiting for the alliance between Konoha and Ame to crumble.

Recently, the number of attacks on supply points had intensified. Suna sought to deplete Konoha's stockpile of resources further, increase their material burden, and hasten the decline of Konoha's partnership with Ame.

"What are you planning to do about this?"

Danzo, seated across from Orochimaru, inquired about Orochimaru's approach.

"The only solution is to request the daimyo to increase the supply of materials to Konoha, especially food."

"In recent years, harvests haven't been bountiful, and the civilians in the Land of Fire are struggling with food shortages. Furthermore, the rations consumed by ninjas are more refined and expensive than regular food. While Konoha can sustain itself, if it has to subsidize Ame, it must reduce the supplies to its own population. This subsidy can last at most three months."

Danzo analyzed and said.

"Three months is too short, it won't do." Orochimaru said hoarsely.

Orochimaru's biggest fear was that they couldn't evade fight Suna in the war. Soon, he devised a plan and said to Danzo:

"In that case, let the village purchase grain from neighboring countries, even rough grains will do. As long as they are edible, we will pay for them, and these rough foods can be used to sustain Ame."

Though Orochimaru was aware that this would pose a significant financial challenge to Konoha, and repeatedly seeking funds from the daimyo might invite criticism, he had no better options at the moment.

Konoha was deeply entrenched in the Land of Rain's battlefield and couldn't function without Ame's support. If they lost Ame as an ally, Suna would immediately advance with its army, breaching the boundaries of the Land of Fire.

Hearing Orochimaru's proposal, Danzo understood that it was the best solution under the circumstances and nodded.

"Alright, I'll handle it. I'll contact Hiruzen right away."

As he prepared to exit the tent, Orochimaru's voice called out from behind:

"Also, have the village send more Hyuga ninjas. I need their assistance with their Byakugan. With this situation, it's better to confront any potential scandals head-on; even if they intend to cover them up, it's already too late."


Shiraishi, who was far away in the Land of Demons, had temporarily shifted his focus away from the ninja world and was engaged in crucial research within his laboratory.

In a massive glass container filled with a green solution, there lay a vibrant red entity resembling a biological heart, peacefully suspended within, basking in the rich natural energy permeating the cultivation tank.

"Shiraishi-sama's ability for creating clones is indeed unique."

Perched on Shiraishi's shoulder, Katsuyu gazed at the fiery red flesh, brimming with vitality, in the glass container, expressing admiration.

Within this container, a new Shiraishi clone was being cultivated.

"It's nothing special. I feel that my ninja abilities are lacking, so I must explore alternative methods to increase my combat capabilities."

Shiraishi smiled modestly.

"Is this clone of the Fire element? I sense fiery energy emanating from this heart."


"However, I see only a heart in the container. Is it possible that this is a clone that could move without a body?"

"Well, the Fire clone's body is quite unique. For now, I've only created its 'core,' infusing it with soul and life. I'm in no hurry to provide it with a body."

Katsuyu might not understand all the details, but she sensed the extraordinariness of this heart. This unborn Fire clone possessed its own distinct system, much like the other clones.

"By the way, Katsuyu, let me ask you a question."

"What is it?"

"If I were to fuse the chakra of all Nine Tailed Beasts and merge them together, could I develop a portion of the Ten-Tails' power?"

Shiraishi had a thought and asked with keen interest. He held several white claw fragments in his hand, which were valuable experimental products sent by Ayane from the Land of Earth—the claws of the Two-Tails.

Currently, Shiraishi had collected the chakra of three Tailed Beasts: the One-Tail, the Two-Tails, and the mighty Nine-Tails. This sparked an audacious idea in Shiraishi's mind. Could the Nine-Tails' chakra be used to recreate the Ten-Tails?

Upon hearing Shiraishi's rather far-fetched question, Katsuyu was stunned for a while. Then, she responded thoughtfully:

"I cannot say for certain, but the chakra of the nine tailed beasts represents only a fraction of the Ten-Tails' power. Attempting to replicate the Ten-Tails' strength using just the chakra of the nine tailed beasts would likely be impossible."

"I see."

Shiraishi nodded, realizing that his idea might have been somewhat whimsical.

Nevertheless, the' chakra of the tailed beasts was a valuable resource for his clone research. These powerful materials held great potential for Sharingan and Byakugan. They might contribute to the evolution of these pupil abilities.

Nonetheless, Shiraishi's research on the Tailed Beasts was progressing slowly. This fact was evident from the scene before them:

In addition to the fiery heart of the Fire clone, there were two huge glass containers.

One contained the sandy-colored, human-sized tail immersed in a liquid. The other held a tail of the same size, but it was an orange-red color with small, bubble-like chakra formations. These were the tails of the One-Tail and the Nine-Tails, respectively.

Progressing from the initial chakra mass, it had taken over a year to achieve these forms.

Furthermore, the more they cultivated, the more challenging it became. Shiraishi conservatively estimated that, at the current rate of growth, it would take a minimum of two hundred years to fully reproduce the One-Tail and the Nine-Tails.