Chapter 174: 170: Bait

Name:Escape From Konoha Author:
Chapter 174: 170: Bait

Within the infirmary of Konoha's camp in the Land of Grass, a medical ninja diligently attended to Minato's injury.

"Minato-san, could you please tell me how you got your arm injury?"

After conducting some examinations, the medical ninja from the medical unit hesitated for a moment, evidently having doubts about Minato's arm injury.

"What's the problem? Didn't this injury come from the Gentle Fist?"

Before Minato could respond, Jiraiya, who stood nearby, had already asked. Minato was not only his disciple but also the sole Konoha ninja who could turn the tide in the Land of Grass.

Minato had just engaged in a fierce battle against the rogue ninja Hyuga Ayane, and his return with injuries had surprised Jiraiya. From Jiraiya's view, Minato's bleeding arm seemed to be a result of the enemy's Gentle Fist technique.

"Jiraiya-sama, with all due respect, Minato-san's arm wasn't injured by the Gentle Fist at all."


"Yes, Minato-san's injury was caused by some form of Wind Release ninjutsu, which has inflicted severe damage to both the bones and chakra pathways in his arm."

The medical ninja nodded with confidence. Konoha's medical records included numerous cases of injuries from the Gentle Fist, and none of them resembled Minato's arm injury.

Injuries resulting from taijutsu and ninjutsu were vastly different, and experienced medical ninjas could readily distinguish between them. This certainty made it clear that Minato's arm injury wasn't due to the Gentle Fist.

"Minato, what happened?"

Jiraiya also asked with utmost seriousness.

"...It's related to my new ninjutsu." Minato responded with a calm expression.


"Yes, I incorporated Wind Release chakra transformation into the Rasengan... but the jutsu isn't perfected, so the resulting side effects....."

"That's understandable." The medical ninja knowingly nodded. "However, it's advisable not to use this wind ninjutsu in the future. Using it repeatedly may result in your right arm losing the ability to utilize chakra."

"Is it that serious?"

Minato was surprised. Although he knew his new jutsu carried some risks, he hadn't anticipated such a severe drawback.

"Minato-san isn't a medical ninja, so it's natural not to be aware of these risks. Even Tsunade-sama would issue a similar warning after diagnosing you herself. If possible, it's better to seal this forbidden jutsu, which could cause significant harm to one's body." The medical ninja sighed.

Judging from the injury to Minato's arm, the severity and danger of the Wind Release jutsu he had used became apparent.

Although it was powerful and could deter enemies when combined with the Flying Thunder God, the high price Minato paid for its use made it not worth it in the eyes of medical ninjas.

"If I were to use a Shadow Clone instead of my main body for this jutsu, would it still be risky?" Minato with his flexible mindset, quickly came up with a clever idea.

The medical ninja momentarily stunned, then nodded, "It's a plausible solution. However, based on the extent of the injury to Minato-san arm, it's likely to be quite challenging to control this forbidden jutsu using a Shadow Clone."

"The village needs my strength right now. Regardless of the difficulty, I'll choose to overcome it. Thank you for your advice." Minato responded earnestly after rising from his chair.

"This is my duty and responsibility as a doctor. The situation in the Land of Grass remains stable, thanks to Minato Jonin's ability to turn the tide."

The medical ninja was flattered and held a deep admiration for Minato.

A person of exceptional character, striking appearance, humility, remarkable strength, the capacity to lead in every battle, and the ability to navigate enemy territory with minimal injury. These qualities caused many young Konoha ninjas to look up to Minato as their role model.

This year, the Konoha troops stationed in the Land of Grass had managed to counter their disadvantage in battles with Iwagakure. Most of the credit for this turnaround went to Minato. Even so, he had managed to maintain his humility and composure, earning the trust of many and inspiring them to place their lives in his hands.

As they exited the infirmary, Jiraiya took a moment to say to Minato.

"Minato, I've given it a lot of thought, and I've come to a decision."

"Jiraiya-sensei, what have you been thinking?"

"You can become the second-in-command." Jiraiya said with great seriousness.

"Second-in-command?" Minato's expression froze, surprised by Jiraiya's proposition.

"Given your strength and the illustrious accomplishments you've achieved so far, nobody below will have any objections."


"Don't rush to refuse. I just want to ask you, Minato, do you still recall telling me your dream to become Hokage?" Jiraiya looked equally serious.

Minato nodded.

"Becoming Hokage isn't an easy feat. I'm not particularly interested in the position of Hokage, but I can pave the way for you to reach that position. Your ambition is mature now, and you possess the capability to compete with Orochimaru. Moreover, Sarutobi-sensei is aware of your accomplishments and highly values your talent. He's already listed your name among the candidates for the Fourth Hokage."

After listening to Jiraiya's words, Minato understood that Jiraiya was helping him in his own way.

The path to becoming Hokage wasn't without its challenges, it required not just strength but also a solid reputation and support from the masses. Minato had gained recognition as the "Yellow Flash" on the Iwa battlefield, but compared to Orochimaru, one of the Sannin, he still lacked the same level of recognition and support.

So, Jiraiya's appointment of him as the deputy commander was a form of training for his leadership skills. The task ahead was to transform the people here into his supporters, a task that would depend on his ability to seize opportunities in the future.

"Thank you, Jiraiya-sensei. I'll do my best."

"Of course, no need to thank me. It's my duty as your sensei. You just focus on pursuing your dreams, and the rest, I'll handle for you." Jiraiya assured him with a pat on the shoulder.

"Will Orochimaru-sama be okay with this?" Minato was concerned that Jiraiya's support might strain Jiraiya's friendship with Orochimaru.

"Of course, it's fine. Orochimaru and I have been friends for years, and our relationship is quite strong. He won't let something like this affect our friendship." Jiraiya smiled as he reassured Minato.

There was something unspoken, however. Jiraiya didn't anticipate Minato rising to become the Fourth Hokage in the competition.

The gap in reputation and support between Minato and Orochimaru was too great.

Orochimaru had been noticed by high-ranking officials since the previous Ninja World War and was being vigorously groomed as the Fourth Hokage.

Jiraiya's true intention was to prepare Minato to become the Fifth Hokage. Once Orochimaru retired from the position of the Fourth Hokage, there would be no ninja in their generation capable of competing with Minato, guaranteeing him the position of the Fifth Hokage. Jiraiya had conceived of this plan since his arrival in the Land of Grass, and he was genuinely pleased.

"However, I don't know when the official for the Fourth Hokage will take place. For now, our focus is on winning this war."

Minato was about to respond when his expression changed slightly.

"What's wrong? Is it related to the aftereffects of that treatment?" Jiraiya noticed Minato's changed expression and thought there might be a health concern.

"No..... it's not that. It's about the Flying Thunder God mark I engraved on Hyuga Ayane's wrist. It's disappeared, and I can't sense her location anymore." Minato's face became more serious.

"What? The Flying Thunder God mark..." Jiraiya was equally shocked.

He was well aware of the power of the Flying Thunder God mark. Once engraved, it meant that you would be pursued by the jutsu for life. Even he, as one of the Sannin, couldn't have such a mark removed.

In the entire Konoha, there were no more than few individuals capable of removing the Flying Thunder God mark.

"I'm sorry, Jiraiya-sensei. I made a mistake. I thought I could track them at any time by using the Flying Thunder God mark, but I didn't expect it to be removed so quickly... I may not get such a good opportunity again." Minato expressed his frustration and sighed.

"It's alright. The other party isn't an ordinary ninja. You see, the Hyuga clan's Caged Bird Seal has been broken, and they likely have ninja skilled in breaking seale." Jiraiya patted Minato on the shoulder, trying to console him.

Even so, it was still a pity. The deed was done, and ruminating over it now would only add to his own burdens.

"Even so, this was a result of my personal mistake. I will take care of the patrol duty, and the others will only be sacrificing their lives in vain if they're sent on it." Minato swiftly recovered from his frustration.

Jiraiya didn't refuse, for, as Minato had said, he was the only one capable of handling patrol duties. Sending other teams would be risking their lives needlessly.

"Kakashi is currently injured and unable to partake in battles now. You're missing a capable leader. While the boy named Obito has awakened his Sharingan, he's still inexperienced in using it. For now, focus on establishing our base here at the camp. I'll reassign a few jounin to form a temporary patrol team for you."

Minato nodded in agreement.

Battling an extremely dangerous S-rank rogue was risky, even for him. Obito and Rin, who were chunin, would be at a significant disadvantage in such a battle, and they could be killed within seconds.

As for Kakashi..... even though he had the strength of a jonin, he was lying in the hospital currently and couldn't leave for at least a week. Minato was left with no choice but to reselect his team and carry out patrol duties.


In Kakashi's ward:

All he wanted was to preserve this moment in his memory forever.

It was then that he realized why he liked Rin so deeply.


He heard Rin's voice. But in that peaceful moment, he hardly registered her calls. Instead, he continued looking in her direction, a faint smile on his lips.


Her gentle and concerned voice reached him again, and it was as though he had awakened from a dream.

"Huh? What's the matter, Rin?" Obito replied, finally coming to his senses. At some point, Rin had approached him.

"I've been trying to get your attention for a while, but you seemed lost in thought." she said, concern etched on her face.

"Ah..., I was just thinking about my training." Obito replied, feeling a bit embarrassed to admit he had been captivated by simply watching Rin.

"It's about time to eat. Let's go."

"Okay, I'll clean up my things."

Obito walked to the side and began picking up the items he had brought for his training.

While he was picking up his things, Rin suddenly let out a panicked scream from behind.

"Ah! What's this!?"

Obito was startled by her shout and turned to see that the ground beneath her feet had transformed into a soft swamp, steadily engulfing her.

"Oh no! Rin, grab my hand. I'll pull you out!"

Obito shouted, rushing to Rin's side and extending his hand to help her out. It was a sudden and unexpected development, but Obito's reflexes kicked in, and he reached for her. However, the invisible swamp had an overwhelming suction force. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't lift Rin out.

"Don't let go, Rin!"

Obito exerted all his strength, his face flushing red, but Rin continued to sink. Frustration and fear crept over him. He knew he couldn't free her from the powerful grip of the swamp.

So, Obito had no other choice but to move forward, attempting to grab her wrist and secure a better hold on her.

The invisible swamp had other plans, though, and no matter how hard Obito struggled, he couldn't save her.

'If it continues like this, me and Obito will be dragged under and get captured by the enemy. '

In a courageous yet heartbreaking act, Rin released Obito's fingers, allowing the swamp to swallow her. The last thing she saw was the panic on Obito's face. She disappeared into the swamp, and darkness consumed her.

Obito had no other choice but to try to follow her. He couldn't let Rin face the danger alone.

"Rin, wait for me!"

Rin's body sank deeper into the swamp, and abruptly vanished.

Rin was gone, and he was alone in the forest.

Obito felt numb, and the warmth of her touch still lingered on his fingers. His chest constricted as he realized that Rin had been taken away by some unknown ninjutsu.

He didn't know whether she was alive or dead.

"What happened?"

Two Konoha Anbu, identifiable by their animal masks, arrived swiftly, alerted by the commotion and cries for help.

Rushing to the location, they found Obito with his lower body still immersed in the swamp, desperate and in need of assistance.

"Help! Hurry, save Rin! She's been captured!" .


The Anbu appeared bewildered and startled by his distress.

"Rin has been captured? Who's Rin?"

"You're a member of the Uchiha clan. Please explain the situation to Jiraiya-sama first. If your comrade was captured by the enemy, Jiraiya-sama will deal with the situation."

"Yes, Jiraiya-sensei." Obito responded, his eyes filled with determination.

He was Minato's student, and Minato was Jiraiya's disciple. Even if Minato wasn't here now, his relationship should ensure that Jiraiya will help Rin.


Nohara Rin had been taken away.

The incident didn't create much commotion in the camp since she was a relatively an unremarkable medic ninja from Konoha.

The main concern was that an unknown enemy could bypass the protective barrier of the camp and abduct a ninja directly, highlighting their exceptional stealth abilities. This was closely associated with Iwas Earth Release Stealth technique.

The swamp ninjutsu used in Rin's abduction was reminiscent of "Earth Release - Swamp of the underworld."

All signs pointed to the culprit being from Iwagakure, although there was no concrete evidence.

It was puzzling that they had chosen to abduct a medical ninja like Rin instead of someone like Obito with the Sharingan. Could it be related to her medical ninjutsu abilities? Regardless, it was unclear how a single medic ninja's abduction could be strategically valuable.

Nevertheless, Jiraiya dispatched a search team to locate Rin. Out of duty and affection, he was determined to capture the cunning enemy and rescue Rin.

"Still no leads? That's unfortunate."

Jiraiya said after several days, acknowledging the search team's best efforts.

He understood that despite their diligence, there were no traces of information to follow. It was possible that Rin had been taken to a remote, unknown location or had met an unfortunate fate. Continuing the search would require significant resources and manpower.

Jiraiya chose to give up on the search during this crucial phase of the battle with Iwagakure. Although he wanted to help Obito, the lives of thousands of Konoha ninja were at stake, and he couldn't afford to allocate more search teams to an unknown fate.

After all, Rin was just a medic ninja. Even if the enemy attempted to extract information from her, she wouldn't possess any valuable intelligence. The likelihood of recovering her was slim.

"What? Giving up?" Obito's body stiffened as he heard Jiraiya's order.

"Yes, after several days with no news, the young girl named Rin has likely..." The Chunin delivering the message hesitated, but Obito interrupted with a yell.

"Rin won't die!"

Obito's two tomoe Sharingan bore into the Chunin, making the Chunin's heart beat wildly.

What scary eyes.

"In short, let's end this, there's no point in continuing the search. And Jiraiya-sama is in a meeting right now, so it is useless looking for him. Be careful in the future, and don't make the same mistake again."

The Chunin muttered to himself as he left, "What annoying eyes. Those Uchiha guys have got to be out of their minds. They wouldn't consider betraying the village otherwise."

Once the Chunin left, Obito gritted his teeth and headed outside. He was determined to meet with Jiraiya.

Rin had to be rescued, and Obito was ready to plead on his knees if necessary.

"Didn't you hear what that person said? Jiraiya-sama is in a meeting, and Rin isn't a priority, so they don't want to expend more resources. It's a matter of course. During war, casualties and disappearances are inevitable." Kakashi, who was recovering, remarked pragmatically.

On the battlefield, he had witnessed countless instances of life and death.

"Ka- Rin... is our comrade! How can you give up so easily? Even if it's just me, I will bring Rin back!"

Obito's fists clenched, and his Sharingan blazed with unprecedented determination. If the village wasn't going to help, he was going to deal with this on his own and rescue Rin.


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