Chapter 925 Inviting Kaguya

Chapter 925 Inviting Kaguya

Maria's eyes lit up as she read the results herself. "Positive," she breathed, a mixture of joy and wonder in her voice.

Rudy closed the reports and set them aside, focusing his attention fully on Maria. "Positive," he echoed, his voice filled with happiness. "You know what this means, right?"

Maria nodded, her eyes shining with excitement. "Yeah, it means we're going to be parents."

Rudy and Maria looked at each other with excitement and happiness, their hands instinctively finding each other's.

They shared a sweet and joyful kiss, reveling in the news that they were going to become parents. Rudy's eyes sparkled with affection as he looked at Maria. "Can you believe it? We're going to have a baby." Fôll0w current novÊls on n/o/(v)/3l/b((in).(co/m)

Maria's face lit up with joy, her heart brimming with emotions. "I know, it's incredible. I can't believe I'm going to be a mom."

As the joyous news of Maria's pregnancy sank in, Rudy and Maria shared a tight embrace, their happiness palpable. Laughter and smiles filled the air, a celebration of their new journey together.

Amidst their celebration, Kaguya approached them, her presence bringing a brief pause to their happiness. She offered an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry to interrupt your happy moment, but there's one more thing I need to give you." Kaguya held out another report, a slightly amused glint in her eyes.

Rudy took the report, his curiosity piqued. "Is this...?"

Kaguya nodded. "Yes, this is the favor you asked for. I managed to get it done quickly."

Rudy's eyes lit up with gratitude. "Thank you, Kaguya. You're a lifesaver."

With a small smile, Kaguya nodded. "Alright, then. I'll see you both at the main gate. Enjoy the rest of your celebration!"

As Kaguya turned to head back into the hospital, Rudy exchanged a satisfied look with Maria. Their invitation had been accepted, and they were looking forward to a delightful dinner in each other's company, celebrating the joyous news of their pregnancy with a friend who had unexpectedly become a part of their evening plans.

Rudy and Maria stepped into the elevator, their fingers intertwined as they shared excited smiles. The elevator descended swiftly, and the numbers on the display panel dropped as they neared the ground floor. As the doors slid open, they walked out and headed towards the parking area.

Maria's gaze flickered to the spot where they had parked the car earlier, but her brow furrowed in confusion when she realized it was no longer there. Panic momentarily flitted across her features, and she turned to Rudy, her voice slightly shaky. "Rudy, where's the car? Did someone steal it?"

Rudy chuckled softly, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "No need to worry, Maria. I activated the car's automatic parking feature. It's on its way to pick us up right now."

Maria's eyes widened in surprise, and a mix of amazement and relief replaced her initial panic. "Wait, seriously? The car can come to us on its own?"

Rudy grinned at her reaction. "Yep, that's one of its nifty features. I thought it would be a fun surprise. Let's wait a moment; you'll see."

As they stood by the parking area, a faint humming sound grew louder, and within moments, the sleek, luxurious car glided into view. It smoothly maneuvered around the corners and parked right in front of them, its sleek black exterior gleaming under the artificial lights.

Maria's jaw dropped, and she looked at the car in disbelief. "That's incredible! I've never seen anything like it!"

Rudy opened the door for her, gesturing towards the interior with a flourish. "After you, my lady."

Maria giggled, playfully swatting his arm before stepping into the car. Rudy followed suit, settling into the passenger's seat as the doors closed with a soft whirr. With a grin, Maria activated the ignition, and the car purred to life.

As they pulled away from the parking area, Maria couldn't help but marvel at the car's advanced features. "You really know how to surprise me, Rudy."

He chuckled at her, his focus on the road. "Just wait until you see what else this baby can do. Our evening is just getting started."