Chapter 993 Rudy's Secret Harbinger

993 Rudy's Secret Harbinger

"Do you perhaps know who Rudy's biological parents are?"

Jane paused her fruit-picking for a moment, and her eyes held a trace of sadness as she responded, "No, that is a mystery even I can't unravel. Rudy's origins are one of the few things hidden from my sight. It seems the universe has its secrets, even from me."

Jane, while gently collecting fruits, hesitated for a moment. Her gaze shifted to the horizon as if pondering the depths of her knowledge. Finally, she spoke, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "Well, there is one little something about Rudy's past that's incomplete. It's about his mother.""

Rebecca's curiosity was piqued. "Incomplete? What is it?"

Jane hesitated for a moment before responding, "Honestly, Rebecca, it's better if you don't know. That's one piece of information that, if revealed, would change the dynamics of Rudy's harem."

Rebecca's expression shifted from curiosity to confusion. "How could knowing about Rudy's mother change anything? I don't understand."

Jane hesitated for a moment, gauging Rebecca's understanding. But before she could respond, Rebecca mumbled something almost to herself, connecting the dots. Her eyes widened as realization dawned.

"Wait... you're saying that Rudy's mother is someone we all know? Someone we've interacted with?"

Jane nodded solemnly, confirming Rebecca's deduction. "Yes, Rebecca, his mother is indeed someone from Rudy's harem itself."

Rebecca pondered the implications of this revelation, and a somber realization settled upon her. Jane's wisdom in withholding this knowledge became clear. Unveiling Rudy's mother's identity could alter the dynamics of his harem, and not necessarily for the better. The mysteries of the past held secrets, and sometimes, it was better to let those secrets remain hidden.

With the basket of Red Moon Fruits filled, Rebecca couldn't help but wonder aloud, "If you know about Rudy's mother, then Rudy must know about her too, right?"


The girl's frown deepened as she regarded the kid, an unspoken question in her eyes. "Why did you extract Rudy's memories and create a memory seed?" she asked. Her voice was filled with a mix of curiosity and concern as she inquired, "Are you planning to give it to his next reincarnation?"

The kid, standing before her, shook his head solemnly. "No, not quite," he explained. "I wanted to make sure Rudy finds peace in his eternal slumber, free from the weight of his negative memories. This orb in my hand contains an overwhelming amount of sorrow, regret, and despair. If anyone else were to inherit these memories, it would likely drive them to madness or even self-destruction."

As the girl listened to his words, her expression softened with understanding. "I see," she said, realizing the weight of such a burden. "So, you wanted to make sure that Rudy's ghost is not formed from these memories, like it happened with Asura."

"Indeed," the kid nodded.

The girl brought her hand closer and said, "Give it to me."

With a reluctant gesture, the kid handed the dark orb to the girl. Her eyes locked onto it, and she understood her duty. With a deep breath, she closed her hand around the shadowy orb, and with incredible power, she crushed it in her palm. The orb disintegrated, fading into nothingness, its malevolent memories erased forever.

However, unbeknownst to the girl, the kid concealed something in his other hand. A white, glowing orb, delicate and radiant, contained all of Rudy's happiest memories. He had extracted these memories with utmost care, preserving each moment of joy, love, and laughter that Rudy had experienced throughout his existence.

It was this kid, unseen and acting from the shadows, who had guided Rudy through countless trials and sown the seeds of success that Rudy often attributed to luck, fate, and destiny. Now, he held these precious memories in his grasp, ready to ensure they found their way to Rudy's next incarnation when the time was right.

And just like that 50,000 years had passed.

A/N- The next chapter will be the last chapter of this arc. After that, the final arc begins.