Chapter 350 The Dragon Empire I

Up within the skies, her eyes were lined up on a young man pristinely covered up within a white robe. Elegant and divine in nature, with long gray hair cascading down his back, and golden eyes briming with an intense glow wisdom and intellect.

Just his gaze on her gave her the feeling that she was laid bare right before his eyes. That everything about her, was already known by him!!

All that, and his young appearance, made him the most handsome entity she's come across in both lifetimes, and Mirai's memories. Not even the handsome silver prince, rumored to rival those above, could hold a candle against him!!

"Uhm, young miss, would you perhaps put on something more descent first?" The young man spoke, his magnetic voice pulling her deeper into him, almost drowning her serenity.

"...Huh?" Almost, though. As she exclaimed out in confusion, not hearing a word he just uttered. Thus left her embarrassed and ashamed of herself. 'My chances is going to slip by me..!!'

"I said... can you please, put on something descent?" Not minding her antics, Teach repeated himself, sighing in exasperation. All the more reason for him to see this lass as quite immature.

"Ah, ye–yes!! Sorry..." Mirai responded in more embarrassment, manifesting divine power to materialize into a white dress, which fluently held onto her figure. "Do–Done. Now, uhm, sir... how, how can I help you?" She asked..

As for the dress? This was a small trick she learned after becoming a goddess once more. Any god could apparently create things through Divine power, which was amazing in and of itself.

Unfortunately, things created by Divine power, will fluctuate between stable and unstable depending on the condition of the god that made them. For example, without Divine power, the dress on her body would vanish.

With low Divine power, it will be transparent, such and such. Either way, Mirai looked up at Teach once more, and meekly awaited his judgment of her situation. 'Will he take me in?' She thought, in high expectations for such reality.

After all, with guidance, she believed she would reach higher Realms of power even faster than before. She might even get protection from the silver dragon prince.

"...I'm impressed. To believe that such things were possible, despite gods governing over reincarnation." Teach said, his words particularly not directed at anyone. He was just genuinely surprised at Mirai's condition.

After all, with his weak realm of power, he could not full access the Law of Knowledge. In fact, as a perfected Demigod, he only had 8% influence out of 100% of the Law, which inhibited his access to its power.

Even though he was technically the main concept of Knowledge throughout Great Terra.

This allowed him the ability to collect information through the remnants of the words spoken, prevelant within the air. Hence where he got most of his knowledge about Mirai and her stupidity.

But now that she was directly in front of him, and weaker than him, the Law was capable of giving him all the information about her that he required. And amongst these informations, the fact that she was an anomaly stuck with him.

"E–Excuse exalted one, may... may I know what amazes you?" Mirai asked, pitting herself as a servant before him and bowed. After all, she knew from her novel reading experience how to satisfy powerful people.

But that, only made Teach more certain of the knowledge obtained by his Law. "Smart move." And thus he praised, causing Mirai to subconsciously wag her tail in excitement.

But then, his next set of words had all the excitement transition to dread. Pure undulated dread. "But the real Mirai isn't smart. You threw yourself off the bridge, young miss." He added, causing Mirai's blood to run cold.


'Did he find out?!' She exclaimed in fright, already sweating buckets. 'Doee he know the previous Mirai?! What, what should I do?! Escape?!  No, that won't work. Then what?! What am I supposed to do?!' She panicked, trembling in her boots.

"...Calm down, I'm not here to hurt you. And though the concept of transmigration is rare to come across, it's not really that strange considering there are gods of reincarnation spread throughout Terra." Teach said, helping sooth her nerves.

He also used Reiki, and helped her thoughts enter serenity. His Law effects were enough, but Reiki was more comfortable. Especially for her growth. "So calm down, child. You're in safe hands with me." He added.


Mirai felt her turbulent emotions settle down, and her dread receding. It was that feeling again. The same feeling that calmed her down not too long ago. 'What... what is this power? It's terrifying!!' She thought.

If this man could calm her down by force, then he could probably do the opposite easily. Was he easily manipulating the emotions of a pseudo Greater Deity Emperor? Such gall!!

"Anyhow, now that you've worn something descent, let us have a talk." Teach ignored all the information of her thoughts transmitted to him, and went straight to business.

Time was of the essence.

"Yes!!" Mirai stood at attention and nervously listened to his words. Her eyes darted around and avoided his, as if a lost man searching for salvation. Or a lamb searching for a way home.

But then, something clicked to her, and she froze in realization. Her manners. How could she let such an exalted being remain standing in the air like this? Presumptuous of her!!

"No no, it's fine. I'm not here to stay. At least, not for too long, that is. Hence if anything, I want to give you a chance." He said, surprising Mirai greatly, as she looked up at him in stupor. "A... chance?" She repeated his last words.

Was this my golden finger? Is it finally here?! After three hundred years of waiting?! She exclaimed to herself, expectantly awaiting his words in high expectations.

Meanwhile, though finding her thoughts quite funny, Teach did not go against them. Nor did he agree to them. "Yes, a chance. Within the next coming decade, I'll give you a chance, and guide you through prosperity."

"If you succeed, you will have our full blown support. I'll give you and your close ones blessings from above, and a chance to attain unbelievable power. But if you fail, I'll sell you to those willing to buy legendary pets." He said, his tone apathetic.

He did not really intend to sell her even if she failed, but sometimes, threats were necessary to give people the driving force to keep moving forward even when they could not move.

Plus, her talents were already those of a High Favored. Spending 300 years to cross sixteen Realms was wild. In fact, if she put her all into it, she could actually defeat perfected Greater Deity Emperors.

She was unrivaled and a monster even amongst the three powerhouses of the current Mortal Realms. Be it the Demon Faction, the Holy Faction, or the Divine Faction, she would be a jewel to either one.

Perhaps this was her golden finger.

'Yet if I nurture her well enough, she might be able to breakthrough faster, and gain even greater strength. After all, guidance from me, is as good as experiencing a +10 to one's innate potential.' He thought to himself.

Hence the higher one's potential, the greater they would score under his tutorship. And this lass, could finally experience the bonus of being revered as a protagonists under him!!

"...Fine by me!!" Mirai responded after a moment of conflicting thoughts. At the end, she chose to bet on the chance given to her, as she believed passing this test, would be her one way ticket to reaching the peak!!

And once the peak was reached, she would not have to worry about anyone coming to kill her. She could finally do as she pleases, and rid herself of the previous Mirai's reputation. 'I'll take the chance!!' She hyped herself up.

What's success without risks?!

"Very good. I like the enthusiasm." Teach nodded, a brief smile hanging on his lips. "Starting from today, I will start teaching you and guiding through the paths of power. You will have three major lessons."

"Rulership, Ascension and History of the three Factions. You can choose to spend twenty months on Rulership and History of the forces ruling the mortal worlds, or dedicate two months to both every year of the coming decade."

"The choice is yours. The rest we will be learning about ascending, and properly fixing your foundation." He concluded, his words leaving Mirai floating in the air in shock. Shock and a dash of regret.

'Le–Lessons? Lessons in a fantasy-x-mythological world? That's... that's blasphemous!!' She thought in complaint, but obediently nodded her head in response to Teach's words. "Yes sir... teacher?"

"Mhm. Call me whatever it is that you like. But make sure that if you will consider me your teacher, you should act like a student through and through." He said, flying down towards the central region. "Calm your people, and come down for training. We begin now."

Mirai nodded, and did as instructed, then return a few moments later. And training immediately began for her. They decided to start the first two years learning Rulership and History of the current forces of the mortal worlds.

And these lessons were relatively fine, especially as someone proficient in guiding others was teaching, and a genius was learning. It only took them only a year to cover up everything.

"Impressive, no doubt. For your mind to be able to contain all this knowledge pertaining to Outer creatures in just a year is indeed amazing. I'll give you praise for that." Teach praised, looking at the content Mirai before him.