v2 Chapter 907: Divine Comedy

"Do n’t, Green Emperor, do n’t be excited, do n’t be embarrassed. Do n’t lift your mouth. Your singing voice is truly unique in the sky and no one can match. You are already the greatest singer. Hold on, you must Hold on. Keep the perfect image of your singer. "

Ye Zhiqiu's foot was a cricket, and he almost fell to the ground.

Since the Green Emperor was thrilled, he still had to sing a song. What the **** was this, then the fruit was too serious. It's too serious.

It's just torture like hell.

That kind of scene, as long as you try once, will never want to experience the second time.

"Yes, Green Emperor, you are already invincible. You are an artist in a singer. You must have the support of an artist. You see, that top artist will perform casually and show his voice. Your wonderful singing voice should be cherished. It should be protected. How can you show it to others at will? It's too cheap for them. "

Lu Zhi said without hesitation.

"That's right, the master is lonely and should be independent." Fu Hongxue said decisively.

He didn't want to teach the Green Emperor's voice anymore. Others sing for money, the green emperor sings terribly.

Definitely not ordinary horror.

"Yeah, my emperor is so lonely like snow. It is because of loneliness that I need to find more acquaintances. Although my singing has reached its peak, I am alone and I also need to be restrained, but I am really lonely. I can't restrain the emotion of showing my singing voice. Moreover, the emperor recently got a Divine Comedy, which is just right for the mood now. It will definitely let everyone understand the emperor's mood. "

The green emperor heard that people stood up and looked up at the void. There seemed to be a wind blowing green hair. The look and the expression were completely lonely like snow, or green snow. When he heard loneliness, he felt more lonely and needed to know.

The heights are extremely cold, and the companionship is the most perfect.

"Old man, why are you talking about loneliness, what is loneliness? Lonely. Now it is over, persuasion has no effect, but the idea of ​​singing a song is more firm. This is what makes me die."

Ye Zhiqiu heard that there was a trance at his feet, and he could not help but feel miserable in his mind, and then looked at Fu Hongxue with a very grievous glance. Before they persuaded, it was fine. The Green Emperor is planning to hold back, you come to a loneliness, no holding back. What a terrible thing.

When Yueyue and Lianxing heard it, their faces changed greatly.

In the sunset city, I know a lot about the legend of the green emperor. Whenever I mention the green emperor, no matter who it is, it is a dog-faced expression. The dread, which is expressed in words, is not revealed come out.

I have a certain understanding of the horrible singing of the Green Emperor.

According to rumors, many people who have heard the Green Emperor sing have the urge to hit their heads against the wall.

That's no ordinary horror.

"Dear viewers, everyone Tianjiao, I look forward to the appearance of the confidante, and I will sing and sing this perfect art with the emperor.

The green emperor strode forward, came to the side of the Tongtian River, glanced at the Tianjiao of the people around him, and also looked at Yongye Tianjiao opposite. The whole look and expression became unconsciously more focused. This kind of concentration, no matter who sees it, will be respectful.

Only by focusing can we achieve remarkable results in a certain item.

"What the hell, will a dog sing, or a moldy dog?"

"Aboriginal is Aboriginal, dogs can sing, will other races not sing?"

Even though Yongye Tianjiao retreated one after another by Yi Tianxing, his face was ugly, and he was still attracted by the emperor's actions. Then a bit of contempt was born in my heart.

Yi Tianxing heard that the steady pace almost appeared a **** and fell to the ground. Subconsciously took out two jade cicadas and stuffed them into the ears first.

"Two mother-in-law, please put this jade cicada into your ear to avoid being struck by lightning."

Ye Zhiqiu quickly took out two pairs of jade cicadas and handed them to Yueyue Pingxing.

Now in order to prepare for the Green Emperor, as long as I know, I always wear a few pairs of jade cicadas, just in case, it just works.

"Come on, friends, try to close your ears, otherwise there will be a disaster."

Lu Zhishen quickly transmitted a message to the surrounding tribe Tianjiao.

Don't say now, he was afraid that someone would not help but want to kill the Green Emperor. After all, the idea of ​​the Green Emperor was lively. In the Dayi Dynasty, how many people had come to mind.

"what happened."

Zhuge Liang was also a little scratched at this time. It ’s just a dog. Although it looks strange and can speak humans, if you want to sing, just sing a few words. It ’s nothing. This is too weird.

"It's this evil dog."

Xiang Yu witnessed it, but thoughtfully. A secret thought came into his mind, and he remembered the picture when he saw the Green Emperor.

In the world ’s first martial arts conference, with the Green Emperor, it can be said that it was a mess, and participants who were bitten by dogs everywhere did not say that they were indirectly persecuted by the Green Emperor. Can his hands get out of control, and if his hands don't get out of control, can his clothes be stripped back then? Can you lose such a big face.

In retrospect, Xiang Yu's face didn't have any good looks.

But there is some fear of Green King. This is a dog of doom. Whoever wants to be followed by it will really have a terrible disaster. It's pretty scary.

Many people do not do it, but find it interesting.

No one thinks it dangerous to sing a dog.

Do not say these, but say Green Emperor, it has begun to become a fan.

With the hind feet on the ground, a person stood up, with a dog's paw on his chest, a dog's paw dancing in front of him, a singer's style, but how we felt a weird one. A dog, or a green dog singing here, the awkward feeling is always lingering.

"Please enjoy the Divine Comedy" 忐忑 "specially prepared for you by everyone."

"Oh oh

Oh oh


Ah hiss

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! "

Suddenly, a song came from the mouth of Green Emperor. As soon as this song appeared, suddenly, in the surroundings, the people who sang to the Green Emperor were somewhat proud, and the expression on their faces suddenly changed. Firstly, they were dumb, then they could n’t believe it, and then it was a pain, as if The appearance of being in purgatory is miserable, and life is better than death.

"What, what is this singing, my heart, my soul, my ears."

"Deaf, I'm going to be deaf. Let me be deaf. Hell."

"Magic sound, this is exactly the magic sound irritating, it is too scary and terrible. It is hellish torture. What the **** is this singing? I feel the whole body is trembling, the soul is trembling. I 忐忑what."

The people around Tianjiao couldn't help but screamed on the spot.

The body was trembling constantly, and the heart was really up and down for a moment.

The heart is beating, so is the body.

Many of Tianjiao's entire body twitched. It looked like a zombie, and it looked strange.

It was truly shocking.

And Yongye Tianjiao over there is also dumbfounded.

Immediately he began to hold his head and made a painful scream.

"Magic sound, magic sound. This is more terrible than the nasty guys of the Crow Spirit, but why my body is uncontrolled and starts to tremble."

"Quickly, quickly use the sonic method to defeat this magic sound. Otherwise, I feel really better than death."

"I have a Twilight Drum. Suppress it for me. Smash it for me."

Yongye Tianjiao is even miserable. Where have you heard such terrible songs one by one, is this still called singing? Before I heard what a green emperor is a singer, an artist, and I was curious about what a dog can sing, I couldn't help but concentrate my attention and started to listen. This was a complete hit. The body, the soul, are hopping.

Some Tianjiao's ears have begun to bleed. The soul was shaking.

Huh! !!

One Tianjiao took out a drum and beat it desperately, trying to suppress the song with the sound of the drum, but the penetration of that song was too powerful, so powerful that it made people scary. The stronger the drum sound, the greener The emperor thought he was accompaniing himself, and the singing became louder. That picture ~ www.novelhall.com ~ It's dark and miserable.

"Oh oh

Oh oh


Ah hiss

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! "

The Green Emperor's singing is still high, although it's just yucky, but he can hear a strange rhythm, and the rhythm is very strong. But the problem is that Green Emperor's voice is almost magical.

It swept through, really in hell.

Crackling! !!

As the Green Emperor's singing became more and more exhilarating and louder, I could see that a large number of Yongye Tianjiao started to shake involuntarily, and the feet were shaking, it looked like they were dancing break dance.

"Let me die."

Even in the face of Yongye Tianjiao, who did not give up despair before Yi Tianxing, I immediately felt that it was dark and all kinds of pain came. I yelled on the spot, holding my head, and rushed towards Tongtian River. , All of a sudden cast into the river.

"Ah, I can't take it anymore. Well, I'm so good. Let me die."

There was Yongye Tianjiao, who couldn't take it anymore, went crazy and jumped into Tongtianhe.

Compared with continuing to listen to the Green Emperor singing, they would rather choose to die. Moreover, he did not hesitate to commit suicide.

The side of the human race Tianjiao is also miserable, but they have tried to block their own hearing, but the effect is not great. The penetration of the song is too strong. It seems to be able to penetrate into the soul. If it is not to take care of each other, someone must vote now. The river committed suicide.

"not bad."

But in the middle of it, suddenly a very different kind of praise came out. Seems to appreciate the performance of this song. Absolutely wonderful, not as unbearable as hell. Can't hear it. ) Download Free Reader !!