Chapter 2019 Rocksoul

Chapter 2019 Rocksoul

Rocksoul had been a slave from a very early age. All he was ever called was either slave or pill boy. By the time the evil sect was destroyed and its prisoners free, he had long since forgotten what his own name was.

When it was finally time to name himself, he had decided to name himself Rocksoul, for a soul that would be as hard as a rock and never again feel any pain.

He had many other hardships throughout his life, his lack of understanding of various social cues got him in trouble many times. Most of the time, he liked staying away from people, cultivating on his own.

Still, he had to integrate into the society if he wanted to improve. He had managed to reach the Immortal realm, and from there he learned to read and write, which he used to his advantage.

Most information still cost a lot of money which he couldn't afford, so he was still left to his own devices. After many years of being on his own, always wary of other people so he didn't get enslaved again, he had never had anyone who could ever help him.

However, when he finally succumbed to pill poison and was then helped by Alex, he couldn't be ever more grateful.

Rocksoul made a vow to change his life around that day using the aid that Alex had given him. He went ahead and studied a lot, trying to never make the same mistake again.

He improved tremendously in the next 4 years, going from barely even knowing the names of most ingredients to knowing almost everything. He had developed a knack for recognizing ingredients after having worked most of his life as a slave in an alchemy garden. One wasn't treated well after making a mistake as a slave, so he had to force himself to learn this.

And that had helped him become a better alchemist in a few years.

In terms of making the pill itself, Rocksoul always could make good pills. What he really lacked were good recipes. After gaining recipes from Alex, he had managed to consistently make pills with over 50% harmony, many even reaching 60%.

After reaching such a level of expertise, he finally decided that it was time to fully turn his life around and took the exam to get an Alchemy license.

He passed.

Rocksoul had never thought that such a day would come. This day could not get any better. And then, that very night, he was proven wrong.

Alex walked into the guild and quickly walked up to one of the staff members, asking them where the guild master was. After letting them know who he was, the staff immediately went to get the guild master.

Alex didn't have to wait too long before the old bald man with a red mark on his face walked out to meet him.

"Young Dawnblade, what a surprise. I did not expect to see you here today," the man said as he sat across Alex. "Have you been well, guild master?" Alex asked.

"Yes, yes, very well," the guild master said. "Although, how have you been? I hear you didn't go to take the test. Anything wrong?" "No, nothing's wrong," Alex said. "I just didn't want to take the test is all. My store is doing well right now too and I see no reason to leave right away. I don't think I need to join that sect.'

"I suggest that you do," the old man said. "That is quite the opportunity you got," he said. "Anyway, tell me, have you given my suggestion any thought? I sure hope you came here to join our guild."

Alex gave an awkward smile. "Actually, it appears that I cannot join your guild, senior," he said.

"Cannot? Why not?" the old man asked. "Is Blackfrost stopping you?"

"No," Alex said. "I am just preparing to become a Supreme Alchemist, so it seems that I will need the approval of another 3 Supreme Alchemists who do not belong to my sect or guild. Which is why I cannot join your guild as I will need your approval."

The old man narrowed his eyes. "Who told you those requirements?" he asked.

"Guild master Blackfrost," Alex said. "Why? Are they wrong?"

"No..." the man said in an annoyed tone. "So you won't be joining us then."

"I'm afraid not," Alex said. "But I do hope I can get your approval for this. It is very important to me."

The old man nodded. "I'll think about it," he said. "You should return for now, I am quite busy today and can't entertain you any longer, I'm afraid."

"Oh! Is that so?" Alex asked. "I see, I will leave then. Please give my request some thought. The sooner I can become a Supreme Alchemist the better it is for me."

The old man nodded but did not say anything. As nothing more was there to be said, Alex left the guild.