Chapter 2033 The Other Side

Chapter 2033 The Other Side

Alex and Pearl walked out of the only open door of the four in the large white hall. Many people still spent their time on the other 3 doors that wouldn't open, but Alex didn't see any reason to try for himself.

He had done everything he could around those doors and was certain there had been hundreds of thousands of people before him who had tried something as well and failed.

If the Saber were hidden there, they would've been found a long time ago.

As Alex walked out of the large hall, he noticed a massive pristine white pathway before him. He looked around, noticing that the outside was just as large as any other secret realm.

This one was more well kept though, with forests that had been kept under control and open fields that had been trimmed properly.

"The Qi here is quite strong," Pearl mentioned. "Even more than back home."

"Yes," Alex said. "It is a very good place to stay and cultivate, but not as good as the Blue Silk sect though. That is a proper place."

Pearl nodded. "Where do we go now?" he asked. Alex looked at the large white pathway that led straight toward somewhere in the distance. He could see some large patches of gardens, a few large buildings, and a whole lot of people intending to find the treasures of the secret realm.

"We'll go to all the places we can go to," Alex said. "But before that, I need to check something."

He turned around, looking back at the white hall he had just come out of. Instead of going into the hall, he began walking around it, looking at the place from the outside.

He was not the only one with that idea as many people too did the same thing. They walked around the spherical hall from the outside, looking to see what rooms there were that the other 3 doors could lead to. To everyone's confusion, there were none. Those doors truly led nowhere.

'I couldn't sense any spatial shenanigans around those doors, and my eyes saw nothing out of the ordinary,' Alex thought. 'So are they really just normal doors?'

Alex made one loop around the outside of the hall and finally decided to give up on this weird obsession about the doors.

"There are places to go in that direction too. Where should we go first?" Pearl asked, pointing to the large expanse of land directly on the other side of where the opening to the hall was.

Alex chuckled. "No," he said. "Anything that does not regrow has been long since taken away from here."

"Oh... so there won't be any sabers here."

Alex shook his head. "Your idea of it being hidden underground is good though. But I don't know if that can be true too since everyone should have searched the entire land already."

Pearl nodded.

As they walked, Alex saw the edge of the secret realm, the chromatic wall of iridescent colors, and realized he had come as far away from their starting point as they could.

"Let's go around the wall and see if there are places where he could've hidden it," Pearl suggested.

Alex agreed. They began walking around the edge of the secret realm, searching for any more secrets this realm may hold. As they walked, they came across a group of people sitting down to cultivate in a large clearing within the forest.

They turned to look at Alex and Pearl as they arrived.

"Greetings, Fellow Daoists," one of the men in the group said. "What sect are you from?"

Alex was surprised at the sudden question. Why was the first thing they asked him his sect?

"I belong to no sect," Pearl answered.

"Oh!" the man replied. "Then would you like to join our group? You will have to say an oath to not betray any of us."

Alex frowned. What was the man talking about? He looked at the 4 women and 5 men beside him, and they too seemed to be expectantly waiting for an answer.

"We have no intentions to join you in whatever you are doing here," Pearl answered before Alex could. "If there's nothing else, we'll be on our way."

"Ah... that's a shame," the man said as he pulled out a sword from his Soul Space. "Then I must ask you to leave this secret realm."