Chapter 2037 A Fountain

Chapter 2037 A Fountain

After taking a turn in the maze, Alex and Pearl came across a stone fountain spraying scintillating crystal blue water that fell in 3 levels before disappearing somewhere within the fountain.

It was a well-carved fountain, made seemingly of the same white material as the one back in the hall where everyone had first teleported into.

Alex took a deep breath, smelling the sweet aroma that was in the air, realizing that the liquid flowing out was somewhat special.

He had come to a dead end again. Beyond the fountain, there was a wall covering that side. He would have to turn around and leave again.

However, Alex understood that this was most certainly what Reverend Sixghost had intended when he first created the maze. There were twists and turns in this giant maze, where from time to time, a person could come across opportunities like this.

"What is that water?" Pearl asked. "Should we drink it?"

"Let me check to make sure it is not some sort of poison first," Alex said.

He used his Demon Eyes to check, but the water was just too colorful to make any sense of what it was actually. Water not having just Water aura was already weird in the first place.

Alex walked over to the fountain next and cupped his hands to gather a bit of the water. Looking at it in just his hands, it wasn't as blue as it appeared while it fell around the fountain. It was much more clear, although it still had a tinge of blue to it.

He licked the water at first, making sure it wasn't too dangerous. He could taste a rich taste from the water despite it not having any flavor at all. Sensing that there was no problem with regard to poison, Alex sipped the water in his hands and drank it.

As soon as he drank it, Alex felt freshness flow through him that he hadn't in a long time. He felt rejuvenated and awake drinking that bit of water.

"Qi," Alex said in surprise. "This water is full of Qi!"

It was as though the underground spring from where this water came was also the same place where the spirit vein was. The water was rich in Qi, and drinking it should definitely help him cultivate faster than just relying on the Qi in the atmosphere.

Pearl nodded. "We should leave now, brother. We should make sure we find the better spots in the maze before the others do."

Alex nodded and began walking.

He went back through the path they had come through, retracing their steps to take a new route. As they were only 2 turns away, they saw a pair of women coming his way, talking among themselves.

Alex was vigilant at first, but sensing that their cultivation base was no higher than his own, he needn't be.

The girls stopped talking when they walked past the two of them, they were too worried that Alex would attack them. Once they went past him, however, they continued their conversations again.

"It's right here. Two turns to the left," she said. "The sword aura there is so strong, you will love it."

"I can't wait, sister," the other woman said.

Alex turned around, confused. "Sword aura?" he thought. Where was that? Two turns to the left... that was where the fountain was. Was he so engrossed by the water that he didn't sense the sword Aura? That was impossible.

A moment later, he heard loud sounds and a few screams. Then, he felt the aura of teleportation.

Both Alex and Pearl freaked out at that moment. "What happened?" Neither of them had a clue, but both were curious. Alex took out Midnight and ran forward. "Stay behind me," he told Pearl as they both went back the way they came taking the two left turn.

On the final turn, where they had just left the fountain, was instead just a dead end.

"What?" Pearl shouted in surprise. "Where is the fountain?"

"Where are those women?" Alex asked, searching for any sign. He had sensed the teleportation aura, yes, but even if they had been teleported, there had to leave behind some aura of their presence. And yet, there was nothing.

The only thing Alex could sense there was the thick Teleportation aura. What had happened to the women? Had they been attacked? There was nothing there that suggested that the girls could have been attacked. No aura, nothing. Neither the women were there, and nor was the fountain. 'And they talked about Sword Aura right before coming here,' he thought. 'Did that woman forget the path? Not possible.'

Then... something else was going on.