Chapter 2041 The Woman in Pink

Chapter 2041 The Woman in Pink

While Whisker went around searching through the garden, hidden too well for any Immortal to find, Alex made his way to the other side of the path, toward the second Breathing Garden.

He could see 4 separate locations from his viewpoint, each of which were quite different. One of the locations was the Breathing Garden that he was heading toward. The other one, a little above the gardens to his left was the massive building. He was close enough that he could see the plaque with its name on it.

'Trueheart Plaza'

He couldn't imagine what that place could have inside of it, but he would find out when Whisker headed there after he was done with the first breathing garden. He prayed no one saw him or killed him there. That would be troublesome.

Whisker currently wore a net around his body, made of the Heavenly Silk that he got from the Heavenly Silkworms, that he was now the main caretaker of. He now had multiple of such nets just in case he got killed again and had to leave behind such a net.

That was what had happened back in the Poison Fighter's sect.

Passing the Trueheart plaza from a distance, even though they were nowhere near it, both Alex and Pearl could feel a strong aura coming from inside the place, clearly produced by people who were intimidating him.

No one wanted him to enter.

Alex ignored them and arrived at the other Breathing Garden, from where people walked out as well to stop him from entering. This time, they didn't seem as patient as the other people.

The woman who walked out wore a bright pink robe and had a rather beautiful face. She was quite strong as well with a cultivation base in the Immortal Ascendant 7th realm.

"What group are you with?" the woman asked him.

"None so far," Alex answered.

"No," she said. "But I'm interested in you now. Do you have a sect? Would you like to join ours?"

"Unfortunately, I'm already in a sect," Alex said. "Thank you for the offer though."

"Leave your sect and come to ours. If you are as strong as you are, you will go far in our sect," she said.

Alex raised an eyebrow. "And what sect is that?" he asked, but he shouldn't have. Now that he focused on her dress again, he remembered a similar-colored robe on a few male disciples he saw in the hall outside.

"I am of the Rosesteel sect. The greatest sect in the Myriad Secret realm," the woman said. "Come join our sect and your future will be limitless."

The part about the Rosesteel sect being the greatest sect was a common belief but in no way a fact. However, the part about his future being limitless was not an overstatement at all. Had he not already belonged to the Blue Silk sect, he would have taken up on her offer.

"Thank you, but I already have a sect," Alex said. "It might not be as good as yours, but it is plenty great by itself."

The woman stared at Alex for a long moment, thinking to herself. "So you do not accept the grace I gave you?" she asked.

"I do not," Alex said, realizing what was going to happen next.

"Very well. Then you will get no chance to leave. Kill him."

The men and women around the woman in pink had been waiting for this one order, so when the order was given, they all attacked Alex at once.

"Do we fight?" Pearl asked from the side.

"Not we," Alex said. "Just me. Too dangerous for you here." Even the weakest of the people here were a bit too much for Pearl unless he used the mark. And this was no situation to use that.

Alex put Pearl into his Soul Space and pulled out Midnight. He pulled out something else as well, a shield that once belonged to Lan Douhan. He had refined it a while ago, and it was time to put it to good use.