"What ghost?"

"Even the hair is full of vines?

Is this a relative of the Medusa family? "

Suddenly, when I saw the woman who was half man and half rattan, both Gu Xuan and Feihong fairy showed surprise in her eyes.

They didn't expect that the amazing killing would be released from such a wonderful looking woman who didn't know whether it was a man or a vine.

However, what they know is that the woman who is half man and half vine in front of them can't fight against each other!

Once the war starts, even if Gu Xuan's combat power is not suppressed, it will be difficult to win.

What's more, it's still someone else's territory.

If King lingchan also came, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"According to the original plan, withdraw first!

Great causality, the key of causality! "

Gu Xuan whispered and spewed out a black fire from his mouth.

The black fire cracked with a bang, and a transparent key flew out of it.

On the transparent key, the power of cause and effect flows continuously.


The void trembled, and a net of cause and effect suddenly appeared with the transparent key as the center.

Outside, in the barren spiritual soil medicine field, the reverse prohibition left by Gu Xuan was activated.

Suddenly, there was a connection between the two spaces.

The barren spiritual soil, medicine field, spiritual spring and stone bridge appear in the void like an illusion.

Gu Xuan and Feihong fairy knew that it was not an illusion, but an image of the real world outside.

As long as they jump in, they can get out of here.

Feihong fairy jumped up and jumped towards the stone bridge nearest to her, within reach.

Gu Xuan didn't move.

"Gu Xuan, what are you doing?" Feihong fairy hurried.

"Don't worry, you go out first and I'll catch up immediately!" Gu Xuan replied.

He didn't want to fight with the woman who was half man and half rattan, but he was reluctant to give up the ten kilogram immortal soil under the hundred feet of the earth!

The prohibition of triple hiding immortal soil has been cracked by him, which makes the immortal soil appear and everyone can easily find it.

Of course, Gu Xuan would not make such a low-level mistake. He used the power of the spirit to cover up the smell of the immortal earth.

Now, you only need to crack the other three guard prohibitions together, and the immortal earth will be readily available!

How could Gu Xuan be willing to leave under such circumstances?

Even if you take risks, as long as you can get the fairy land, it's all worth it.

"Then be careful..."

Feihong fairy guessed Gu Xuan's plan and knew that she couldn't stop it. She didn't dare to stay rashly. Not only could she not help, but also distracted Gu Xuan.

However, before he finished speaking, he saw a slender jade hand appear on her head.

"Ha ha, it's ridiculous. Wake up and want to leave?"

That jade hand, pat gently.

Suddenly, the space is broken.

Stone bridge, barren spiritual soil, medicine field and spiritual spring disappeared immediately.

Even the key formed by the power of cause and effect was broken.

Even that slender jade hand, with spare strength, patted the fairy's head.

This shot seems to be slow, but in fact, it is as fast as lightning. It is fast to an incredible point. Its power is so strong that it can directly kill any three robbers.

The terrible killing shrouded Feihong fairy. For a moment, she had a feeling that her mind was disturbed and didn't know how to respond?

It was as if she could only wait to die in the face of this terrible slap.

Fortunately, Feihong fairy was also a strong willed person. This feeling lasted only for a moment and was forcibly expelled by her. At the same time, her delicate body twisted violently and avoided the palm in an incredible posture.

Seeing that palm, he would pursue it again. A huge sword made of vines appeared in front of Feihong fairy and blocked it for her.


An explosion broke the huge sword.

With the help of the power of explosion, Feihong fairy fell aside.

"What a powerful sword!"

A look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the beautiful woman who was half human and half Teng.

"Unfortunately, this level of swordsmanship is not enough in front of me.

Ha ha, come on, let me suck you all up! "

The half man and half Teng woman smiled proudly, her eyes were cold, like the Queen's presence in the world, and opened her arms.

Whoosh, whoosh.

Countless vines grew from her and spread around. In an instant, they filled this space.

These vines are not green, but black, as black as ink.

This space, surrounded by black, can no longer see any light.

Even with the strong eyesight of Gu Xuan and Feihong fairy, we can't see the scene three feet away in such a dark environment.

Gu Xuan and Feihong fairy were separated by darkness and vines and could no longer see each other.

Fortunately, the two people are still ready for this. They have left soul marks on each other for a long time. Now, through the soul marks, they can still use their soul to transmit sound and communicate.

"No, this is the nether ghost vine!

It can devour light, descend into darkness and release the 'realm of ghosts'.

In the realm of ghosts, the energy in any creature's body will continue to drain and be absorbed by the "nether ghost vine"!

The longer we stay here, the weaker we will become, while the 'nether ghost Vine' will become stronger and stronger! "

Feihong fairy gave Gu Xuan a voice, with a trace of anxiety in her tone.

Because the energy in her body has been losing continuously. In less than a second, it has lost one percent!

This means that if she stays here for more than a minute, she will be sucked dry.

Gu Xuan's pupil contracted slightly.

He didn't remember just now, but as soon as Feihong fairy said the word "Youming ghost vine", it touched the memory in Gu Xuan's brain.

The memory of Yu Yundi is more detailed than that of Jin Hong.

Nether ghost vine has another name, called "changeable ghost vine". Its vine can transform all things.

More importantly, this thing can also be used as medicine and even used to refine holy elixir!

"King of medicine! This thing is the so-called king of medicine!"

Gu Xuan could not help twitching at the corners of his mouth.

He never thought that the king of medicine king was here!

Youming ghost vine is indeed a kind of medicinal material, and can be compared with the top medicine emperor.

I'm afraid the drug properties of the other 33 drugs are not as good as it!

However, different from the common medicine emperor, once the nether ghost vine is transformed into a human, it can be cultivated like a warrior, and its talent is excellent, which is comparable to the top human warrior.

I'm afraid the strength of this nether ghost vine in front of me has surpassed the king of spirit toad. Who will use it to refine elixir?

I can really take it and use it as a thug, which is far more valuable than refining pills!

"The king of the king of medicine, this ghost, is actually the king of the king of medicine?"

Feihong fairy was surprised.

Although she heard about the "nether ghost vine" from Princess rosefinch, she only knew that she was strange and powerful, but she never knew that it was still the medicine emperor?

How can the war power of the medicine emperor be so outrageous?

"Eh? Wait, younger martial sister, are you losing energy in your body?

Why is there no sign of loss of energy in my body? "

Gu Xuan suddenly realized that the effect of this so-called "ghost land" on swallowing the energy in the body of creatures seemed to have failed on himself.

Feihong fairy's eyes were full of surprise.

"How is it possible that there is no loss of energy in your body?"

After being surprised, Feihong fairy was angry.

"Is that the point? Whether you lose energy or not, it's serious to go out first!

Do you still have a way to activate the reverse prohibition outside? "

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes.

"Of course, there are ways. I always have to be good at everything. How can I only gather one key of cause and effect?

But now, even if you summon it and activate the reverse prohibition I arranged, I'm afraid the same result will still be stopped by the nether ghost vine. "

Feihong fairy frowned.

"I can use the forbidden art to buy you some time.

It's just that you've seen this move and you'll lose blood essence.

You must go out with me, otherwise, if you go outside, I'm afraid any fierce beast at the level of emperor can defeat me. "

At this time, Gu Xuan had eliminated the triple prohibition of protecting the immortal earth, and covered all movements.

Of course, even if there is movement, it is not big.

He is not violent destruction, which may damage the immortal earth. He still uses the method of reverse prohibition to dissolve the original forbidden power.

The nether ghost vine seems not to be aware of it at all.

Seeing that he was about to succeed, Gu Xuan was really unwilling to go at this time.

"Younger martial sister, I am in charge of everything. Why do you need to use the forbidden art?"

Gu Xuan sends a message and quickly stops Feihong fairy.

Whew, whew, whew.

The sound of breaking the air sounded.

The killing came again.

Black poisonous Jiaos, black poisonous snakes, and even black poisonous dragons suddenly appeared within the range of three feet that Gu Xuan and Feihong fairy could see, and rushed towards them!