Seeing the little girl looking at him, becoming more and more vigilant, and even showing signs of crying, Gu Xuan had a bad feeling.

He quickly explained: "I didn't even know your name was 'Wang Xiaoxiao'!

Oh yes, I said 'Xiaoxiao', the 'Xiao' of Chunmian's unknowing dawn, not the 'small' of big and small! "

When the little girl heard this, tears burst into tears.

"As expected, you were sent by my father, and you lied to me that you lost your memory!

My name is 'Wang Xiaoxiao', the 'Xiao' of Chunmian's 'Xiao', not the 'Xiao' of big and small! "

Gu Xuan wanted to cry but had no tears.

Self-defeating again!

Your pseudonym is "Wang Xiaoliu", how can your real name be "Wang Xiaoxiao"?

Who would have thought of this!

You should be called "Wang Xiaoxiao"!

"Listen to my explanation, I just said something wrong just now.

In my mind, what I think is actually 'Wang Xiaoxiao', the 'small' of big and small.

However, my mind is too confused, as soon as the words come out, I say the opposite..."

Gu Xuan felt that his brain could no longer keep up with his mouth.

"I see! Young Master Gu Xuan, I believe in you!

A handsome person like you shouldn't lie to me! "

Wang Xiaoxiao smiled through tears.

Did Gu Xuan stop abruptly before he finished speaking?

So you believe in yourself?

Is it that easy for you to trust people?

But no matter what, the little girl just smiled.

Laughing is better than crying.

Hearing the woman cry, Gu Xuan's whole body felt like spirit ants crawling, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Young Master Gu Xuan, take a rest first, I'll cook you a bowl of porridge!"

Wang Xiaoxiao thought that Gu Xuan should be hungry, so he immediately left the wooden house and went to cook porridge.

Gu Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, sat cross-legged on the bed, and planned to adjust his breath first before speaking.

Although the natural power of heaven and earth here is thin, it is better than nothing. In addition, the Taiji pattern in the dantian and the world in the palm can generate energy independently, and it is still possible to recover a little strength.

An hour later, the feeling of emptiness in Gu Xuan's body finally dissipated a little.

The broken pupils can barely be used.

Although it is still a thousand miles away from the heyday of recovery, it finally has a little bit of self-protection ability.

Not to mention anything else, if he sees the two bastards Wufang Sufferer and Tian Modi again, he will give them strength with his big mouth, that's fine.

After another hour, Wang Xiaoxiao finally walked into the room with a large bowl of porridge.

"Master Gu Xuan, the porridge is ready, eat it quickly!

Although it's a bit mushy, Jia Shanren said, you can't kill people if you eat it, don't worry! "

Gu Xuan's eyelids jumped a few times.

A bowl of porridge has been handed to his mouth.

A smell of paste went straight to the nostrils.

As for its fineness, let alone, it will not be any better than the medicine paste scattered all over the ground after the alchemy blast furnace.

"Master Gu Xuan, your face is so ugly?

Do you dislike this porridge, it's not good to drink? "

Wang Xiaoxiao curled her mouth, and she was about to cry again.

Gu Xuan quickly shook his head.

"No, no, I think that sometimes, when the porridge is mushy, it actually has a different flavor.

Besides, it is enough to fill one's stomach if one can eat enough, and the pursuit of taste is really a waste of money!

I just thought of one thing and wanted to tell you, that is, don't call me Young Master Gu Xuan.

If you don't mind, just call me Brother Gu Xuan. "

Wang Xiaoxiao was moved.

Big brother?

Young Master Gu Xuan wants to make sworn obeisance with him!

In this world, there are really people who know that they are daughters, and still don't despise themselves for being ugly!

Wang Xiaoxiao put the porridge on the table, jumped onto the bed, knelt down beside Gu Xuan, raised her right hand, and swore:

"Brother Gu Xuan, since you don't dislike me and are willing to sworn brothers and sisters with me, how can I be coy?

For heaven's sake, today, I, Wang Xiaoxiao, and brother Gu Xuan became brothers and sisters with different surnames!

We don't want to be born in the same year, the same month, and the same day, but we want to die in the same year, the same month, and the same day! "

Gu Xuan was stunned.

wrong! etc! What's happening here?

When did I say that I wanted to marry you?

Also, you, a high-ranking sage, wanted to die on the same day and year as you. Is this a new type of curse?

For a moment, Gu Xuan didn't know how to react.

Wang Xiaoxiao looked at Gu Xuan with anticipation.

Gu Xuan felt a sense of despair.

If you hesitate for a while, this little girl will probably have to cry again?

"That's all, sworn sworn is sworn!

I, Gu Xuan, would like to become brothers and sisters with different surnames with Wang Xiaoxiao today..."

Gu Xuan changed his name and oath again, never mentioning the phrase "died on the same day, same month, same year", finally fooled Wang Xiaoxiao.

Wang Xiaoxiao didn't care about these details, but was moved to tears.

Brother Gu Xuan was so sincere, and his heart was so excited that he even said the oath wrongly.

Fortunately, Gu Xuan couldn't hear this voice.

Otherwise, Gu Xuan might spit out a mouthful of old blood.

After the ceremony, Wang Xiaoxiao naturally got closer to Gu Xuan.

While drinking the porridge with tears in his eyes, Gu Xuan asked Wang Xiaoxiao about the Seven Star Ridge and the Immortal Cave.

According to Wang Xiaoxiao, the Immortal Cave will not open until three days later. In the seven worlds surrounding the Seven Star Ridge, except for the sword world and the sword world, the world masters of the other five worlds have specially dispatched a team of talented warriors in the world to go to practice, vowing to take the treasures in the fairy cave, one net hit


The star robbers, as well as many strange forces, also came from afar, intending to enter the fairy cave to compete for treasures.

In short, the current Qixingling area is overcrowded.

However, as the only two large-scale worlds around the Qixingling domain, Daojie and Jianjie, in order to avoid this chaos, they directly called back all the warriors who usually experienced in the Qixingling domain.

It is said that the fairy cave that was opened this time is just a cave left by a fairy named "Thunder Taoist".

In the cave, there is a high probability that there is no inheritance of the way of the sword and the way of the sword.

There are no knives and swords.

For warriors in the two large worlds of the sword world and the sword world, it is not cost-effective to enter the fairy cave to practice.

However, from Gu Xuan's point of view, the reason why people in the sword world and the sword world don't join in the fun is not as simple as it appears on the surface.

There may be other secrets in it!

As for what the secret is, it can't be figured out just by thinking.

Gu Xuan asked some more questions, and Wang Xiaoxiao knew everything.

An hour later, Gu Xuan also knew a lot about the situation in the Qixingling area.

After asking the question, Gu Xuan swallowed the last mouthful of porridge.

He handed the bowl back to Wang Xiaoxiao, stretched his waist, and looked very tired.

Normally speaking, as long as this righteous sister has a normal mind, she should be able to see that this means asking her to take the dishes out to do the washing, while she is going to rest.

Unfortunately, Wang Xiaoxiao is a person who always surprises people.

She looked at Gu Xuan with clear eyes.

"Understood! Brother Gu Xuan, I'll make you another bowl of porridge immediately!"


Wang Xiaoxiao unexpectedly displayed a mysterious body technique, and jumped out of the wooden house in a flash.


Gu Xuan wanted to keep him, but it was too late, so he could only accept his fate.

Although Wang Xiaoxiao misunderstood what she meant, but with the speed at which she cooked porridge, she could actually get a long time alone and continue to recover her strength.

But before it started, Jia Shan came in with a big belly.

"I can see that you are a foreign warrior?

It must be aimed at the fairy cave, right? "

Jia Shanren looked at Gu Xuan indifferently.

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes, nodded vigilantly, and admitted it.

Jia Shanren smiled coldly.

"But before the Immortal Cave was opened, you walked through the gate of ghosts, which shows that this muddy water is not for you!

Stop it, Gu Xuan, stay in the mass grave, and repay this good man for saving his life.

Not only will I give you wages, but I will also find a Taoist companion for you.

Xiaoliu is quite good, ugly is ugly, but easy to give birth to, and most importantly, no scheming! "

Gu Xuan almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

It never occurred to him that Jia Shanren came in not to interrogate his origin, but to leave him in this mass grave to work for nothing!

Wang Xiaoxiao is short-sighted, but you, the boss, are full of short-sightedness!

"By the way, before you became Taoist couples, I also wanted to know what you thought of Xiao Liu?"

Jia Shanren seems to have finalized the marriage.

Gu Xuan gave Jia Shanren a white look: "I think she is just like you, she has no brains."

These words are actually mocking Jia Shanren.

Jia Shanren acted as if he didn't hear it, instead he stretched out three fingers and waved them in front of Gu Xuan.

"Wrong! She's missing three tendons!

Otherwise, why do you think I named her 'Little Six'?

Because she is stupid, because she is a second, second fool.

It is three times stupider than the average second idiot, so it is 'six'.

I see, you are also quite two, but you only have two 'two'.

How about calling you 'Ah Si' from now on. "

Gu Xuan: "..."

The suzerain is bitter in his heart, but if he doesn't say it, there is no one to say it.

Regardless of Jia Shanren's presence, Gu Xuan closed his eyes and began to practice. Tomorrow, he will leave this ghost place!