Gu Xuan shook his head and laughed bitterly.

I'm afraid it's just because the sound wave of the evening drum and morning bell was introduced into the space channel.

No wonder in the space passage, he faintly heard the sound of drums and bells, it was because of the damned evening drum and morning bell!

It's a thing that almost hurt me to be put into the depth of time and space. If you have a chance, you must get it!

Half an hour later, Gu Xuan had a more comprehensive understanding of the people in front of him.

Guo Jie and Huang Chang should be cousins.

Although Huang Chang tried to cover it up, Guo Jie almost blurted out twice and called out a "table".

However, before the word was exported, he was glared back by Huang Chang. He could only change his name to Huangshang Taoist friend.

Obviously, Huang Chang didn't want to let people know that she had such a silly relative.

It's possible that both of them are from the pastoral group.

Moreover, Huang Chang's position is definitely higher than that of Guo Jie.

Because Gu Xuan found that the bracelet on Huang Chang's hand was actually a treasure of space.

Although the spatial fluctuations have been masked, it is absolutely difficult to find out the ordinary emperor level warriors.

But how could this be concealed from Gu Xuan?

Not to mention that the soul power of Gu Xuan has been restored to the level of the first level of the holy land. He can detect the space above the bracelet only by his understanding of time and space.

According to Gu Xuan's conjecture, the reason why these two people appeared near the peach blossom island was that they ran away from home.

Besides, I've been away from home for at least two years.

However, it was obvious that their trip was not very smooth and suffered a lot.

Otherwise, with Huang Chang's willful character, he would not think of such a move as holding a group to keep warm, looking for a partner to rent a warship to the Holy Island.

It is likely that the two men have already detected some hidden danger.

Gu Xuan shook his head.

With the EQ and IQ of Huang Chang and Guo Jie, they still carry a lot of treasure. They can live to this day. We have to say that luck is really more important than everything else.

Especially to be able to meet themselves, that is really good luck.

Otherwise, the good fortune of the two may end today.

Hua Qianmo met yesterday. After a night together, they became friends.

in addition, as the son of the president of huaqianmo flying shark chamber of Commerce, they are willing to offer convenience to help Huang Chang and Guo Jie rent a warship, join a large fleet and go to the Holy Island together, so they have more trust in Hua Qianmo.

Gu Xuan was sure that, with Hua Qianmo's shrewdness, Guo Jie and Huang Chang's secret, I'm afraid he had already touched a 7788.

Otherwise, they will not be able to set up a prison array on this island and want to attack two people.

Once they enter the confinement of the array, Guo Jie will not survive for a while. As for Huang Chang, after being robbed of money and lust, he will be destroyed.

Under Gu Xuan's deliberate adjustment of atmosphere, several people had a good conversation.

Of course, Huang Chang and Guo Jie's smile is true, and Hua Qianmo's smile is somewhat reluctant.

Now, he can't wait to cheat Huang chang into the confinement of the array.

It's a pity that Gu Xuan was looking for a promotion just now as an excuse. Now, Gu Xuan has found it. What's the reason to cheat people?

Within the confinement array, the six guards are very clever.

It is absolutely difficult for people outside the array to find them, but they can see clearly the situation outside the array.

You can see that Hua Qianmo's goal falls on this island. However, he is still drinking tea and eating snacks?

What kind of suffocating operation is this?

Most of their eyes are focused on Guo Jie. Now they hate Guo Jie.

A good storage bag, you put the pavilion, you put the snacks?

Can you take a snack?

Decorate the magic weapon, decorate the fire crystal, decorate other treasures, isn't it?

Gu Xuan always had a smile on his mouth.

Hua Qianmo and every move of his guard are under his surveillance.

Within the confinement of the array, the funny scene of the six guards showing their teeth was also seen by him, which was quite funny.

Gu Xuan told a few jokes at will, which made Huang Chang laugh and Guo Jie laughed.

Flower thousand Mo in echo with dry smile a few times, back head, the whole face is in convulsion.

How can this damned Gu Xuan appear here for no reason? It's bad for him.

Spend thousand Mo several times can't help but want to start directly, but, because of fear of ancient Xuan and pressure down the mind.

No way, Gu Xuan's strength, until now, he has not seen through.

Those who dare to practice on the island outside Peach Blossom Island are not weak in general. Otherwise, how dare they stay here to practice.

There are not only fierce beasts outside, but also many ferocious warriors will attack those who are left alone.Of course, those who can practice on the island will not be strong in their own strength, and most of them don't have much friendship on Taohua Island, otherwise, they will not practice alone.

On the Peach Blossom Island, there are many caves, which are only a little expensive for martial arts practitioners.

The reason why Huang Chang thought of joining the gang on the island near Taohua island was that the strength of the people on the island was moderate, not too strong or too weak.

In addition, most of them are scattered, and they don't have much to do with other people.

It's safer and safer to go to the Holy Island with these people.

Although Gu Xuan was smiling on the surface, he was really puzzled.

Why does this flower thousand Mo several times want to move, all forced to hold back.

After a little thought, Gu Xuan's mouth trembled, and then he suddenly realized.

Just now I came to the island in order to hide these people, so I hid my breath.

After that, there was no breath.

These people in front of us can't see through their own realm at all!

In addition, they thought that they were just promoted here.

This flower thousand Mo heart has fear, this just dare not hand.

Having figured out this section, Gu Xuan patted his forehead.

I often fight with the warriors in holy land. I am used to calculating everything and hiding my breath is also a habit.

Now when I saw these warriors in the imperial realm, they made low-level mistakes when they were relaxed.

Looking at the direction of the Holy Island, Gu Xuan suddenly said solemnly:

"it's dangerous to go to the Holy Island. Please take care of me.

To tell you the truth, my realm may be the lowest among the people present. "

Gu Xuan said it sincerely, with a little embarrassment in his tone, as if he felt guilty for hiding people all the time.

With that, Gu Xuan patted the robe on his body, as if he had untied some prohibition.

Then, his real realm was revealed - the top of the clan level!

Huang Chang's face showed a look of surprise. Gu Xuan's speech and behavior were not vulgar, and his eyes were deep. Although he looked young, they always thought that Gu Xuan was at least a warrior of imperial level.

However, it never occurred to me that everything before was actually the "camouflage" of ancient Xuan. He was just a martial master.

In other words, Gu Xuan is not only looking young, but really young!

Huang Chang looked at Gu Xuan. Originally, their team didn't want to look for an oil bottle of Zong level realm. However, after the conversation just now, she found Gu Xuan more and more interesting.

Gu Xuan dared to lift the prohibition of covering the realm directly, which was also a kind of friendship with them.

Moreover, Gu Xuan's appearance is also pretty, which arouses the desire of her sister to protect her younger brother.

Huang shang immediately patted her chest.

"Don't worry, brother Xuan. Follow us in the future and we will protect you. Ha ha!"

When Guo Jie saw Huang Chang clapping her chest, he also patted himself. He said happily:

"yes, I like to make friends like you. Don't worry, we will cover you!"

Gu Xuan chewed the word "Xuan Di". How could he hear it? He always used to be the boss.

Hua Qianmo looks at Gu Xuan with a cruel smile on his mouth.

I didn't expect that this guy was a straw bag.

In this case, no wonder he! , the fastest update of the webnovel!