Rolling fist power, from the right fist of Gu Xuan burst out!

Space, collapse.

At this moment, the ancient Xuan like a god of war, invincible!

Moving Qianshan's face changed slightly.

He felt as if there was a mountain which was pushing towards him with incomparable power.

Of course, if you give him enough time to build up his momentum and mobilize his whole body energy, it is not difficult to block this blow.

However, just before, Dong Qianshan had just passed a hundred moves with Gu Xuan, and Qi and blood kept rolling in the body.

Just now, he is preparing to use a killing move to attack Gu Xuan, trying to seize the opportunity.

However, it never occurred to me that this killing move was only half done, and even the seal of Dharma was not formed. Gu Xuan had already hit him with one blow.

At the moment, Gu Xuan fought with him completely in the way of true emperor.

The true emperor relies on the skill of body refining, and uses the body strength to pull out the mountains and Qi. He doesn't need to mobilize the energy in the elixir field, let alone condense the power of rules. Naturally, his moves are faster than the martial arts of one of the saints. I don't know how much.

"Damn it!"

Seeing Gu Xuan's fist, he was about to hit himself. Even if his strength was not enough, moving Qianshan could only use the kill move he had just prepared in advance!

"The true seal of thunder, the art of killing by vigorous thunder!"

Moving thousand mountains, a violent drink, rolling energy, gathered in the real seal of the sky thunder in the center of the eyebrows!


Moving thousands of mountains above the body, even broke out the sound of rolling thunder, if a god of thunder, is angry, to send down the world's thunder!

The middle finger of his right index finger is closed together, and he suddenly points at his temple.

A ray of thunder, full of arm thickness, from the sky thunder seal of Qianshan, burst out!

The terrifying power fills the whole cave in an instant.

In this thunder light, it seems that there is the power of destroying the heaven and the earth, which can suppress everything and kill everything!

The pupil of Gu Xuan shrinks, stare at this thunder light, flash a fine awn in the eye.

His speed was not slow at all. His right fist hit the thunder.


The lightning burst in an instant, and the endless thunder and lightning, along the right hand of Gu Xuan, made a crackling sound and spread to the whole body of Gu Xuan.

"Ha ha ha, Gu Xuan, you are so stupid!

Although the power of this move, I only played 90% in a hurry, but it is not what you can resist!

My "thunder seal" is refined by a great power. It contains the power to destroy the world. If you touch any part of your body, you can instantly inject all the power into your body.

And then, explode in you!

Let every cell of your whole body be annihilated completely!

Even if you are the real emperor, you can't recover if you don't lose more than 90% of your body. "

The laughter of moving mountains is rampant.

"After losing 90% of the body, I think you still have some strength and dare to fight against me.

When I exhaust your last body, you will die

Gu Xuan's body had stopped at the distance of half a foot.

The power of that thunder light broke out completely on his body, attacking his internal organs, attacking his blood vessels, and even constantly impacting his elixir field.

However, on Gu Xuan's face, it is Gu Jing Wu Bo, not a bit different.

He was staring at moving Qianshan, and in the blink of an eye, a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

It's a mocking smile.

"How dare you call me stupid?"

Gu Xuan sneered.

"You only play 90% of your power, and you want to defeat me?

I see, stupid, it's you

The lightning on Gu Xuan's body was constantly surging. When the last word "you" came out, it suddenly dispersed, and there was not even a trace of arc left.

Gu Xuan's right fist seems to continue the track before, still towards the moving Qianshan.

Moving Qianshan's face, in this instant less than Kung Fu, has become pale.

He never thought that the spirit of Gu Xuan was so strong that even his killing moves with 90% power could be completely blocked.

The killing move is destroyed, and his channels have been damaged due to the huge anti phagocytic power.

But it's just a little thing.

The fist of ancient Xuan is the big thing!

In this boxing, even if it was him, he would die.


Without hesitation, this decision flashed through the mind of Qianshan.

He stepped back, and his body was full of illusions. He wanted to distract Gu Xuan's sight and step back to avoid Gu Xuan's punch!

Gu Xuan's black and white eyes seem to have turned into two whirlpools. They are profound and can penetrate everything in the world.

All the illusions, in his eyes, were just a thin and powerless energy.Moving Qianshan's real body, in a flash, was locked by the ancient Xuan.

"You run very fast. It seems that your strongest ability is to run for your life.

Is this the result of hard work? "

Gu Xuan was sarcastic. His body had already turned into a streamer of light. He stepped out of the mysterious steps in the void. Only three steps had blocked him from moving Qianshan.

Moving Qianshan's face changed greatly. Unexpectedly, Gu Xuan locked his real body directly. The phantom he differentiated did not even play a role in confusing Gu Xuan.

In a panic, the mountains suddenly split a hand.

"Split the thunder!"

A flash of lightning came down from the sky and struck the ancient Xuan with the power of ten thousand blows of thunder.

This flash of lightning lights up the whole cave.

Gu Xuan disdained to smile, and his right hand suddenly grasped it in the sky. The flash of lightning was held in his hand.


Lightning in his hands, turned into an electric snake, constantly crazy rolling, trying to break free.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work.

"Give it to me!"

Gu Xuan's right hand was slightly shaken, and the flash of lightning broke down completely.

Moving Qianshan looks ugly. Taking advantage of this Kung Fu, he has already turned around and retreated to the other side.

Unfortunately, he now consumes a lot of money. How can he catch up with Gu Xuan in terms of speed.

This time, Gu Xuan didn't wait for him to make a move, so he went out.

The moving mountains became ferocious.

"Gu Xuan, don't force me!

If I am forced to hurry up, even if I try to consume Shou yuan, I will make your body and soul die! "

As if he had not heard, Gu Xuan even speeded up his attack.

It's anger to move a thousand mountains.

"Stubborn, then I will use 5000 years of life yuan, for your life!"

Moving Qianshan was forced to a desperate situation. Gu Xuan followed him like a shadow. He didn't even have a chance to stop and adjust and take a pill to replenish his energy.

This is also a deep hole in the sea. The power of heaven and earth is so small that he has no choice but to burn Shouyuan for huge energy.


Moving Qianshan body, broke out a strong momentum, he began to burn Shouyuan.

But, at this time, only listen to the sound of Chi, the sound of flesh and blood being penetrated.

A magic sword shining with golden light, driven behind Qianshan, pierced his heart! , the fastest update of the webnovel!