When the elder was shocked, Gu Xuan's eyes flashed a trace of invisible shock.

Crazy old man is one of the three strongest in the real world!

This is a level of existence with the abnormal real ancestor who has lived for a million years!

What's more, he was still the master who moved thousands of mountains!

Now, my journey to the real world is more troublesome than I imagined.

Crazy old man, but can travel between the real world and the burning heaven.

More than once, he appeared in the burning heaven world, looking for a talent that suits his will, accepting him as a disciple and bringing him back to the real world.

Even, Gu Xuan suspected that his great apprentice was able to come to the real world because he had caught up with a crazy old man.

When he came to the real world, he would face such a powerful opponent as the mad old man, which was unexpected by ancient Xuan.

The great elder was still excited when his thoughts were flying around.

"It turns out that everything has its own number.

Gu Xuan, if you appear in my duanqing sect, you must be shouldering the mission of saving my duanqing sect. "

The elder looked at Gu Xuan with burning eyes.

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth twitched.

Elder, this is the magic Zheng. How can I not know that I shoulder the mission of saving Duan qingzong?

What's more, just now, you can't even give it to yourself?

In a twinkling of an eye, I shoulder the mission of saving your broken love sect?

Face changing is faster than opening a book, you are!

Of course, Gu Xuan didn't pay attention to the elder. Instead, he reflected on the poem "Qingfeng duanqing Jue" several times.

The more aftertaste, the more familiar the ancient xuanyue felt.

Where should he have heard some of the pithy formulas of this skill.

However, the memory is vague.

With his current strength, he should not forget his ears, but his memory would be blurred. That shows that these pithy formulas should be overheard by accident.

And when you hear it, you're either doing something more important.

Or, they forget the memory of these pithy formulas on purpose.

Gu Xuan held his chin and began to sort out the memory in his brain.

In this life, he has never seen these pithy formulas. It will only be a matter of the previous life.

This narrows the scope a lot.

If you think about it, it may be related to heartlessness, and the scope will be smaller.

After half a quarter of an hour, Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, and he finally remembered.

In the previous life, after adopting Ouyang Huadie, Gu Xuan and Qingqing once taught several disciples together for a period of time.

Gu Xuan remembers that one day, he was heartless and doubted his teaching of Ouyang Huadie's boxing.

Jue Qing thinks that a girl should learn some clever martial arts skills. Fighting is not only flexible, but also beautiful.

Gu Xuan thinks that he has successfully taught three disciples. Although Ouyang Huadie is a girl, she has a high level of understanding. There is no reason why she will lose to three senior brothers in this open and close boxing technique.

For this reason, Gu Xuan and Jue Qing had a conflict and both thought that the other party would not teach his disciples.

Finally, the two decided that Gu Xuan would teach young Li Xiyun a new martial art, and Jue Qing would teach Ouyang Huadie a new martial art. After a month, they would compete with two disciples to prove who was right and who was wrong?

In order to prevent the other party from cheating, the two made three laws. One of them was that the other party should not have any prying behavior during the period of teaching his disciples.

Once, she taught Ouyang Huadie in the alchemy room.

Unfortunately, Gu Xuangang made a breakthrough in alchemy. He was eager to test a technique based on the latest understanding of Dan Dao. He didn't notice that he and Ouyang Huadie were in the alchemy room, and inadvertently, they broke into the alchemy room.

At this time, Gu Xuan heard some of the pithy formulas.

He was extremely angry. He thought that Gu Xuan had come to inquire about the real and the virtual. If he had not forced him to forget the formula, he could not recall it once, let alone study it.

For a strong man, it is easy.

After that, Gu Xuan never recalled those pithy formulas, let alone studied them.

"There can be no mistake. Those pithy formulas are just a few in the general outline of the formula for breaking off feelings in a clear heart!

However, heartless is not a person in the real world, let alone has never been to the real world.

How did she get it

The paranoid sinuses were numerous in the ancient Xuan's brain.

Suddenly, a bold idea rose in his mind.

"Elder elder, you said just now that there is a master who is as talented as an evil spirit in your duanqing sect. He is missing, isn't he?"

Gu Xuan asked suddenly.The elder looked puzzled and didn't understand why Gu Xuan suddenly asked this question.

"Yes, it is because of the disappearance of the patriarch that my duanqing clan is on the decline."

Gu Xuan nodded.

"Did the people of your family find any trace of her in the real world?"

The elder shook his head.

"According to the records of duanqing Zongzhi, the patriarch disappeared suddenly.

At that time, the elders and disciples of the gate searched the whole real world, and there was no trace of her appearance.

Even, my family also spent a huge price, asked a great master who was good at the deduction of the natural mechanism to calculate it. The great master rehearsed for a long time and only asserted that the master of genius did not fall.

As for where the patriarch is, he can't even figure out the general location. "

Gu Xuan held his chin.

"At that time, no one thought whether she would be in the real world.

But to other worlds, such as the burning of heaven


Just as the sound of Gu Xuan's voice dropped, Yu Gu fairy suddenly got up and stood in front of him as if in a flash.

"Do you know anything?

At that time, I was also one of the disciples who went out to look for the whereabouts of the gifted patriarch. I knew the most about that year.

Indeed, it has been suggested that the gifted patriarch may have gone to other worlds. The most likely, no, only one that is likely to go is to burn heaven.

The only one who can freely shuttle between the real world and the burning heaven world is the mad old man. Some of us have consulted him.

However, he refuted our conjecture and asserted that no one could burn the heaven without his knowledge.

He didn't have to lie to us, so we didn't think about it any more.

This matter has also become the biggest outstanding case in the history of duanqingzong. "

Yu Gu fairy clenched her fist, and her face was ferocious.

Obviously, she is still worried about the disappearance of the gifted patriarch.

Gu Xuan squinted.

"So there must be something wrong with that crazy old man.

It seems that the enemy of you duanqing sect is not only the stone family.

Because, I have seen this "wind breaking love decision" in the real world.

The one who can use this skill is my confidant, heartless.

At the beginning, I was able to create the nine grade duanqing pill's Dan Fang, also because of her

Yu Gu fairy's body trembled a few times.

"So it was I who was too naive to believe in the crazy old man!

But why did he lie to me?

I must ask him about this matter! "

The elder felt much less about the disappearance of this gifted patriarch than aunt Yu.

What she heard in her ears was the fate between Gu Xuan and Duan Qing Zong.

The elder looked at Gu Xuan's eyes, more eager.

"Your confidant, the heartless fairy, is likely to be the descendant of the genius patriarch of my love breaking sect!

Even, it may be later generations!

And you are the son-in-law of duanqingzong!

In a word, it's more difficult for you to break up this time

Gu Xuan's whole face was twitching.

He has become the son-in-law of Duan Qing Zong. Do you dare to enrich your association ability?

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