I dazedly stared at the road ahead while listening to the horses’ hooves clattering on the ground below.

#1 Their circumstance: A certain archbishop’s circumstance

The number of gods overseeing this world was quite a lot. Even so, there could be only one greatest deity among them all, excluding the Creator God, of course. And that was the Demon God!

One of the creators, so noble that we mere mortals dare not mention their names, created the Demon God first while giving birth to this world! Or so I’ve been told!

The ones living on the human side of the continent argued that their god was created first, but I knew the truth. I knew that the Demon God was the first to see the world.

“And I must spread this truth even further afield, yet…”

[1]: I’m not sure what this is supposed to reference. A quick google search got me Jirobo, an antagonist from Naruto.