Chapter 34

Name:Evade The Hero and Flee! Author:
Chapter 34


TL: Eevee

TN: I swear to god, every time I try to type teacher or lecturer, my fingers automatically hit i-n-s for instructor

5. Welcome to the summoners school. (4)

Ah, but first, I wish to express my apologies to the teachers of Yugrasia.

Although my mouth is repenting my hands actions are the complete opposite.

Rip! Riiip!

You all worked so hard to write this for me, but with these bland platitudes it is difficult to describe the changes that Yugrasia has undergone.

-Owner amazing! To rip such a thick pile in one go!

-Not going to lie, I was a bit worried.

As I tore the speech script that everyone wrote up together, I internally sighed in relief.

Since it would have been a case of public humiliation if it didnt tear because it was too thick, I think I unconsciously put more strength into it.

Thank you my hand!

-But to tear apart everyones efforts! Too mean, too mean!

-Copy paste is the worst!

Doing your homework by copypasting off the N*ver encyclopedia(1) should end in middle school.

Theres no way that Id simply repeat what all the other teachers had said, no?

The common perception that Yugrasia was the worst of the Empires Four Great Academies was already hammered in.

The only thing they have left to trust is the brand associated to the alias Nicerwin, if I simply say what others have said then they will think oh, so hes just the same as the others.

Right now, I need to sell Nicerwin as a special for entering Yugrasia!

Its an innate instinct that when you buy things, you go for the one with freebies, even if its slightly more expensive!

Now Ive pulled in all the aggro too.

To be honest, summoning, its something anyone can learn. As long as you pay up enough money then anyone can make a contract with a low-rank summon. Because of that, last time Yugrasia couldnt even fill up its student quota. Why? Its obvious. The equipment summoners learning swordsmanship in Arucis, the magic summoners learning magic in Marcis is much more efficient than learning summoning in Yugrasia.

First, you need to admit your wrongs.

If one tries to deny the events up to this point, it simply looks like excuses.

Getting held down because of the past is enough with the imperial princess alone.

But this year is different. All the useless teachers have been removed. And to take their place I have brought in an active officer from the empires army, a contractor of an elemental king from the elven forest, and a contractor of a god.

The murmuring became louder. If nothing else, contractors of spirit kings and gods are rare throughout the continent.

And especially from a military perspective, one of their peculiarities is that one of them alone are treated the same as an entire battalion.

But those numbers will be limited?

Yes, of course there are limits to just how many excellent teachers we can secure. Since there are less than half the number of teachers in Yugrasia right now than there were last year.

But wont that affect the quality of education?

As I spoke while opening the floor for questions, a number of parents began to ask a few.

Yes, this is how a speech should be.

If you just copy paste one-sidedly like everyone else then people cant even be bothered to ask questions.

And so, we will reduce the number of students that we will enrol this year.

For a moment, a silence blanketed the hall.

It could have many meanings, but right now, it seemed as if they couldnt understand.

While the number of teachers are halved, the number of students we will take in will be half of half of our normal intake, meaning just one hundred students. This way, although the number of teachers have decreased, the quality of education will be of a much higher quality than last year.

Isnt a hundred too few?

I dont think a school can run with just that number!

Hoho, these are all questions the other teachers asked.

Therefore, Ill end it in one shot.

It is alright. We have raised the tuition fees.

-Owner, everyones looking at owner like a madman

-Its alright.

Innovators are normally not understood.

No other choice but for me to walk over the thorns myself.

-Way I see it owners plenty nuts.

Aside from the commoners, the kids from noble families are all fated to go to the schools that fit them the best.

In my case, Marcis, the Magic Towers heads granddaughter enrolling in Marcis which is heavily backed by the Magic Tower is a given.

Its called the educational Magic Tower, the unified Magic Tower Marcis.

The connections I make there will be a great help to me later as a full-fledged magician, so no harm in that.

Well, even if I say this, the majority of the people I saw at our familys parties will end up in Marcis.

-But, owner. Owner is a summoner that contracted me, the archdevil Surtr. Isnt Yugrasia a pretty decent place to go to as well?

-Hm? What did you say? As a magician that uses the great meat shield Surtr I should go to Marcis, no?

-Owner, so thats how youre coming out! I just acknowledged you!

-Then please, be useful. Coming from someone who cant even defend against a wooden stick, and gets desummoned.

-Would owner have held out?

-Oh, sorry. That was kind of uncalled for.

As if my body briefly remembered the pain from back then, my body shivered.

It seemed that my uncle beside me was quite surprised, but I told him that I felt a sudden chill and could calm myself down.

Next are some words from Yugrasias Professor Nicerwin Ain.

It was then. As I was beginning to forget the fear from those times, the instructors face appeared in front of me.

-Wha, why is that little shit!

-In, instructor?!

Nicerwin Ain.

The greatest authority in the study of summons, said to live in the elves forest. The greatest researcher in the Summoners Association, the legendary figure who was said to have single-handedly lifted the study of summoning to new heights.

The presence that was said to have been unable to leave the elven forests due to a crippling childhood disease, or that Nicerwin Ain was the name that a group of great sages around the continent used to publish their findings under, or that he was a great prophet here to communicate the teachings of another worlds god.

But, that face was one that was very familiar to me.


-Ah, its not him. I was surprised.

-What are you on, owner! Are you out of your mind? Does he not look identical no matter how you look!

-No, the aura, the voice, speech are all different. That man, is not someone who can make that gentle smile so naturally.

Even if.

I had been in an evil organization.

Even if.

He had shown us a hell that even surprised an archdevil.

Even if.

I had spent less than two years under his wing.

Even if.

I really, really! wanted to get stronger and pulverise him someday!

Even so, I learned very many things under his tutelage, and the fact that he found my familys seal for me at the last does not change.

And there was no way that someone who said he would run away to the ends of the continent would come to the imperial capital with his own two feet after just a few short months.

-Re, really?

-Yeah, look. That goodly smile. Theres no reason that the organizations archvillain, no, archdevil could smile like that. Thats a genuine smile thats only seen fields of peaceful flowers living among elves.

There was no reason that a person who knew how to use mana would shake that much to tear just a speech written with the other Yugrasia teachers.

He was probably just feeling guilty towards the other teachers. If it was the instructor I knew hed probably just set it on fire and toss it out saying and you expect me to read this pointless trash?

And if it was the instructor, he wouldnt shout so heatedly about passion and talent for summoning.

Hed just find some easy demon somewhere and make another slave contract.

Plus he wouldnt take just a hundred students.

Hed probably gift all four hundred new entrants their personal devil slave, command them to sweep the empire festival and victory would be guaranteed Yugrasias.

And finally, rather than teaching someone, the instructor is the type to make someone break through their limits. A person that would draw up someones talents to the limits, and just when they became used to that, drag them up to greater limits saying that they would wait and help students with their learning.

If it really was the instructor, theres no way hed say things like that, right?

And if, just if. If, that person was the same person as the instructor.

I see that you have great potential as a summoner. Have you considered coming to Yugrasia?

M, me?

In the middle of being chased by the imperial princess, theres no way that hed say that while holding onto my hand, would he?