Chapter 116

Name:Evade The Hero and Flee! Author:
Chapter 116

13. The others stories (2)

#4 Their story: A certain (former) student council presidents story.

Ah so its finally the end.

To think Id be feeling sad yet happy, melancholic yet elated, sorry to see it go yet feel like I had to run away from here as fast as possible.

The last one is probably the right answer.

Professor Nicerwin was gone.

The silver devil was gone.

The night study was still gone.

But I couldnt remain at a place where Professor Nicerwin or the silver devil could return to at any time simply for the sake of past memories.

Are you ready?


As Professor Muam approached me with a gentle smile, I nodded.

As the former student council president and the representatives of the graduates, I had the role of speaking the closing words at Yugrasias graduation ceremony.

Alright, so since this is the very last please dont do something stupid.

Dont worry.

As I looked into his quavering eyes which didnt match the gentle smile he had on his face, I apologetically held Professor Muams hands tightly.

On the final day of the imperial festival, Yugrasia made a name for itself by claiming victory with the biggest points differential in the history of the imperial festival.

An overwhelming scoreline of several thousand.

But there was something that made Yugrasia even more famous than the points gap

Team kill academy, Yugrasia that shameful name needs to end at the end of this year.


Team kill academy Yugrasia.

Let alone the other school events, the final siege match of the imperial festival had recorded the highest number of viewers and spectators out of all the other events, including the adults events and the events organised directly by the imperial palace itself, and that was the nickname that had stuck to Yugrasia after that final siege ended.

The people who had been watching it from the beginning gave us that nickname after watching the Yugrasia students who had been fighting against their opponents tooth and nail mere seconds ago suddenly becoming their opponents allies.

And the spectators who had tuned in in the middle of the match after hearing news about what was happening in our match saw a very high standard of combat in what they were watching, and they gave us that nickname in shock that this match was a civil war between students of the same academy, saying how weak were the other schools if they were fighting each other as they praised Yugrasia.

As a teacher of Yugrasia that nickname is embarrassing. So please, at least in front of the parents

To Professor Muam and everyone else who knew the truth, it was such a humiliating nickname.


Well, regardless of what happened, I was doing fine with my girlfriends.

Risen had gotten rejected numerous times, but as big sis Iiana had promised, she was continually matching him up with new girls so even now, he was doing his best to prepare for a new date.

Of course as the price for that he was treated like trash for a long time at the academy, but due to the countless incidents that he had created, the trash treatment was reserved for Risen alone.

Then Im trusting you.

Professor Muams expression said that he did not trust me at all, but I had already committed an irredeemable crime towards the other students.

I couldnt let this be the last impression I showed everyone before I left!

And now, there will be a speech from the representative of the graduates.

As I came onto mild applause, I looked at the countless people who had come to Yugrasia today.

There were students, there were teachers, there were probably friends and family of students here, too.

So what should I say to these people.

It has been four years that I have attended Yugrasia. The majority of the students that graduate today will be the same.

And if anyone were to ask them what was the most memorable thing out of those four years, all of them would give the same answer.

The entrance ceremony where we first stepped foot into Yugrasia, filled with excitement and worry? Our overwhelming victories in the imperial festival? Or right this moment, our graduation, which marks the end of all those moments? No, none of them are.

My eyes scanned over the graduates, looking them all in the eyes.

Risen sighed and shrugged.

Karen made a faint scowl as if shed bitten into an unripe persimmon.

Many other students had many other different expressions on their faces, but each and every one of them meant the same.

Yes, what would remain as the most memorable for us is the be no, the night study.

For a moment I was about to say the beatings from the silver devil, but I remembered that there were parents in this hall and quickly changed my words.

We already had the nickname of Team Kill Academy, to think was an academy where our most memorable moment was getting beaten but the devil.

Now that would really be an image to look up to.

That was a trial. A tribulation. It was an unknown realm that none of us had ever known or experienced.

And so we surpassed it, and became victorious in the imperial festival. And that is the reason we are here to witness this moment.

And that night study is no longer by our sides. It is over. We have overcome all those trials and tribulations.


A roar of delight erupted out of the gathered students.

Not caring about the parents that were looking on at them with surprise, the students were cheering like a people liberated from colonialism.

Now, as the former president, I need to quieten those cheers and finish off my speech.

And like I expected, the cheers quietened.



The problem was that the cause wasnt me the former president, but the current president, Lady Aris who made the ruckus.

Wh, what?


It cant be!

Huh, thats Lady Letia?

The parents were surprised firstly at the sounds of the giant doors of the auditorium being smashed open, and were surprised a second time that the person who destroyed said doors was the young lady of House Letia, one of the Ten Great Families, Lady Aris.


Im going to kill you!

They were surprised once again at the sheer bloodthirst she was releasing, as her crimson hair whipped around her and her spear emanated with the crimson glow of spear aura.

So her actions were not a bad one.

If the person in that trap had been me, then I would have certainly be caught by Her Highness.

Although of course in this instance, by installing the magic-suppression device against Ast, whose weakness was that he had no mana, all it did was to weaken our allies and cause the operation to fail.

So I decided to give you a special punishment.

S, special punishment, Your Highness?

Her eyes began to cloud over in fear.

Her Highnesss special punishment.

Just hearing it made me scared.

Mm. it is to contact the others.


At the answer that not even I, who had served by Her Highness for a very long time could understand, even the person being punished was confused.

But at Her Highnesss next words, her face turned sheet white.

Yes, contact. To those that were looking for your precious Rein I told them his location.

Y, Your Highness!

Your punishment is to experience the same thing that I am. Although of course considering how faithfully youve served me I wont take away what you have. But it will be hard to hold onto it. So work hard.

Ye, yes!

As she scurried off with Her Highnesss wave of dismissal, I looked at her back as she went.

Your Highness, could you please explain to me what just happened?

Almost automatically, I began pouring tea into Her Highnesss empty cup.

Well, its simple. Perhaps its because hes Asts disciple, but that man Rein that Iris is holding onto is a very popular one.

Well, he is quite handsome

Unlike the very plain Sir Ast, his disciple Rein was very handsome.

As the daughter of one of the greatest Houses in the empire, I had seen countless men, but I did not doubt for a moment that very few could beat that mans face.

What, are you interested in him too, Reia?

N, no

No, Reia, you need to slowly or not, hurry up and get married. Your age isnt really


At Her Highnesss words which dug into a sore spot, I reflexively coughed a bit.

It hurt. It really hurt it hurt so much I could feel the tears out the corner of my eyes!

Hm alright. Then

Even Her Highness looked away and changed the topic when she saw my expression.

Do we have any news on Asts location?

No, although we had a perfect encirclement of the surroundings, we couldnt discover any traces.

And there were no other exits?

No, there werent.

Unusually for herself, Her Highness sighed deeply.

Does that mean not even this much manpower is enough to capture him?


Twelve swordsmasters and three archmages had been involved in this operation.

Add to that thousands of knights, and hundreds of magicians and battlemages.

In addition, tens of thousands of veteran soldiers had also participated as well.

A force that could handily wipe a small nation off the map was insufficient?

You could never say that this wasnt enough manpower to capture a single person, yet there had already been two failures.

I need to add more people.

That seems like an impossibility.

Soldiers at the level Her Highness wanted were not easy to come by.

Even these soldiers were only obtainable by absorbing the remnants of Howling.

If we accepted any average person, then all that would happen would be a slackening of the armys standards.

No, there is a good place.


But Her Highness said with a confident voice.

There is a place with splendid talent that should not be used as ordinary soldiers, but commanders, or even the greatest hand to play.

Th, there is?

They were words that had my head tilt automatically.

There was no way that Her Highness would leave such a place alone.

And they know.

Know what?

Asts habits.


At those words, I realised what the place Her Highness was referring to was.

The place with splendidly talented people yet no one had touched until now.

No, more accurately, a place that hadnt had any talented people until now.

But a place that thanks to the efforts of a single person and magic weapon, had showed off their full power and abilities!

If just one swordsmaster brigade wont do, then two, three no, Ill even make ten of them for you, Ast!

At Her Highnesss tenaciously obsessive shout, I could not offer a reply back.

Send all these people to Yugrasia. And have them create usable people, and send them to me. This is the punishment I will be giving them.

And that was how a bunch of non-summoner teachers were sent en masse to the summoners school.