Chapter 283

Name:Evade The Hero and Flee! Author:
Chapter 283

Chapter 283

It is most fun to watch fights (8)

#10 Their Situation: The Situation of a Certain Magic Tower

Magic Tower.

It is the holy place and homeland of magicians.

A very long time ago, in what is now called ancient times.

Magic was a skill that was rejected as the power of the devil, and magicians who could use magic were outcasts to people.

Outcast leads to rejection.

Just because they were magicians, people regarded them as the same as the devil.

That was not the end.

Some people started hunting beyond rejection, and the moment their lives were threatened, magicians also started to unleash their pent-up resentment.

People killed magicians, and magicians killed people, these things continued.

Even people who had nothing to do with it became targets of anger.

An ordinary human killed a magician who did not take any action at all.

The magician who was angry at that killed ordinary people living ordinary lives.

Once, twice, three times.......

Murders that started in small villages gradually grew larger and erupted into a war between ordinary humans and magicians.

Then God gave an oracle.

– Magicians are not heretics!

It was the word of God. The word of God that humans could not defy.

Originally it had to be absolutely obeyed, but humans did not stop. Because the god who uttered that word was the Goddess of Benevolent and Devotion herself.

At that time, magic was like a miracle of God.

Fire rose in the empty air, and the solid ground moved as if it were alive.

Skilled magicians could even manipulate the climate with magic, so who would think of them as ordinary people?

That’s why ordinary people thought. A being that can perform miracles like God can only be the devil.

But why did God give an oracle?

Because the one who gave that oracle was the Goddess of Benevolent and Devotion.

People thought that the most merciful and devoted goddess would even pity devils, and furthermore, that she was deceived by the words of evil devils.

The Goddess of Benevolent and Devotion had worked so hard and shown her mercy ever since the world was created that humans thought she would forgive them no matter how bad things they did.

In fact, that was the case.

The Goddess of Benevolent and Devotion tried to reform even the most heinous criminals with mercy and devotion to the end.

While many people repented and regretted their sins because of her actions, a contradictory situation arose where people did not listen to her words because of those actions.

As a result, the conflict between non-magician humans and magician humans was not resolved.

It was maddening for the Goddess of Benevolent and Devotion.

She had to look at the earth with a grieving heart every day, and asked other gods to give oracles through them.

But the ancient gods were all reluctant to interfere with the earth.

Because of the existence of evil, there was no concept of heroes and apostles until just before chaos came to the earth.

The only one who reacted was the older sister of the Goddess of Benevolent and Devotion.

But the Goddess of Benevolent and Devotion knew.

The moment her older sister, the Goddess of Greed and Desire, moves, the world will be ruined.

Surely for the fun of it she will instigate conflict between non-magician humans and magician humans.

So the Goddess of Benevolent and Devotion tried alone to prevent the conflict between non-magicians and magicians.

Did her efforts work? A great magician appeared among the magicians.

He told his many followers to believe in the Goddess of Benevolent and Devotion.

Ordinary people are just afraid of them, and if magicians act a little more virtuously, they won’t have to fight, he said.

Other magicians did not believe his words. Too much had already been lost.

They rejected his words and resisted.

But the great magician acknowledged it.

Because he knew much had been lost.

Because he knew that if they were wrong, they could lose even more.

-But that’s that.

He acknowledged it but did not just leave it at that.

-You have to follow me.

The great magician who uttered those words suppressed all magicians by force.

The great magician was strong.

He was not transparent, but the moment he demonstrated his magic, all the magicians collapsed.

The great magician ordered his disciples and followers to pick up the fallen magicians. And he led them to the huge tower he made with magic.

Of course, it was a tower that went underground starting from the 1st floor so as not to intimidate humans.

There, until humans were no longer afraid of magicians, the great magician and those who followed his will studied and taught magic, and waited and waited again until people no longer rejected magicians.

As time passed, swordsmen who awakened magic power appeared.

Evil spread across the world, and somehow a stupid god became an evil god and brought crisis to the world.

While countless nations were born and disappeared, magic naturally became the power of humans, and the Magic Tower was gradually able to come out into the world.

The most representative of that is the change in the outward appearance of the Magic Tower.

Towers that were not made underground but towers that appear huge even when looking from the outside began to be built.

But there is one thing that does not change, that is the independence of the Magic Tower.

The Magic Tower maintained its independence from any external power.

For a long time, the value of the Magic Tower, which were the hometown and pride of magicians, should be magic, not power.

With that pride alone, the magicians of the Magic Tower resisted the temptations of other countries and maintained their identity.

There were kings who tried to bring the Magic Tower under their influence through all kinds of persuasion and threats, but there was no one who succeeded.

In the end, the royal family had no choice but to raise magicians on their own, and there were also places that created independent magician training institutions.

The lord of this place prepared really well in anticipation of the army of the evil god.

But it’s not enough.

The army of the evil god was more sinister and stronger than human thoughts.

If this continues, everyone will die.

“That can’t be!”

As the master of the Magic’s Tower, the representative of the Magic’s Tower, he could not lead the magicians who believed in him and followed him to their deaths.

“What a pity.”

The Magic Tower master suddenly recalled his missing granddaughter.

She was a very reckless child.

What child would think of joining the worst evil organization in the empire when the family seal went missing?

It was a child who disappeared like running away, defying everyone’s dissuasion.

Escaping the eyes of magicians from the Nermia family, known as the distinguished family of magicians.

How was she after that?

After the fall of Howling, she returned, contracted the Great Demon, enrolled at Marcis.

Then, she was the only one to bring defeat to the Empire Competition in Yugrasia.

And after the Empire Competition, she withdrew from Marcis, entered Yugrasia, and even became the student council president.

That was his granddaughter, one of the three who led Yugrasia to its prime.

“However, fortunately.”

Her summoned beast Surtur would have been very helpful in this situation.

It would have been able to deal with those ogres, and bought time for the magicians to safely use magic.

But even that had limitations. No matter how excellent his granddaughter was, magic power has limits because she was still human.

“Well, it’s time to live an ordinary life now.”

After disappearing suddenly, then appearing suddenly again, his granddaughter hid in the Magic Tower.

As if fearing something, like a cripple.

Asking such a granddaughter to go to the battlefield, he thought he was quite a bad grandfather even to himself.

“Perhaps I become more sensitive as death approaches.”

The Magic Tower master smiled bitterly and raised his staff.

If this battle of attrition continues, this place will be captured.

But he had to resist desperately.

If the heroes or imperial army comes before it falls, that would be best.

“Now, let’s...”

“Magic Tower lord!”

Magic power gathered in the staff began to press down the air.

The Magic Tower, the homeland of all magicians.

Remin’s magic power, leading one of those Magic Towers, had long surpassed human limits.

“Come on! Evil god army! I will take you on!”

A huge wind storm tore apart the vanguard of the enemy and moved forward.


As more than 100 evil god troops disappeared in an instant, the morale of the soldiers and magicians began to rise.

“Behold, this is the power of the Magic Tower master!”

At that moment when Remin shouted such.



A roar more than 10 times Remin’s magic was heard.


And he saw more than 10 times the troops disappear compared to the ones Remin had taken down.

“What, what is it?”

Moreover, the troops Remin had taken down were low level monsters like goblins and orcs, but the monsters that disappeared from the roar included powerful monsters like ogres and trolls.

“Ah, reinforcements for the evil god troops have disappeared!”

“Has a dragon appeared or something?”

Taking down over a thousand evil god troops in one blow!

Only a dragon could achieve such a feat.

“Um, over there!”

Then the soldier observing with a magic tool saw what looked like thousands of troops.


At least hundreds of magicians have unleashed joint magic.

That’s what the magicians thought, then a giant of fire appeared before them.


As the giant swung its blazing huge greatsword, evil god troops disappeared in the hundreds.


The overwhelming firepower made their struggle meaningless.

“That is...”

And Remin, who knew that giant that seemed bigger than before but still recognizable, snatched the observation soldier’s magic tool aggressively.

“Oh my...”

He can see his granddaughter leading the army at the very front.

“Magic Tower lord... Should I knock him out?”

Seeing his granddaughter casually using magic he threw with all his might as if her magic power had just run out a bit, the Magic Tower master seriously considered retirement.
