When Xing Lixuan and Yu Antong rushed to the hospital, the old lady had already been transferred to the intensive care unit.

Xing Lixuan saw grandma lying on the hospital bed with her eyes closed and wearing an auxiliary ventilator: "Dad, Mom, how is grandma?"

Father Xing said: "Temporarily out of danger."

Yu Antong asked: "Why did grandma suddenly..."

Xing's father said: "I am old and have advanced lung cancer, and my body's resistance is too weak. Suddenly, my body can't handle it when it cools down. The old lady went to bed early today, and she should have a fever when she fell asleep."

"Fortunately, your mother took a look before going to bed and found that something was wrong, so we rushed to the hospital. On the way there, there was a phenomenon of respiratory arrest."

Mother Xing patted her husband on the shoulder, and said to Xing Lixuan with tears in her eyes: "The doctor said... Although your grandma is out of danger, her body is already at the end of her life. After this illness, I guess, I guess she won't last for a few days. .”

Xing Lixuan's eyes suddenly turned red.

Yu Antong worried: "My husband, are you okay?"

Xing Lixuan didn't speak.

Xing Xing's old man left early, Xing's father and Xing mother had a gentle personality, and Xing Lixuan was basically brought up by the strong Xing old lady who taught him how to behave in the world and how to manage the company...

Xing Lixuan and Grandma Xing have a close relationship, and at the moment I feel extremely uncomfortable. Although I knew that there would be such a day sooner or later, my grandma's lung cancer was terminal, but I didn't expect this day to come so soon, so people were caught off guard.

Knowing that it would be useless to say anything now, Yu Antong opened the folding bench and told everyone to sit down. He sat beside Xing Lixuan and silently accompanied him.

After a long time, Xing Lixuan collected his emotions and said to Xing's father and mother: "You go home first, the weather is cold, it is easy to catch a cold here."

Father Xing sighed and nodded.

Xing Lixuan said to Yu Antong again: "I can't send you back, you go home with your parents first."

Yu Antong said: "Why don't I stay with you."

Xing Lixuan said: "No, you can just go home and rest. Besides, there is only one **** bed here, and you have no place to sleep if you stay here."

Xing's mother also persuaded: "Tongtong, you have to go to class tomorrow, so you should go home with your parents."

"Okay then." Yu Antong said, "I'll make dinner tomorrow morning and ask mom to bring it to you."

Yu Antong followed Xing's parents back to the old house for one night, and got up early the next day to cook Xing Lixuan's favorite food.

He skipped his morning class and went to the hospital anyway.

When Yu Antong went, the old lady was awake, but her spirit was very low, and she fell asleep again without saying a few words.

For the next few days, the old lady was in a coma most of the time.

It's the end of the term at Yu Antong's school, and he can't come here as often as the exam is approaching.

After finally waiting for the weekend, Yu Antong came to visit. The old lady was in good spirits and talked a lot.

She took Yu Antong's hand and said, "Xiaoyu, grandma wants to eat your cooking and stewed tofu with Qingjiang fish."

Yu Antong hurriedly said: "Grandma, just wait, I'll go home and make it for you."

He hurried home, finished it and took it back to the hospital. The old lady happily ate a lot.

Yu Antong stayed in the hospital for a day, and went back with Xing's parents after dinner.

That night, Yu Antong was awakened by the movement of his family.

The old lady has gone.

During the day, everyone had already felt something, and guessed that the old lady was probably returning to the light, but at night, he suddenly coughed up a lot of blood, and he died within a few minutes.

During the past few days when the old lady was lingering on the sick bed, everything that should be prepared was prepared, and the funeral was carried out in an orderly manner.

On the night when the old lady was buried, Xing Lixuan hugged Yu Antong like a child and was silent for a long time.

Yu Antong knew that any words were powerless in the face of life and death, and all he could give was a hug.

Yu Antong patted Xing Lixuan on the shoulder, thinking quietly, feelings are really a terrible thing, he can make an extremely strong person extremely fragile.

It may be related to his experience of being abandoned by his parents due to illness since he was a child. Out of self-protection, although Yu Antong is sincere and straightforward when getting along with others, it is difficult to give too much emotion.

Yu Antong himself didn't realize that, in fact, his need for affection is sometimes almost crazy desire, and sometimes he resists from the bottom of his heart.

This phenomenon became more obvious after he wore books. On the one hand, he only pursued the happiness and comfort in front of him. My younger sister, prepare for the possible future planning.

The footsteps of time will never stop. Yu Antong had a light snow on the day of the end of the mid-term exam. He walked out of the school gate on a thin layer of snowflakes and made a video call to Xing Lixuan.

"Hey, husband, are you still working overtime today?"

Xing Lixuan shook his head tiredly: "No more, I'll go back after get off work."

These days, Xing Lixuan has a lot of affairs to deal with in order to be busy with the old lady's business. He works overtime almost every day until very late, and he has lost a lot of weight.

Yu Antong planned to cook him a sumptuous dinner to replenish his body.

Yu Antong said: "Then is there anything you want to eat? I'll make it for you."

Xing Lixuan smiled and said, "I love everything you cook."

In the evening, when Xing Lixuan came home, Yu Antong continued to pick up vegetables for him: "You have lost a lot of weight, hurry up and eat more."

Xing Lixuan asked: "Do you feel sorry for me?"

Looking at Xing Lixuan's thin face, Yu Antong really felt a little distressed, he nodded and said, "You're not even handsome."

After Xing Lixuan finished his work, in order to adjust the family's gloomy mood, Xing's father organized the family to go skiing.

The climate in Jiangcheng is mild, so there is no condition to build a large ski resort. In order to have fun, they took a special plane to the famous ice city in the north.

The ski resort is far from the airport. They got off the plane and took a car for nearly an hour before arriving at the hotel near the ski resort.

After driving for a long time, everyone is very tired. We plan to rest at the hotel for a day and go skiing tomorrow.

The hotel they booked was a hot spring hotel, and there was a separate open-air hot spring pool behind the room. Yu Antong was thinking about soaking in the hot spring, and woke up after sleeping for more than an hour after arriving at the hotel.

When he woke up, he went to torment Xing Lixuan: "Honey, wake up, hurry up and accompany me to the hot spring."

Xing Lixuan pulled the quilt over his ears: "Go by yourself."

"Together, I want to take a mandarin duck bath with you." Yu Antong shook Xing Lixuan back and forth, "Get up~ get up~"

Xing Lixuan couldn't sleep anymore, he could only do what he wanted: "Troublemaker."

Opening a Japanese-style sliding door is a separate small courtyard, and the hot spring pool in the middle of the courtyard is steaming.

Yu Antong came out wearing a bathrobe after taking a shower. Although it was winter and there was still snow in the sky, but because of this hot spring, she didn't feel very cold.

"Running in the hot spring on a snowy day is so atmospheric!" Yu Antong didn't rush into the pool, but stood in the courtyard and reached out to catch the snowflakes.

"Come down quickly." Xing Lixuan pulled him into the water, idiot, do you have a cold?

"Ah! Xing Lixuan!" Yu Antong splashed a huge splash, and even choked on water, "Ahem!"

Yu Antong was so angry that he chased Xing Lixuan and beat him: "You are so annoying!"

Xing Lixuan was caught by him, and said with a smile: "You insisted on making me get up, and now you think I'm annoying."

"Ahhh!" Yu Antong went crazy, and bit Xing Lixuan's shoulder, "Can you have some fun!"

After Yu Antong bit him, he swam to the side of the rockery, grabbed a handful of snowflakes accumulated on the rockery, and threw them in **** towards Xing Lixuan.

Xing Lixuan kicked his long legs, dodged his attack, and swam towards Yu Antong with buoyancy, and pulled him into his arms. He turned his head to look at the neat circle of teeth marks on his shoulders, and his voice was a little lower : "What kind of fun do you want?"

Yu Antong's body trembled when he spoke close to his ear, he was really easily bewitched by this doggy man.

Yu Antong said softly: "Honey, I don't want to soak in the hot spring anymore, I want you."

The two of them haven't done it for nearly two months, but thinking about skiing the next day, the two of them only touched each other once and it ended hastily.

The next day, Xing father and Xing mother went to play sledding, and Xing Lixuan took Yu Antong to the junior ski field to teach Yu Antong how to ski.

Yu Antong's distaste for wearing a red ski suit is not good: "It's so bloated, it's so ugly."

"Then what do you want?" Xing Lixuan said speechlessly, "Skiing in a bikini?"

"I'll just talk about it, and there's nothing else to do." Yu Antong said, "Hurry up and teach me."

"Separate the legs. Keep them shoulder-width apart, so that the skis are evenly stressed." Xing Lixuan said while helping Yu Antong adjust his posture, "Back straight and body relaxed."

Yu Antong muttered: "You have to straighten your back and relax at the same time, how do you do it?"

Xing Lixuan: "Making your back straight doesn't mean making you stretch like a log."

After teaching for a long time, Yu Antong yelled that she had learned it, and she was going to go skating.

They chose the easiest snow track suitable for beginners, and Xing Lixuan accompanied Yu Antong to slide down together.

This ski course is very short, Yu Antong is quite talented, and he did not fall down to the end, which was a success.

Yu Antong raised her arms and cheered, "I'll just say I can, I'm just a little genius... ah!"

Yu Antong's voice didn't hit the ground, but because of his twerking, his buttocks slipped onto the flat ground.

Xing Lixuan laughed and said, "Falling on flat ground is quite a genius."

Yu Antong sat on the ground and covered her stomach, frowning delicately: "My husband, my stomach hurts."

Xing Lixuan thought he was pretending on purpose, and said with a smile: "Idiot, you fell on your butt, and if it hurts, it hurts. It's cold on the ground, get up quickly."

Xing Lixuan said so, but he still walked up to Yu Antong and pulled him up.

Yu Antong thumped him angrily: "You're an idiot, I really have a stomachache, okay?"

Xing Lixuan: "Really?"

Yu Antong said angrily, "What are you doing lying to you?"

Xing Lixuan became serious: "Stop playing, let's go to the hospital."

It's nausea and stomachache again, in case something really happens.

Yu Antong hasn't had enough fun yet, so she doesn't want to leave: "It doesn't seem to hurt very much, hey, it's so strange, why doesn't it hurt anymore."

Xing Lixuan said: "Then you are not allowed to skate anymore, just sit in the viewing area and rest."

"Okay, okay."

Yu Antong reluctantly sat on the viewing platform watching other skiers zigzag handsomely and slide all the way down from the top.

"Wow, husband, look quickly! That person in blue is so handsome!"

Xing Lixuan said disdainfully: "It's just a junior snow course, what's so great about it."

Yu Antong said: "Cut, if you talk so disdainfully, then you should go skating too."

Xing Lixuan was aroused by the man's desire to win, he said: "Go, my husband will take you to the high-level snow track to see and see."

The two of them took the cable car to the advanced ski trail, and the advanced ski trail was much narrower and very steep. Yu Antong's heart beat faster when he saw it.

Xing Lixuan warmed up after exercising for a while, and then began to slide down with his ski poles. At first, the speed was slow, but soon after passing a curve, the **** increased significantly, and Xing Lixuan's speed suddenly increased.

Seeing Xing Lixuan swooping down at an extremely fast speed, as if he was about to hit the curve, Yu Antong's heart rose to his throat, and the next second Xing Lixuan exerted force on his waist, a beautiful turn, the skis scraped A large swirl of snowflakes was blown, and the next journey was smooth...

With each thrilling corner, Yu Antong's heart went up and down following Xing Lixuan's movements, and he was sweating nervously in the ice and snow.

Finally seeing Xing Lixuan reach the finish line safely, Yu Antong let out a sigh of relief, it was so exciting.

After a while, Xing Lixuan came to Yu Antong's side, took off his protective helmet, and said coolly, "How is it?"

Yu Antong rushed forward to hug him, and kissed him vigorously: "My husband is so handsome!"

On the way back, Yu Antong couldn't stop thinking about it: "Husband, that turn of yours was really thrilling."

Xing's mother laughed when she heard it: "When Li Xuan was in college, he also participated in the national college student skiing competition, but he won the championship."

Yu Antong looked at Xing Lixuan with bright eyes, and praised without hesitation: "Are you so powerful? Where are your trophies? I haven't seen them before."

He remembered that when he lived in the old house, Xing Lixuan's room was too tidy, with no extra decorations at all.

Xing's mother said: "All those things of Li Xuan are stored in the cabinet in the study at home."

Yu Antong nodded, no wonder, he had never been to the study in the old house.

Xing Lixuan was flattered by Yu Antong's praise, but his expression was not obvious and he said indifferently: "Go back and show it to you."

As the new year approached, the festive flavor of the new year became stronger and stronger. The day they arrived home happened to be the new year, and Xing's mother asked her aunt to buy minced meat and plan to make dumplings.

The aunt chopped up the stuffing and called Yu Antong: "Master Yu, come over and put in the seasoning, your cooking is better than mine."

Yu Antong has been in Xing's house for a long time, and the aunt at home was apprehensive and uneasy when she saw him cooking at first, but now she is used to it, and she followed suit, and her cooking skills have improved a lot.

The Xing family's parents went upstairs to rest, Yu Antong and Xing Lixuan were downstairs, Yu Antong was sitting on the sofa, pestering Xing Lixuan to let him pinch his legs, saying that his legs were sore from driving all the way, and when he heard his aunt shouting, he Responded: "Okay, come."

Yu Antong stood up and said to Xing Lixuan: "Don't run away, wait for me to come back later, and then beat my legs."

Xing Lixuan said: "I think you are the young master Jiao, do you need me to buy ten maids for you tomorrow to serve you?"

Yu Antong walked to the kitchen and poked his head out again: "I don't want a maid, I want to be served by Young Master Xing."

The aunt at home pursed her lips and laughed.

Yu Antong went back to the kitchen and took soy sauce and added it to the stuffing. He smelled the fishy smell of pork and suddenly felt sick.

Yu Antong put down the soy sauce, and walked quickly to the nearby pool: "Ugh!"

The aunt worried: "What's the matter?"

The author has something to say: I have something to do tomorrow, I am not sure when it will be updated, but it will be fixed at 6:00 p.m. the day after tomorrow. Thank you for liking this article.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-01-02 23:35:47~2020-01-04 17:14:25~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 399332511;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 34517710, who has no such body, pretends to have a cat, 1; Gu Banban 2.

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 24 bottles of books; 20 bottles of Yunshen I don't know; Que Yunxi. 11 bottles; 10 bottles of Xianxian's Little Apple, Miao Miaoxi, Ruanbao Rabbit, Little Star; 7 bottles of Stars; 5 bottles of Kaspersky, Undercover; 3 bottles of I am a good person; Miao Xin, 411635752 bottles; □, I am a good person, Sanse Yuzhan, MoaperduForget., favorite little star, glutinous rice balls, spring, summer, autumn and winter, Liu, looking forward to a bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!