In order to coax Yu Antong, Xing Lixuan sent different flowers every day.

Yu Antong put the flowers together and arranged them with Xingmu and the others.

Xing's mother called Xing Yin to join Yu Annan, Xing Yin said: "I don't have the leisure to play with these, you guys do it, I won't participate."

Yu Annan was very interested. Seeing Yu Antong's skillful movements, she said in surprise, "Brother, you can still arrange flowers?"

"I used to study it when I was free." Yu Antong took out a narcissus, measured the height, cut off the two-finger-long stem, and put it in a vase, "It's half-baked, if you want to learn, let mom teach you .”

Yu Annan thought that what her elder brother said was the time after she came to Xing's house, and Xing's mother thought that what Yu Antong said was when she was at Yu's house, but she didn't find anything wrong.

Xing's mother smiled and said: "Tongtong, I see that I am not as beautiful as you. If you are half-level, then I might as well stop."

The colors chosen by Mama Xing are all calm and elegant, not as bright and bright as Yu Antong's. It belongs to the one that is suitable to be placed by your side to make you feel happy.”

"You are the most talkative in our family." Xing's mother pursed her lips and laughed at Yu Antong's words.

The three discussed with each other, and finally put the finished product on the table.

"Flowers, brewed flowers!" Little Judy came down from the upstairs room and saw those beautiful flowers at a glance.

At the beginning, she was still caressing the petals gently, and from time to time she leaned up to sniff her little nose and smell them.

Yu Antong took out her mobile phone and took a few photos of her. The picture of the milky little girl closing her eyes and sniffing the roses was so beautiful that Yu Antong had the illusion that little Zhu Di was not such a devil.

Who knew that when he went to drink a glass of water, if he didn't watch, the little devil plucked all the flowers bald in a blink of an eye.

The little devil threw a large handful of petals into the sky, and then he stood at the bottom and spun around to catch the petals, giggling so happily that he was so beautiful, he felt like a little fairy.

Yu Antong has no temper for her at all, the bear is a real bear, cute is also really cute.

Fortunately, after the little devil finished harming all his flowers, she was finally brought back to the United States by her parents.

"Goodbye, uncle and aunt!" Zhu Di reluctantly hugged the piggy lantern Yu Antong gave her when she was leaving, and said crisply, "Brother Tongtong, I will miss you too!"

Yu Antong waved to her: "I will miss you too."

After Xing Yin's family left, Yu Annan also returned home, saying that she would go back to study.

The carpet in the house was ruined by Judy, and it was replaced with a new one.

"Xing Lixuan, you are a big liar!"

After paying homage to all the relatives of the Xing family, Yu Antong crossed his legs and counted the money for a long time, and found that although he received a lot of red envelopes, he also gave a lot of red envelopes to the children. Generally speaking, it was basically the same.

Yu Antong beat Li Xuan angrily: "Look, there is no money left!"

Xing Lixuan also forgot about this, he was flipping through the storybook and was about to tell a story to his son, looking at the book in his hand, he said in a hurry: "It's okay, after Xiaonian is born, I will ask them for money, Let my son help you earn money."

None of the relatives and friends of the Xing family could have imagined that the youngest Xing, who is the least short of money among them, would be thinking about their money.

"Forget it." Yu Antong said with quite a feeling, "Isn't it necessary to give away the money you get, and a share is indispensable."

Nothing will allow him to make money by himself.

Yu Antong lay down and patted his belly: "Hurry up and tell my son a bedtime story."

Xing Lixuan opened the storybook, bent down to Yu Antong's waist, and said to Yu Antong's belly: "Today it's time to tell "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". Once upon a time..."

Yu Antong lowered his eyes, and from his angle, he could see Xing Lixuan's handsome side face, with slender eyelashes, a high nose bridge, clear jawline, and a deep and magnetic voice like a cello flowing from his thin lips.

Hey, the dog man is so handsome! He was a little jealous of the little brat in his belly, for letting this man tell him stories so seriously.

Yu Antong stared at Xing Lixuan obsessively for a while, and said, "My son said he didn't want to hear this."

Xing Lixuan looked up at him, Yu Antong couldn't help but smiled, and patted Xing Lixuan's arm coquettishly: "What do you think I'm doing, your son doesn't want to hear it."

Xing Lixuan cooperated and said, "Then you can ask my son what story he wants to hear."

Yu Antong pretended to say: "He said, Dad, I want to listen to "Sleeping Beauty"."

Xing Lixuan's eyes were deep and gentle, he and Yu Antong looked at each other and said: "Then dad will tell you "Sleeping Beauty"."

"Hey, did you do it on purpose!" Yu Antong smiled and stared, he bet that Xing Lixuan called himself father to him on purpose.

"What on purpose?" Xing Lixuan pretended to be stupid, "It's the baby who said he wanted to listen to "Sleeping Beauty". Of course, Dad has to meet the baby's request."

"Why are you so bad." Yu Antong kicked him and muttered, "Your baby is me."

Xing Lixuan bent down and grabbed Yu Antong's calf: "I didn't hear what you said."

Yu Antong's feet moved back and forth: "Smelly husband, I am your baby."

Baby is Xing Lixuan's exclusive name for him, and it cannot be used by others, including Little Baby.

"Tsk!" Yu Antong's fidgeting feet touched somewhere in the bed, Xing Lixuan clicked his tongue, and took a deep breath: "Baby, stop teasing me."

"It deserves it." Yu Antong stomped on it even harder, "Let you bully me."

"Little ancestor, don't move around." Xing Lixuan hugged Yu Antong tightly, "I didn't bully you, I just wanted to love you."

"Husband~" Yu Antong also had a feeling, kissed Xing Lixuan's tough chin, and said tenderly and softly, "Hubby, can you love me?"

Xing Lixuan's Adam's apple rolled, and Yu Antong would probably give him his life without hesitation. He suppressed the strong feeling in his heart, and said in a hoarse voice: "Baby, bear with it for another month."

Yu Antong also knew it was impossible, but he didn't let go of Xing Lixuan, even if he didn't do anything, it was very comfortable to hug Xing Lixuan.

Half an hour later, Yu Antong fell asleep peacefully. Poor Xing Lixuan was so angry that he was rubbed against him, and the veins on his forehead were strained. After he fell asleep, Xing Lixuan carefully got up and went to the bathroom to solve it.

When Director Kong returned to work in the hospital after his annual leave, Xing Lixuan took Yu Antong to the hospital for reexamination.

"Director, does the B-ultrasound show that there is only one child?" When Yu Antong was lying on the bed for the B-ultrasound examination, he asked what had worried him for several days.

After the examination, Director Kong put down the probe and said, "Yes, only one gestational sac was seen, so it is certain that there is only one fetus."

The paper provided by the hospital was too rough. With the previous experience, Xing Lixuan specially brought a soft tissue from home to wipe the coupling agent on Yu Antong's stomach. He helped Yu Antong pull up his clothes, and said: "Now you can rest assured."

Yu Antong nodded: "Yes."

He really couldn't bear to hug two at once, but he could barely accept one.

After another comprehensive inspection, Director Kong read the inspection results and said: "All the indicators are quite normal, but the weight is on the low side. Appropriate nutrition should be supplemented to ensure physical fitness, but be careful not to over-supplement."

Out of the hospital Yu Antong said: "I eat so much every day, why is my weight still low?"

Xing Lixuan said: "The food you eat contains too little nutrition. You don't like the stewed chicken soup and pork rib soup. After you go home, your snacks are all confiscated."

"No!" Yu Antong pouted, "I can't eat well! I'm not picky eaters anymore, you can't confiscate my snacks."

Xing Lixuan sighed helplessly, it was like raising a disobedient young son.

When I got home, two unexpected guests came to the door.

An acquaintance was sitting on the sofa in the living room, it was Shen Yunqing, and beside Shen Yunqing was an old man with gray hair and his hands resting on a cane.

Yu Antong frowned, and exchanged a glance with Xing Lixuan: "Why is he here?"

Xing Lixuan's brows were indifferent, as if not surprised: "It's okay, let's go in."

"President Xing, I brought an ignorant child here to make amends for you." As soon as the old man saw Xing Lixuan coming back, he immediately stood up with his cane.

He is Shen Yin, the old head of the Shen family. Ever since he handed over the Shen family business to his proud eldest grandson, he has spent his entire life in the old house, but he never expected that it was the heir he picked out by himself. He made a huge basket, offended the Xing family, and caused their Shen family's century-old foundation to be destroyed.

He had no choice but to hold on to his old bones, throw his face away and apologize to the young master of the Xing family.

Xing Lixuan didn't even look at Shen Yin, and only said to Yu Antong: "Do you want to go upstairs first?"

Yu Antong remembered that last time Xing Lixuan said that he would help him deal with Shen Yunqing, and it seemed that he had already made a move. He became curious and decided to stay and watch the play.

Xing Lixuan let him go, and said with a stern expression: "If I remember correctly, Mr. Shen is twenty-seven this year. He is not considered a child anymore. Isn't it clear what to do and what not to do?"

"Since you have done it, you should weigh the consequences and costs and be responsible for your actions."

Xing Lixuan lowered his eyelids, and his voice was calm, not too cold, and even a little careless, but every word he said was like a reminder, making Shen Yunqing grit his teeth and couldn't help trembling.

The man obviously didn't intend to let him go.

He didn't hurt Yu Antong at all, but Xing Lixuan was trying to bring down the entire Shen's enterprise, and he was so ruthless and ruthless.

Shen Yin's heart was also chilled, but he couldn't just watch the Shen family's property being destroyed in his hands, and forced a smile on his wrinkled old face like orange peel: "It's because I used the words improperly, please punish me." Please bear with me, Yun Qing was just confused for a moment, he knew he was wrong."

Shen Yin pulled Shen Yunqing over: "Hurry up and apologize to Mr. Xing."

Shen Yunqing's eyes were blue and his face was pale. Seeing that he hadn't had a good year this year, he tremblingly said: "President Xing, I was wrong, I shouldn't have troubled the fairy feast."

Xing Lixuan said: "You also said that what you are looking for is the trouble of the Immortal Banquet, and your apology has nothing to do with me."

Yu Antong was leaning back on the sofa, watching a show with his little feet dangling, when he was mentioned suddenly, he quickly sat upright, as if I was ready and you could speak.

Shen Yunqing looked at him, and the unwillingness in his eyes flashed away: "Mr. Yu, I'm sorry."

Yu Antong tilted her head, refusing to expose the slightest sympathy: "Are you reluctant to say it?"

Thinking of the precarious situation of the Shen family, Shen Yunqing clenched his fists: "No, I really want to apologize to you. What happened before was my fault."

Shen Yin also hurriedly said: "Yun Qing is also young and energetic, and he doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, so he went the wrong way for a while. I think our Shen family and your ancestors of the Xing family had a deep friendship back then. Although we have moved less in recent years, we shouldn't Let this friendship be broken.

Today, even if my old man relies on his old man to sell his old man, Mr. Yu is looking for my old man's face, and because Yun Qing did not cause real harm to Mr. Yu, I beg you to leave a way for the Shen family to survive. "

Yu Antong said: "Old man, you speak like we are cruel and ruthless. You must know that Shen Yunqing didn't cause me any harm because I solved all his black hands, not because he was not cruel. If I didn't solve it, I didn't How about hiding?

The ending will definitely be much worse than your Shen family's now, so compare your heart with your heart, old man, do you think I can say forgiveness so easily? "

Shen Yin's face was gloomy, and he swung his heavy cane to hit Shen Yunqing: "You little bastard! Our Shen family has been ruined by you, how can you make me face the ancestors of the Shen family? If we can't ask for Mr. Yu's understanding today, our Shen family will not have you as an unfilial descendant!"

"Oh!" Shen Yunqing was beaten so badly that he was on the verge of falling, he gritted his teeth and said nothing.

The dull beating sound made Yu Antong feel pain in the flesh. Is this old man planning to play a bitter trick, or is he abandoning the car to protect the handsome man? To clarify the relationship between Shen Yunqing and the Shen family in front of him, let him find Shen Yunqing alone if he has grudges. Don't pursue the Shen family anymore?

Shen Yin was also getting old, and was out of breath after a few blows, but seeing that Xing Lixuan and Yu Antong were unmoved, they could only continue to fight hard.

"Okay, stop beating." Yu Antong watched coldly for a while, after all, he is not a cruel person, forget it, just take it as a blessing for the little boy in his stomach.

Yu Antong said to Xing Lixuan: "Let's deal with it as a normal commercial competition."

The Shen family is also a family with a certain foundation, and Xing Lixuan must have spent a lot of energy for him. Naturally, he would not use Xing Lixuan's hard work as a holy mother. Whether the Shen family's property should be acquired or controlled, it should How to deal with it, how to deal with it, he will not give up the benefits he can get.

But it is Yu Antong's concession not to chase after the poor, to avoid personal grievances, and not to push people to a dead end.

"Alas!" Shen Yin sighed deeply, his shoulders slumped, he knew that this was the best result he could get for the Shen family, and the Shen family was ultimately defeated by him.

Shen Yin staggered out of Xing's house on crutches, Shen Yunqing endured the severe pain in his body and wanted to help him, but he pushed him away: "Go away, the Shen family has no descendants like you."

When the two from the Shen family left, Yu Antong raised Erlang's legs, raised his chin, and said to Xing Lixuan, "Let's settle the score too."

Xing Lixuan was stunned, and completely lost his cold aura in front of outsiders: "Baby, what do you have to settle with me?"

It's not that you just vented your anger, why didn't you get the reward, but you have to settle accounts with him instead.

Yu Antong snorted and said, "Tell me, why do you remember Shen Yunqing's age so clearly!"

The author has something to say:

Tongtong: Explain it!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-01-1418:36:22~2020-01-1519:43:18~

Thank you to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: LMAY, 10 bottles of glutinous rice dumplings; 5 bottles of tianxiawukeng, Xiaobao Buqin; 4 bottles of cats and cats; 3 bottles of floating dreams; bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!