"Then President Yu remembers to pay me dividends." Wang Rui smiled, and began to cut to the point and asked, "I saw the news that President Yu inherited tens of millions of property, is it true?"

Yu Antong nodded: "It's true, the inheritance left by my father was managed by my uncle before I was a minor, and it will be returned to me later."

Wang Rui continued to ask: "Ordinary young people will be very happy to suddenly get such a large amount of wealth, especially college students, who are still young and have not entered the society. Generally, they will not rush to start a business, and most of them will use the money to enjoy leisure time." Have fun."

"What is the reason or opportunity that made you choose to give up the leisurely campus life and start the Immortal Banquet early?"

"Actually, there is no opportunity." Yu Antong said, "The rush to start a business probably has something to do with my concept of life. In my opinion, human life is short and full of uncertainties. No one can predict what will happen tomorrow, so, If you want to do something, do it as soon as possible, and don't delay, because if you delay for a moment, it may become an eternal regret."

"Of course it's not rushing forward blindly." Yu Antong added, "It's about calming down, thinking about it, and making sure you still want to do it after a certain investigation and preparation. If you have willful capital, take advantage of your youth and be what you want to be at your best age.”

Wang Rui nodded in agreement. They are a gourmet magazine. What they show and promote is food, but it is not just food, but also the culture, thoughts, and emotions behind the food.

As a young man who has not yet graduated from university, Yu Antong has such a high level of thinking that Wang Rui never expected, and it can be regarded as an unexpected joy of this interview.

"Is Mr. Yu's culinary skills a gift or acquired through hard work?"

Yu Antong leaned back a bit, leaned on the back of the sofa and said, "I'm quite talented, haha."

Wang Rui asked some more questions, and the photographer took a few photos of Yu Antong's life, and then rushed to the Immortal Feast.

The shooting of the Immortal Banquet is the highlight. A dozen kinds of exquisite dishes are placed on the table in batches. The photographer chooses the light, and shoots one by one from the overall environment and layout of the restaurant to various exquisite dishes.

When the work was finished, the dishes were cold, Yu Antong asked the waiter to serve the dishes again, and treated them to lunch.

Today's Gourmet V: The latest issue of the magazine is out. There are delicious food, beauties, and beautiful sparks of thought. Come and buy it [Link]

Gu Gu Rou: I am so moved by this cover, I will buy it!

Pineapple Pineapple: I also bought it for the beauty of the little brother on the cover.

Poached Fish Fillets: Isn't This a Gourmet Magazine? When I saw the cover, I thought I had made a mistake.

Jiang Yubai, my wife: Ah, it's a banquet for immortals. I've blown their food away. It's really delicious!

Xiao Taotie: A lot of friends around me have told me about this restaurant, but I didn’t go there because it was too crowded. I didn’t expect to see Jinjin’s magazines. The food magazines produced by Jinjin have always been guaranteed. I will go to the Immortal Banquet tomorrow to queue up !

Twice-cooked pork: The goods arrived very quickly, and it arrived the next day after placing the order. I went to a fairy feast for my little brother's appearance. Although I didn't meet the fairy little brother by chance, the food was really delicious!

Bacon sausage: His mushroom meat sauce is also super delicious. I can eat half a bottle with steamed buns at a time.

In the Internet age, paper media has declined. Gourmet Today has officially released sales information for a few days, and the comment section is still deserted. However, this issue of the magazine has sold relatively well, although some people are targeting Yu Antong's appearance.

Jiang Rongrong couldn't wait to open the magazine she bought when she got it delivered. She is the ultimate face dog. When she surfed Weibo on the Internet, she accidentally saw the cover of a gourmet magazine.

The little brother on the cover is wearing light-colored casual clothes. He is pouring black tea with his eyelids slightly lowered. His slender and thick eyelashes cast a faint shadow. His eyes are long and narrow, and the tails of his eyes are slightly raised, with a sense of dignity that seems to be born with him. .

It's not an aristocratic air that makes people fearful and respectful, but a very indifferent, leisurely, casual and leisurely noble air.

Although it is a static picture, Jiang Rongrong can fully imagine the leisure and gentleness of the other party, and there is an indescribable temperament in his gestures, which makes Jiang Rongrong completely unable to restrain his hand from placing the order. She especially wants to see the high-definition picture of the front of the little brother who raised his head .

She flipped through the magazines. Originally, she bought the magazines just to see the handsome little brother, but on the food picture page, she was attracted by the pictures of exquisite dishes, and she couldn't bear to turn over all at once.

The food looks more shiny under the lens, and the photographer uses the light very well. In several photos, the whistling white steam from the food can be clearly seen.

Jiang Rongrong swallowed, she seemed to be hallucinating and smelled the aroma of food.

"Jiang Rongrong! Didn't you hear your mother calling you to eat?" The door of the room was roughly pushed open, and Jiang Rongrong's father stood at the door and said to his daughter displeasedly, "What are you looking at again? You don't even eat !"

Jiang Rongrong closed the magazine: "I didn't hear it." So it wasn't that she had hallucinations, but that her family had dinner.

It's so sweet and smelly. When she was not on winter vacation, her parents said they missed her on video calls all day long. She was disgusted and scolded all day long after she came home.

Father Jiang glanced at the cover when Jiang Rongrong closed the magazine, and said angrily, "I bought those star magazines again."

Jiang's father walked over and began to scold: "How many times have I told you that it is better to read more books to enrich yourself if you have time to watch those male stars. You said that you are so old, what do you plan to do after graduation, you have a direction and a plan Is it? I think the pocket money given to you is too much, and the living expenses will be halved next month!"

Jiang's father is a leader in a government unit, so he loves to educate people.

"Dad, I'm not a celebrity magazine!" Jiang Rongrong immediately defended herself when she heard that she was going to deduct her living expenses, "This is a gourmet magazine, and this magazine introduces a restaurant called Immortal Banquet. The founder of the Renjia brand is also a college student.”

Jiang Rongrong said eloquently: "I just thought, they are both in their early twenties, why is there such a big gap between me and others, they have already opened several branches in their early twenties, the situation is very good, they still have ideals, ambitions, and insights have height.

"As for me, I have achieved nothing! After reading this magazine, I deeply reflected on myself." Jiang Rongrong picked up the magazine, pointed to the cover, and said, "I want to follow his example, from today, no, from now on, to change and improve myself."

"You're so smart!" Jiang's father snatched the magazine from his daughter. After twenty years of raising his daughter, he still doesn't know. Can a magazine change?

Jiang's father flipped through the magazine casually. It was really a gourmet magazine. An idea popped into his mind in a flash.

Now the higher-ups want both GDP for development and environmental protection, green water and lush mountains and golden mountains and silver mountains. No matter how easy it is to shout slogans, it is as difficult as it is to do it. Difficult work makes him very worried.

Looking at this magazine, he suddenly had an idea. Although there are many catering companies in City A, there are none that are really well-known and well-known in the country. Isn't this a good development direction!

Now that express delivery and the Internet are so developed, vacuum and refrigerated food can be seen everywhere in supermarkets, and it is completely possible for local companies to cover the whole country.

If we vigorously develop the local gourmet industry, it will certainly greatly stimulate the city's economy, and will not produce environmental pollution while developing the economy.

Father Jiang suddenly had great enthusiasm and confidence in his work.

"What's the matter with you father and daughter?" Jiang's mother waited for a long time before anyone came to the table and shouted, "Old Jiang, I asked you to call my daughter to eat, why did you disappear?"

This is a meat bun beating a dog, and there is no return.

"Here we come!" Jiang's father smiled brightly. He took the magazine and tapped his daughter's head lightly. "This time you are credited."

Jiang Rongrong was stunned, what's going on? Why did her father suddenly turn from cloudy to sunny and become so happy? She was ready to be nagged and educated for a day, and then suddenly praised?

Jiang Rongrong glanced at the magazine that her father put back on the table with a puzzled face. Her father's attitude changed when he was flipping through the magazine. So, does this little brother have any magical powers?

A few days later, the editor-in-chief of Food Today contacted Yu Antong and asked him if he would like to participate in a food show. She had a food variety show hosted by a friend to be recorded, and the guests had not been selected yet.

Yu Antong remembered what Han Lele had mentioned to him, why one or two asked him if he wanted to participate in the food show.

But now that his stomach is full for three months, he doesn't need to be so cautious anymore. His morning sickness reaction has passed, and his stomach is not showing yet. If the activity of the program is not strong, he can participate.

It is still too small to rely on word-of-mouth promotion for the Immortal Feast. It would be a good choice to expand the popularity of the show. It is not unreasonable that Internet marketing is so common now.

Yu Antong replied: "Let me first read the general script of the show and think about it."

Yu Antong opened the program information sent to him by Wang Rui, and when he saw the name of the organizer's company, Yu Antong felt a little familiar. After thinking about it carefully, it was Han Lele's company!

It turned out to be the same show in the end.

At this time, Han Lele also called him: "Tongtong, do you remember the food variety show I mentioned to you last time?"

Yu Antong smiled and said: "Coincidentally, some other friends wanted me to participate just now. When I saw the planning project, it was your company that did it. It just so happened that you, a little boss, let me know the truth about this show."

"It's definitely worth participating." Han Lele confessed to him, "I don't know how this show got the green eyes of the above. They say that there should be more shows that promote Chinese food and show the humanistic spirit. Now TV is full of stars, entertainment The breath is too strong, you need to suppress it and change the atmosphere."

"Don't worry." Han Lele said, "With the support of the government, the broadcast of this program can definitely be guaranteed!"

Yu Antong was a little moved. He asked, "How was the intensity of the activity during the recording? If I'm not too tired, I want to try it."

Han Lele said: "I'm really not sure about this, wait a moment, I'll ask about the plan for you."

The planner should be by Han Lele's side, Yu Antong vaguely heard their conversation through the mobile phone.

After a while, Han Lele replied: "This program is recorded and broadcast. Generally, it will be recorded for half a day at a time. You can take a break in the middle. You can leave after recording your part. There are post-editing, and the intensity is not great."

"Besides, this program is not a one-on-one show. It's actually a small team of chefs. There are chefs and assistants. Generally, there are two or three people in a small team. Of course, if you are confident enough, you can also participate by yourself. .”

"The show is called "Here Comes the Chef God!" It adopts a certain elimination system, which is a bit similar to some talent shows. Each episode is scored by the live food judges and the live audience, and the ones with the highest scores will be promoted..."

Yu Antong carefully supported Han Lele and finished speaking, the more he listened, the more he felt that it was not bad, he said: "Then I will discuss it with my husband, and I will give you an answer later."

"Damn!" Han Lele said, "Tongtong, you are too proficient at barking your husband, you caught off guard and stuffed a mouthful of dog food into my mouth."

Married people are different. You have to discuss everything with your family members.

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-01-18 22:09:18~2020-01-19 22:02:50~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 chestnut Daren;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: Xingchen, Erhey or Erbai, 10 bottles of hypocrisy; 5 bottles of Chongya? (ˊ?ˋ*)? 5 bottles; 1 bottle of Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!