"What are you doing, watch the variety show well." Yu Antong smiled and beat Li Xuan, jealous!

[Seeing what you said, I went back and looked at it, awsl! 】

【Rewind +1】

[I unilaterally declare that I am in love! 】

【I declare this is my wife! 】

[Dare to rob me, come on, let's fight! 】

Yu Antong's shots have passed, but there are still many bullet screens that are brushing him.

Xing Lixuan frowned more and more: "Turn off the barrage." Nowadays, people are really serious, they can call anything, whatever they look like.

Yu Antong coaxed him with a smile: "I already have sons, they have no chance."

"Don't pay attention to these things." Yu Antong continued, "The current Internet atmosphere is like this. When they see good-looking people, they call out to their husbands and wives, and they don't care about it at all."

I don't know how many walls there are behind the scenes, just like he also secretly commented on the business photo of actor Gu Xingyan on Weibo with a trumpet, saying that her husband is so handsome!

This must not let Xing Lixuan know.

"The group that made beef noodles just now, didn't many people call them husband."

In the group in Shancheng, the chef is a young man named Fu Fengxing, with a crop top, tough facial features, and a black chef uniform, which makes him look stern and handsome. Just now, many people called their husband on the barrage, saying that he is so handsome. There is such a chef who cooks beef noodles for her, even without beef!

While continuing to watch, Yu Antong said narcissistically: "For a good-looking person like me, it's not normal if no one calls her husband. Let me tell you, Xing Lixuan, that marrying me is a blessing you have cultivated in eight lifetimes. You made a lot of money."

Xing Lixuan kissed his upturned cheek and said with a smile, "No one praises himself like you do."

Marrying Yu Antong is indeed the most correct decision he has ever made.

"What do you mean by boasting yourself?" Yu Antong was full of complacency. If he had a tail, he would be able to fly up to the sky at this moment, "I'm just telling the truth, okay?"

"Huh?" Yu Antong noticed the brief introduction of a contestant who appeared later, "Baifangzhai?"

Yu Antong rewound the video for a few seconds and paused to the contestant's personal introduction. He read it correctly, it said that this middle-aged man was Yu Xingmin, the chef of Baifangzhai.

Yu Antong said: "Isn't Baifangzhai the property of my uncle Yu Qingnian? I didn't expect them to send people to participate in this show. It seems that I stole their limelight."

Yu Xingmin also cooked a dish with a relatively complicated process. Obviously, like them, he planned to make a blockbuster.

"My dish is the most famous soft-pocket long fish among Huaiyang's famous dishes." Yu Xingmin said confidently, "I guarantee that it tastes extremely delicious and will satisfy the five teachers."

The lime smelled it before tasting it: "There is no fishy smell, which is handled very well. The meat is firm and delicious, and I like it very much."

Sun Mingdao: "The marinade and the long fish are perfectly blended. The only fly in the ointment is that the thickening is too thick, and it looks like fish jelly, which affects the aesthetics of the dishes."

"I'll pay attention to it in the future." Yu Xingmin pursed his lips, and nodded to accept the judges' opinion. The Gorgon was assigned to him by Yu Qingnian, and it was indeed a little lacking.

"As you said, it is indeed very fresh and tender." Jiang Liushen nodded after tasting it, and said scientifically, "The long fish is the eel with a thick and thin pen holder, commonly known as pen-holder green. The meat of this size and length long fish is the softest. Tender, it is easier to highlight the characteristics of freshness, tenderness and softness after cooking."

Later, I added a food tip next to it: If the selection of long fish is too large, the muscle fibers will age and the taste will be poor. If it is too small, the meat yield will be too low and it will easily fall apart.

Shen Yuexin said: "Is this also an eel? I'm a little afraid to eat it."

The bullet screen was torn apart because of her words.

[Please, be more dedicated when you are the host of a food show. 】

[That's right, the braised eel that Bai Shuzhen's braised eel in front is not tasty, you don't have to eat it, this uncle is so successful, you can't justify it if you don't eat it]

[Yuexin is afraid of long animals, don't scold her. 】

[Speaking of which, I dare not eat eel]

[It's a bit hypocritical, this is our Huaiyang famous dish, what's so scary? 】

[The eel meat is delicious when done well, but it will be particularly fishy if it is not done well. It is a dish that requires high cooking skills]

Jia Sibo finished tasting first, and persuaded Shen Yuexin, "It's very delicious, you will definitely want to eat it again after you try it."

Shen Yuexin dared not eat it, and finally tried it with the encouragement of other judges, and gave a serious evaluation.

[I don’t understand a gourmet show, why invite a star to do it!]

[That is, can't you act well? 】

[I came to the variety show because of my poor acting skills, dog head]

【Stop scolding, she ate it in the end】

【Everyone has something to fear, there is no need to attack others because of this】

[Since she is here to be a food judge, she should be more dedicated to her work]

[What Huaiyang famous dish, just looking at it makes you lose your appetite]

[I am from Huaiyang, and I dare not eat this dish to be honest]

Xing Lixuan paid attention to Yu Qingnian because of Yu Antong, he said: "The business of Baifangzhai is sluggish, I guess Yu Qingnian wants to use this program to do his best to attract customers."

Yu Antong also thought of this: "This chef still has some skills, but it's a pity that their thinking when cooking is wrong."

The taste of this dish of soft pocket long fish can really catch people's taste buds, but the appearance is not very good-looking. Many people are as afraid of long molluscs as Shen Yuexin, so the audience's senses will not be very good.

Yu Xingmin only wanted to win in terms of taste and make all the judges admire him. Unfortunately, he forgot about the food variety show. Although the theme is food, it is still a variety show. The most intuitive feeling for the audience is not the taste but the appearance.

The appearance of the food is what the audience can feel and impress them the most. It is not an exaggeration to say that if a dish looks good, they can imagine the deliciousness that makes them drool.

In short, they were short of a move, and still slightly lost to Yu Antong.

"We have finished tasting the dishes of the last contestant in this round. A total of 24 groups of contestants have successfully won the favor of the judges and have the opportunity to enter our next MasterChef competition."

The host said emotionally: "Please don't be proud of the contestants who passed, because there are still more severe challenges waiting for you!"

After watching this episode, Yu Antong roughly counted. About ten of the 36 groups are relatively strong, but he can't be sure. After all, he didn't watch the other party cook with his own eyes. He only watched the edited programs later. prone to errors.

Yu Antong sent a message to Han Lele.

[Yu Antong: I've finished watching the show, it's really good, I laughed all the way to the end, it's very interesting. 】

Han Lele came over for a while before returning.

[Han Lele: I just said that the planning of this program is worthwhile. 】

[Han Lele: You can take a look at Weibo, the program team bought a hot search]

[Han Lele: But I heard the report from the company's employees, and the response I received far exceeded their expectations]

Han Lele's company's publicity department bought hot searches to advertise this show, which attracted some viewers, but the quality of the show itself must pass, otherwise it would be useless to buy more hot searches, and would be scolded in turn.

[Yu Antong: I'll go and have a look, let's not talk for now]

Yu Antong opened the Weibo search page, and saw the first item floating on it: The most hilarious food variety show

Followed by the word [热], he clicked in, and it was several gourmet celebrities with millions of fans in Amway's "God of Cooking!" "

Foodie Welfare V: A rare gourmet variety show in China, let’s watch and cherish it.

Gourmet Crazy V: The **** food variety show keeps surprising me. It’s more interesting than chasing dramas. Come and watch it.

Some also cut pictures of several chefs with good looks in the show.

Xiao Wang V who cooks: I rushed to watch food shows, and finally became obsessed with the looks of my little brothers and couldn't extricate myself, so I directly uploaded the picture【Picture】×9

Cuckoo Fish: I died laughing at this show, go watch it.

Jackfruit: At first I thought it was a king show, but when the feature film started, I was shaken. When I thought he was a bronze, the king appeared. In short, this is a very magical variety show.

Bingtang Sydney: There are several handsome guys in it, sisters go to see it, it’s not a loss!

Fairy Water: What kind of fairy face is this, I want to see the little brother in the second picture too!

Xiao Zhao, who loves to eat meat: I stumbled across it by accident last night, and stopped to look at it because of the beauty of a little brother, but I couldn’t stop seeing it, and I was so greedy that I cried!

Xiaoyu Xiaoyu doesn't eat fish: the sisters shake hands, cry together, and don't want to order takeaway at night, so they just get up and cook a bowl of instant noodles.

Lemon tea: Very good, the only drawback is that it is not enough to watch! Hurry up and release the next issue @厨神来!

Favorite Pork Chop Rice: Huh ~ Watching the show, the pork chop rice in my hand suddenly tastes bad.

Hamster eating melon seeds: stop! New lunch program.

Braised Pig's Trotter: Thanks to this show for showing me the way forward when I don't know what to have for lunch.

Stewed Goose in Iron Pot: Friends who don’t know what to eat, let’s go to the Fairy Feast! Every dish is guaranteed to be delicious.

Fish-flavored shredded pork: There is already a queue for the fairy feast, I hate it! In the past, there were a lot of people, but once the show was broadcast, the number of people queuing up skyrocketed again【Picture】

Grumpy Cuckoo: @仙人饭, why are you joining in the fun? If you have the ability to be on the show, if you have the ability to open more branches!

Yuxiang Eggplant: Manager, I am also queuing up. Looking at the picture, I should be in the same store as you, the one on Fenghuang Street. We are so destined to have a similar ID. Do you want to make an appointment for a meal? I'm the only one in purple, easy to recognize.

I shouldn't be in the car: Hahaha, can I become a sand sculpture netizen noodle after a meal?

Yuxiang Pork Shredded: Yes, face-to-face was successful, I checked my eyes, and met the right person!

Fish-flavored eggplant: Young lady is so beautiful, I’m too embarrassed to boast in three dimensions, let me express my love on the Internet@鱼香肉帝

Five small **** in one bite: Mess! I'm in awe, why do you always meet the right person when you go out for a meal?

Udon Noodles: The new feature of queuing for Immortal Banquet, let’s find out about making friends online.

Yu Antong was also shocked, she didn't expect to be able to operate like this, but the opening of the Immortal Banquet branch must be arranged as soon as possible.

Auntie finished stewing the corn rib soup, and came over to ask Yu Antong, "The rib soup is ready, would you like to drink it now?"

"Drink now." Yu Antong pushed Xing Lixuan, ordering people very easily, "Bring it here for me."

The aunt said: "I'll do it."

Auntie served Yu Antong a bowl, and Yu Antong was absent-mindedly drinking one spoonful after another as he calculated his current bills.


After thinking for a long time, Yu Antong had to accept the reality that he had reinvested all the money he earned, and there was no balance left to open a branch.

Xing Lixuan supervised Yu Antong to drink the soup every day: "What are you thinking? Eat the meat."


As soon as Xing Lixuan finished speaking, Yu Antong didn't hold the spoon properly and dropped it on the carpet.

"Ah! It's gone." Yu Antong raised his head and looked at Xing Lixuan innocently.

Xing Lixuan pinched Yu Antong's cheek, and tugged: "Are you three years old this year? Children know how to use a spoon better than you."

Yu Antong argued: "I was thinking about something just now."

Xing Lixuan let him go, picked up the spoon on the ground and took it to the kitchen to rinse it.

Yu Antong's gaze followed Xing Lixuan, and suddenly remembered that he has a rich husband!

He can be regarded as someone who married into a wealthy family! Almost forgot this.

"Husband~" Yu Antong knelt on the sofa, and when Xing Lixuan came from the kitchen, she smiled sweetly at Xing Lixuan, with a flattering smile.

"Be courteous for nothing, **** or steal." Xing Lixuan was not fascinated by Yu Antong's sweet smile, and said calmly, "What do you want to do, little thief?"

Yu Antong's smiling face immediately disappeared, and she pouted and said, "Stinky husband! It's not okay to smile at you!"

"Let me guess." Xing Lixuan said, "I want to open a branch, but I don't have the money, huh?"

Yu Antong was dumbfounded, and said in disbelief: "Honey, you are too good, how can you guess so accurately?"

In fact, it's not difficult to guess at all. Ever since Yu Antong was going to participate in this show, Xing Lixuan thought that Yu Antong would face this problem. With the popularity of Immortal Banquet rising, the next step is to open more branches.

Xing Lixuan enjoyed Yu Antong's adoring gaze: "Little fool."

He said directly: "How much money do you need, I will invest for you."

"So straightforward?" Yu Antong said, "Do you still remember how you refused without hesitation when I asked you to borrow money? It was so ruthless!"

Suddenly the old matter was brought up again, and the account was settled, Xing Lixuan touched the tip of his nose: "Baby, don't mention the past."

Yu Antong is not a person who holds grudges, he just wanted to tease Xing Lixuan on purpose, he didn't dwell on this matter too much, after all, from Xing Lixuan's point of view, it would be wrong to casually lend tens of millions to an unfamiliar person normal.

Yu Antong said: "At the beginning, I boasted that if you lent me, I would definitely pay you back the principal with interest within half a year. Looking at it now, it's fortunate that you didn't lend me, otherwise I would have to pay you all of my wealth. "

Xing Lixuan said: "Not necessarily."

Yu Antong: "Huh?"

Xing Lixuan: "You don't need to pay anything else, I just need you."

Hearing this, Yu Antong was very proactive about engaging in improper transactions, and the script was written in an instant: "The big boss threatens and lures, and the pure male college student sells his body in order to stick to his dream of starting a business. It's pitiful, tsk tsk!"

The author has something to say:

President Xing: My wife plays a lot every day

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-01-3022:32:34~2020-01-3123:36:03~

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: grapefruit, magic girl, 298275071;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 28 bottles of magic girl; 20 bottles of bamboo love meat; Joy, Qian. 10 bottles, 335,737,308 bottles, 335,737,308 bottles, 5 bottles of ether, sinking Xinghai, 5 bottles, I drink with the spring breeze, you know the things in the book, but 4 bottles; Chongya?(ˊ?ˋ* )?, cat puppet の 喵, Fourier transform, ink bamboo 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!