Regardless of the wailing of the crowd, the host continued: "And you can't choose all the ingredients used by the ten groups of contestants by yourself."

"Huh? What does that mean?"

"It means that the two contestants in each group choose three ingredients for each other." The host came up with a bad idea, "You can choose the most difficult ingredients for each other or the ingredients that you think the other party is least good at."

"This is too ruthless, let me die!" A lively female contestant leaned against the wall and began to "hit the wall".

She originally thought that exchanging ingredients in the last episode was difficult enough, but now it seems that the program group is not the most ruthless, only more ruthless.

In the last issue, at the very least, the other party chose the ingredients for a certain dish. If you think carefully, you can find a clear cooking direction, but in this issue, let the opponent choose the ingredients for themselves, and guide them to choose difficult ingredients for the other party. Too cruel.

"There is one more thing to tell you." The host spoke again.

"No, it's not over yet?"

"Tell me, I'm already fearless."

"It's not that I'm fearless, it doesn't matter, no matter how I die, I'm going to die, so just give me a good time."

"Don't worry, there are no other conditions." The host said, "What I want to say is that we have a new judge joining this issue, and he is our food sponsor, Mr. Xing Lixuan, chairman of Jiangyue Group."

The large electronic screen was projected onto the judges' seat, and the five judges lined up. There was only a short introduction from the host, and there was no solo shot of Xing Lixuan.

This was specifically requested by Xing Lixuan, he didn't want to have too many shots of himself.

After the host's introduction, he said to Zhuang Zhouyang: "Zhuang Zhouyang, you were the first in the last episode, and you have the right to choose the best ingredients. I hope you can use this to hold your first place."

The electronic screen had been turned off, but Yu Antong was still looking up blankly, and he didn't come back to his senses until the host spoke.

Just now when he saw Xing Lixuan sitting on the judging panel on the screen, he thought he had read it wrong, and then he heard the host introduce him, it was indeed Xing Lixuan.

How did he get to the judges' seat? No information was given to him at all.

No wonder I asked him last night if he would like to have an investor as a judge. It turned out that he was the new investor.

Apart from being surprised, Yu Antong also had some other emotions.

He is a contestant, and his husband will be a judge, what will the audience think? There must be some people who will question Xing Lixuan's selfishness.

He came to this show to promote the Immortal Banquet based on his own ability. When Xing Lixuan came, even if he won the championship and the title of God of Cooking, some people would think that there was moisture in it.

Let’s say he’s not happy, he’s still a little surprised. Xing Lixuan has always been a relatively low-key person who doesn’t want to show his face in front of the media. He was probably stimulated by the previous episodes of the program. He saw someone calling him husband, Wife, she even put him together with other players, so she couldn't sit still.

This vinegar jar!

When he thought that Xing Lixuan cared so much about him, it was hard for him not to be happy.

"Let's discuss it, shall we?" Zhuang Zhouyang was in a gap when he was choosing ingredients. Some contestants came up with strategies and discussed with his fellow contestants, "Let's all let each other go. Choose perverted ingredients for me."

"make a deal."

Some contestants also looked at each other, and the air was filled with invisible gunpowder, obviously intending to confront each other and not give in to each other.

Yu Antong got the number 7, the same number as Yu Xingmin.

Yu Xingmin is a member of his uncle Yu Qingnian. Given the tense relationship between him and Yu Qingnian, there is absolutely no room for them to discuss with each other. The two of them never exchanged a word. The two went straight to the food area.

Yu Antong picked winter melon, carp, and eggplant for him. These ingredients are very homely dishes when taken individually, but it is really unimaginable to mix them together.

What Yu Xingmin chose for Yu Antong was not simple, they were pork belly, chicken gizzards and carrots.

Lin Haoning looked at Yu Antong without a clue: "Master, this..."

Chicken gizzards need to be cooked for a long time to be cooked, while pork belly generally only needs to be boiled for more than ten seconds in a hot pot. Using completely different ingredients in one dish? Not to mention a carrot.

"I actually remembered a dish that uses pork belly and chicken gizzards as the main ingredients." Jiang Yuxiu said, "But that dish is too difficult. If you try it for the first time, it will be difficult to succeed."

"You mean oily fried double crisp?" Lin Haoning also remembered, "Master, have you ever cooked this dish?"

This dish has extremely high requirements on knife skills, heat and speed, indeed, as Jiang Yuxiu said, it is basically impossible to make it delicious for the first time.

"It's difficult, let me try." Yu Antong said, "Don't be so nervous, my level is the worst and I won't be eliminated in the last three."

Jiang Yuxiu thought of a way: "Why don't we prepare more ingredients. If we fail the first time, let's try it again. Although this dish is difficult to make, fortunately it doesn't take time, and we have time to try it a few more times."

Yu Antong said: "Well, this method is feasible." He really can't guarantee to do it right once.

The three of them discussed and acted together. Jiang Yuxiu and Lin Haoning cleaned enough chicken gizzards and pork belly for three dishes, then peeled off the inner and outer tendons of the chicken gizzards, and cut them into net-shaped flower knives vertically and horizontally with a knife. The knife was suspended in the air, and the chicken gizzards were cut continuously. It was a test of knife skills, Jiang Yuxiu cut carefully.

Yu Antong took a large bowl, and added clear soup, Shaojiu, monosodium glutamate, salt, wet starch, etc. to make Gorgon juice.

It is very important to remove the fishy smell from chicken gizzards and pork belly. Yu Antong soaked Jiang Yuxiu's cut pork belly and chicken gizzards in water added with edible alkali to make them crispy and remove the fishy smell.

The knife work is not too difficult, the most difficult thing is the production process.

Heat up the oil, put the pork belly and chicken gizzards into the boiling oil and fry them instantly, then remove them quickly.

The heat and speed at this time are very important and difficult to control. If the oil temperature is too high, the pork belly and chicken gizzards will be burnt on the outside; if the oil temperature is too low, the pork belly and chicken gizzards will burn The taste is not crunchy, chewy and hard to bite.

The oil temperature is well controlled, and the time is also very important. It must be controlled within 15 seconds. If this time is exceeded, the chicken gizzards will be fried and hard, the taste will not be fresh or fragrant, and the essence of this dish will be lost.

It is estimated that the purpose of Yu Xingmin to choose these few ingredients for him is to let them cook this dish. It is easy to imagine that this dish is not difficult, but it is not easy to do it well.

Yu Antong's first attempt really failed, the oil temperature was too high in the later stage, and it was overcooked.

"Try again." Yu Antong's unwillingness to admit defeat came up, this time he abandoned all distracting thoughts and concentrated on it.

When the oil temperature is 80% hot, quickly put in the ingredients, then turn to low heat to control the oil temperature, and when the color of the chicken gizzards changes from red to white, and the pork belly turns from soft to straight and broken, he quickly takes them out with a slotted spoon Drain the oil.

"Success!" Yu Antong drained the oil and ordered, "Yuxiu, turn on another frying pan, put a little oil in it, add onion, **** and garlic and sauté until fragrant."

According to Yu Antong's instructions, Jiang Yuxiu just stir-fried the onion, ginger, and garlic to bring out the fragrance. Yu Antong immediately put the chicken gizzards, pork belly and sliced ​​carrots into the pan, and then added the prepared Gorgon sauce, and stir-fried for a few minutes. Next, quickly take out the pot and put it on a plate.

Yu Antong tasted it not very relieved.

"How is it?" Both Lin Haoning and Jiang Yuxiu looked at him expectantly.

Yu Antong nodded with satisfaction: "Very successful."

The two of them showed admiration to Yu Antong one after another, it was too amazing to succeed in only two times, especially Jiang Yuxiu, who is now full of admiration for Yu Antong.

She has tried this dish many times, only one time when a blind cat met a dead mouse, and it happened to be successful. Up to now, she can't make this dish very well, but Yu Antong tried it for the first time today. Time and talent are incomparable.

This dish came out very quickly, even if they failed once before, they were still the first to complete it, Yu Antong raised his hand as a signal, and walked into the judges' seat.

In the morning, when Yu Antong came to record the scene, he took Lin Haoning's car, and when he went back, he took Xing Lixuan's car.

After recording the show, Yu Antong still wanted to go with Lin Haoning at first, but Xing Lixuan stopped him and said to Lin Haoning: "You go first, An Tong takes my car."

Xing Lixuan followed Yu Antong to the store during the holidays a year ago. Lin Haoning met Xing Lixuan, but he didn't know the relationship between the two. He guessed that they were a couple. Lin Haoning hesitated and looked at Yu Antong.

Yu Antong didn't want to lose his temper with Xing Lixuan in front of outsiders, so he had to say to Lin Haoning: "You send Yuxiu back, I'll take his car."

"Oh well."

After Lin Haoning and Jiang Yuxiu left, Yu Antong sat in the back seat of Xing Lixuan's car and closed the door hard.

"Angry?" Xing Lixuan didn't drive immediately, but also sat in the back seat.

"Why did you come here without discussing it with me, and deliberately kept it from me." Yu Antong was full of displeasure, "I took Lin Haoning's car this morning, and you didn't tell me, so you let me take another ride now." Get his car back!"

"I want to give you a surprise." Xing Lixuan said, "I didn't expect you to be angry."

"I'm not angry either." Yu Antong said, "You should discuss it with me. Have you ever thought about what other people will think when you come to be a judge? Maybe some people will think that I am the second Cai Yingying and think that the judges are not good enough. Fair, it's not good for you, it's not good for me."

Xing Lixuan said: "Don't worry, I have considered everything you said, firstly, anyone who has been to the Immortal Banquet will not question your level, and secondly, I asked Han Xingyan about the competition system in the later stage of this show.

The next few episodes will be recorded outdoors, and the public will be invited to judge. The weight of the five judges' evaluations will become very small. Even if I want to give you more points, I can't do it.

In the later stage of the public review, the dishes to be prepared are very large, and the physical strength consumed is not at the same level as now. Do you think I can rest assured that you will participate alone? "

He didn't come to be a judge, he just spent money to buy a family seat.

Xing Lixuan continued: "Furthermore, if they search Jiangyue Group and find out about my net worth, they will know that as my wife, they don't need to follow those crooked ways."

When Yu Antong thought about it, that was really the case. Which of the wealthy wives was like him who worked hard to start his own business.

If you really want to do something, you can do it easily with the resources around you, and you don't need to do those detours behind your back.

"After that, I should worry. You are so handsome. Once the show airs, they should call you husband." Yu Antong snorted, "You really shouldn't have come."

The author has something to say:

Netizen: Ahhh! This is my husband, and so is that one!

President Xing: I'm sorry, we're both married, please don't bother me.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-09 23:26:30~2020-02-1023:34:44~

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: you are all good at naming names, 5 bottles of Baiyun; 4 bottles of Qingmei Wanyue; 2 bottles of Qianqiu; ;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!