Xing Lixuan squeezed Yu Antong's chin and kissed him, and said softly: "Why are you so fond of acting like a baby?"

Xing Lixuan looked at Yu Antong deeply. To be honest, seeing Yu Antong addressing him as Mr. online so formally made him a little uncomfortable. After all, Yu Antong was always not serious in front of him. Goblin.

Although he is not used to it, he still likes it. Yu Antong's voluntary declaration of his close relationship with him in public proves that Yu Antong also likes and loves him, and he really accepts the two of them as husband and wife in his heart.

Their marriage has changed from being full of interests and schemes at the beginning to the current relationship.

Thinking about it, Xing Lixuan's eyes became more gentle, and his eyes moved down to Yu Antong's lower abdomen, and asked, "Is your son doing well today? It's almost time for the pregnancy test again."

"Be good, I just turn over and kick my legs occasionally every day." Yu Antong recalled the occasional movements in his stomach, "If you don't tell me, I forgot to take a pregnancy test, time flies so fast."

Xing Lixuan said: "Can you forget such an important thing?"

Yu Antong retorted: "Isn't it because you are here!"

Before Yu Antong remembered all kinds of things by himself, but later he found that Xing Lixuan thought of everything for him, and he became more dependent on Xing Lixuan without knowing it.

It's purely habitual.

Yu Antong loves to be coquettish, and Xing Lixuan also loves to spoil him, making him even more arrogant.

The naturalness in Yu Antong's tone made Xing Lixuan very useful. He enjoyed Yu Antong's trust and dependence on him, so he packed his luggage without complaint, and took Yu Antong to fly to the United States the next day.

Xing Lixuan raised Yu Antong meticulously and carefully, which is no different from raising a son. Maybe in the future, when he is born in Xiaonian, he may not take care of his son as hard as he takes care of Yu Antong.

Under the careful care of Xing Lixuan, the results of Yu Antong's physical examination were all within the normal range without exception.

The baby shown in the B-ultrasound image has grown up a bit, and the outline can be seen more clearly than before.

Dr. Smith told them that his experimental project will soon be successful, and then he can go to Huaguo to save Yu Antong from traveling long distances.

"Thank you for your willingness to go." Xing Lixuan thanked him, and said that if necessary, he could charter a plane to pick up Dr. Smith and his assistants, as well as some medical equipment that he wanted to bring to China.

Dr. Smith was very happy when he heard the words: "In that case, it would be great!"

There are several medical instruments that are relatively large, difficult to carry and cannot withstand collisions. It is of course most convenient if there is a special plane to pick them up.

This time the two didn't stay long, and only returned to China after Yu Antong had a rest.

When leaving the station, a slim young man dressed in fashion passed by Yu Antong and the others. Because Yu Antong was pregnant, he walked slowly, and Xing Lixuan also matched Yu Antong's pace.

The man walked normally, but compared to Yu Antong, he was faster. When he passed Yu Antong and the others, he accidentally glanced in Yu Antong's direction, and then he realized something, turned his head, and kept looking at Yu Antong's face.

Xing Lixuan and Yu Antong noticed the man's scrutiny almost at the same time, and the two who were talking looked over together.

There was a little confusion in Yu Antong's eyes, as if asking again, why are you looking at me.

Xing Lixuan's eyes became much colder, and he panicked at the sight, and lowered his head to avoid his sight. When he lowered his head, he happened to find that Yu Antong's shoelaces were loose, and hurriedly reminded him: "Your shoelaces are loose, be careful not to trip .”

Yu Antong bowed his head. He was wearing a pair of comfortable white soft-soled sneakers. The laces were indeed a little loose. It turned out that this person wanted to remind him kindly.

"Thank you." Xing Lixuan nodded his thanks.

"You're welcome." The man was terrified by Xing Lixuan's sharp gaze, and hurried past them to leave.

Xing Lixuan and Yu Antong walked to the side, avoided the road, and walked to the rest chair next to it. Yu Antong was about to bend over to tie his shoelaces, but Xing Lixuan supported him and said, "Sit down, and I'll tie it for you."

Yu Antong said: "It should be fine for me to bend over to tie my shoelaces now."

What he said was a bit unfounded, because as early as half a month ago, Xing Lixuan was afraid that he would squeeze his stomach and make his stomach uncomfortable, so Xing Lixuan took care of things like wearing shoes and socks that required excessive bending.

Even though he said that Xing Lixuan was overly careful and that he was not that fragile, Xing Lixuan still insisted.

Fortunately at home, Yu Antong was able to raise his feet and let Xing Lixuan put on and tie his shoes.

But outside, and in a crowded airport, he, a young man with hands and feet, was being **** by another man, which was inappropriate no matter what.

Xing Lixuan didn't speak, and directly knelt and half-kneeled to tie Yu Antong. The shoelaces were only loose but not untied, just tighten them, just for a short second.

Jiang Mei is a member of Zhu Yucheng's sister group. The photo of Xing Lixuan and Yu Antong that Zhu Yucheng sent to the group made him sour, so he went abroad and did a crazy shopping to relieve himself as a single The dog's sour jealousy, by the way, let's see if I can meet a handsome Kong Shao and develop a sweet love.

As a result, the flight attendant didn't meet him. As soon as he got off the plane, he ran into Xing Lixuan and his wife.

Didn't he just couldn't help looking at Yu Antong more often? Xing Lixuan's eyes were as cold as if he wanted to rob his wife, it really scared him to death.

Fortunately, he saw that Yu Antong's shoelaces were loose, so he found an excuse to escape.

Jiang Mei walked a few steps, couldn't help but look back, and saw Xing Lixuan and Yu Antong standing in front of a row of rest chairs and didn't know what to say. He took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera, and planned to take a picture of meeting them by chance. The photos were sent to the sister group, and they complained about their own luck.

He tapped the focus, and when he pressed the camera button, he just caught Xing Lixuan bending over to tie Yu Antong's shoelaces!

Ahhh! Jiang Mei is going to be sour!

It is difficult to find a 1 in the **** circle, but it is even more difficult to find a 1 who is not a scumbag. It may be difficult to find a high-quality fierce 1 like Xing Lixuan who is willing to bend down to tie shoelaces for his wife!

What kind of tricks does this little fairy Yu Antong have to make a man as stern as Xing Lixuan love him so alone?

Jiang Mei was so upset that he stomped his feet, and he sent the photo to the sister group.

The No. 1 Beauty in Jiangcheng: [Picture]

The number one beauty in Jiangcheng: What kind of luck am I! Obviously going abroad to be happy, lest I become a sour spider spirit from a little fairy, but I met them at the airport! Xing Lixuan even bent down to tie Yu Antong's shoelaces!

Pure place 0 online waiting 1: ah ah ah! I'm going to be sour! Does Yu Antong have no hands? ! Don't you know how to tie your shoelaces when you're so grown up? ! When you are a three-year-old baby? ! Shameless in public! Dog man, kill me!

Brother look at me: Yu Antong is a thousand-year-old fox who has become a spirit! How can you train a man to be like this? If he starts a class, I will be the first to sign up!

A sour lemon: Ask @美人, why did you become a spider spirit?

I want 1: Because of Pansidong, Chengzi, you are still young, if you still don’t understand it, forget it.

After a while, they calmed down a bit and typed resentfully.

Pure Place 0 Online Waiting 1: I'm sorry, Ben Gong lost his composure just now [Who will show this Gong no matter how beautiful she is.jpg]

My brother looked at me: None of the pictures posted by Chengzi that day made me so sour, but this photo today really made me cry.

A sour lemon: don't call me an orange, from now on I'm acidified, please call me Niu Colu Lemon.

The No. 1 Beauty in Jiangcheng: Yes, it's so sour. Do you know how I noticed them?

A sour lemon: what?

The No. 1 Beauty in Jiangcheng: At that time, I was looking down at my phone while passing by them. I didn't notice them at all. Just when I was about to pass them, I heard a deep and magnetic voice asking, is the baby sore? ?

I want 1:! ! 【Stunned.jpg】

The No. 1 Beauty in Jiangcheng: This voice is so dull, I couldn't help turning my face when I heard it, and my first reaction was, shit! It turned out to be the two of them! The second reaction is, hastily! Xing Lixuan actually called Yu Antong baby!

A sour lemon: Listening to your description, I already have a picture in my mind, this is too sweet! Mr. Xing really dotes on Yu Antong so much that he actually calls him a baby.

Pure Place 0 Online Waiting 1: The name baby is too sweet and sweet, awsl! I take back what I said at the beginning, Yu Antong is pampered by someone, and has the capital to be a baby for a lifetime, so what is it to tie a shoelace [Sitting on a pile of lemons and crying loudly.jpg]

The No. 1 Beauty in Jiangcheng: Mr. Xing, at first glance, looks like he has a great weapon and a good job. Yu Antong is so happy to be slapped fiercely by such a man while listening to him softly calling for the baby.

I want 1: Don’t talk about sisters, please God give me such a husband [Xinnan wishes to be vegetarian all his life.jpg]

The No. 1 Beauty in Jiangcheng: Before I knew they were so sweet, I could still lie to myself. Such a sweet love does not exist in reality. Now, my standard of mate selection seems to have been raised to another level. How can I do this? Find a boyfriend!

A sour lemon: To be honest, I really want to make friends with Yu Antong and ask him for his experience. He can turn a cold and hard steel plate like Xing Lixuan into soft fingers, and he must be very good at falling in love.

How did Yu Antong know that the short moment when Xing Lixuan tied his shoelaces at the airport was captured by such a coincidence.

Because this little 0 in the Jiangcheng **** circle who coveted Xing Lixuan gave up more than half of his heart, he began to want to know Yu Antong more, ask him for his experience, and ask him how to catch high-quality gongs and make the other party give up on him.

He is asking Xing Lixuan to pinch his legs at home. The older the child is, the more sore his calves will feel. The last time he went to the United States, it was not so serious.

"Hmm! Mmm..."

This time his legs were so sore, when Xing Lixuan pressed it, he hummed non-stop.

"Don't make a sound." Xing Lixuan trained with tense muscles.

Yu Antong retorted: "You feel sore when you press it! I'm already enduring it." Although it will feel comfortable after pressing it, the process is really sour, and he didn't mean it.

"Smelly husband! You are fierce!" Yu Antong kicked him.

Xing Lixuan's muscles were tight and stiff, Yu Antong's kick didn't do anything to Xing Lixuan, but almost sprained his own toes.

Yu Antong took a deep breath: "Hiss~ It hurts!"

"Does it hurt?" Seeing that he really hurt himself, Xing Lixuan hurriedly checked it nervously, and then he was relieved after confirming that the pain was not serious, "Let you mess around!"

Yu Antong pursed her mouth and didn't speak, like a doormat.

Xing Lixuan laughed when he saw it: "Are you still wronged?"

The author has something to say:

Zhu Yucheng: Don't call me Orange in the future, I am Niu Colu Lemon.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-14 23:40:52~2020-02-15 23:28:43~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: 8 ztcrie; 42225630, Silent Forest, Yiyi is so difficult; 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of light wine and strong tea, Lu Wusheng; 9 bottles of Kagura; 5 bottles of mushrooms; 3 bottles of Li Bobo; )#)))≦, Mingze, 376557791 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!