Yu Antong pushed Xing Lixuan out, and Jiang Yuxiu came over to work. The three of them performed their own duties, just like an assembly line operation, and Guokui was able to do it faster than the other.

"3, 2, 1! Time is up! Contestants, please stop what you're doing!" the boy in black shouted, "Contestants, please bring your finished products to the food street to assemble."

"Huh!" Yu Antong let out a long breath, put down the unfinished piece of dough in his hand, and asked worriedly, "Yuxiu, is there enough for twenty?"

In the last ten minutes or so, he turned on all his horsepower and focused all his attention on making the cakes. He didn't know exactly how much he made and whether it was enough for the program group's requirements. Although he felt that the quantity was enough in the last few minutes, he didn't dare to stop.

Jiang Yuxiu had to add carbon to check the heat, and also had to watch the pot helmet to remove it in time, and she was too busy to spare, so she counted carefully: "5, 10, 15, 20, 22! There are 22, let's It has reached the standard, and even surpassed it!"

The three of them felt relieved, Lin Haoning patted the flour on his hands, he was both happy and regretful and said: "It's a pity that there are still a few uncooked pot helmets in the crock furnace, so they can't be counted."

Jiang Yuxiu also said casually: "It would be great if there were a few more yuan, I really want to eat two pot helmets made by myself."

The completion of this competition was more intense and difficult than ever, and the final result is even more rewarding. It is a pity that I cannot personally enjoy this result.

"Judges, can you give us two more minutes." Yu Antong glanced at the pot helmet in the furnace, and said to Xing Lixuan solemnly, "We want to wait for these few to be cooked and take them away. This will not be counted in the total. eat."

Xing Lixuan handed him the water glass: "Well, come and sit down, rest for two minutes before going over there."

Yu Antong took the water glass and was not in a hurry to drink it. He kissed Xing Lixuan on the side of his face: "Woo! Thank you judges!"

Anyway, everyone knew that he and Xing Lixuan were married, so there was no need to deliberately keep a distance.

Yu Antong kissed when she wanted to, and then sat next to Xing Lixuan and drank water slowly.

"Judges, may I ask what number do you think I can get this time?" Yu Antong asked Xing Lixuan with a blink of an eye after drinking the water.

Without even thinking about it, Xing Lixuan said, "You are the best."

No matter what others say, Yu Antong's culinary skills are incomparable to anyone in his heart, this is indisputable.

Seeing that Yu An drank a small glass of water, it seemed that he was indeed thirsty, Xing Lixuan asked, "Do you still drink?"

Yu Antong shook his head: "No." If you drink too much, your stomach will feel bloated.

A few minutes later, they went to the meeting point together to receive evaluations from food volunteers.

It was already one o'clock in the afternoon after the recording of the show. Yu Antong ate a piece of pot helmet while commenting, but he was not hungry at all. Xing Lixuan took him to find a nearby high-end restaurant for dinner.

"Legs are sore." On the way home after eating, Yu Antong thumped her own leg, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Xing Lixuan's complexion is not very good: "Go back to sleep for a while, I will rub it for you."

A normal person would be tired from standing all morning today, not to mention Yu Antong is still pregnant.

"Yeah." Yu Antong sighed, "There's a graduation party tonight, but I don't want to go out anymore."

Xing Lixuan said: "Then don't go to the graduation party tonight."

"I'm just talking about it." Yu Antong said, "I will definitely go, I promised the instructor that I will give a speech together with other class committee members as outstanding graduates."

After Yu Antong finished speaking, he glanced at the front rearview mirror from the back seat, and saw Xing Lixuan's serious face, obviously unhappy.

Although Xing Lixuan kept a straight face most of the time and didn't smile much, Yu Antong could see his mood changes.

Yu Antong asked: "Are you angry?"

Xing Lixuan pressed the corner of his mouth, but still said: "No."

"I still said no, I can see it." Yu Antong said, "Don't worry, I'm not very tired. You know, I'm the most delicate person and can't bear hardships. If I'm really tired, I won't hold on. And I just need to start speaking at the very beginning of the night, it doesn't take too long."

After talking, they arrived home, the two got out of the car, Yu Antong hugged Xing Lixuan and acted like a baby: "My husband, don't be unhappy."

Xing Lixuan sighed: "I'm not angry, I just feel that I didn't take good care of you."

"Nonsense, you took good care of me." Yu Antong hastily retorted, "Even Dr. Smith said that I am a father-to-be with very standard indicators, and this is all thanks to you."

Xing Lixuan pinched his cheeks, it was a little fleshier than before: "He will speak nicely, but he is not obedient at all."

"Well, why am I disobedient? I'm the most obedient."

Xing Lixuan let them go and walked into the house, Yu Antong pretended to be obedient and smiled and said: "I will say more nice things, husband, do you want to listen?"

Xing Lixuan followed him and said, "Well, let's talk about it."

"I'm not talking obediently, I'm telling the truth." Yu Antong blew rainbow farts at Xing Lixuan, "My husband is the best, although I am the kindest, most handsome, and best cooking baby in the world, but it's only just now. It's all good enough to be worthy of you, the best husband in the world, where in the world can you find another person who can match such an excellent and perfect you."

It was the first time Xing Lixuan heard such a compliment from someone, he laughed and said, "Are you complimenting me, or yourself?"

Yu Antong said: "This is a rhetorical technique. Don't you understand that you graduated from a prestigious university? I'm praising myself on the surface, but I'm actually praising you to a higher level. Can you Marrying me with so many advantages means that you have good vision, the best I match with the best you, the more I praise myself, the more it proves that you are better!"

"This passage of mine is advanced layer by layer, with additional side effects, which Chinese teacher can't boast for a second after listening to it!"

Yu Antong chattered nonsense in a serious manner: "You pay attention, am I right?"

Xing Lixuan said: "It's all nonsense."

After entering the house, Mother Xing saw them coming back and asked, "You guys are back, have you eaten yet? If you haven't eaten, ask Auntie to make some."

Xing Lixuan said: "Eat, Mom, you continue to watch your TV, An Tong and I go upstairs to rest for a while."

"Okay, you guys go to rest first." Mother Xing said to Yu Antong, "There is soup in the kitchen, come down and drink it later."

"Got it, thank you Mom."

After the two went upstairs, Yu Antong continued what he said just now: "Why did I make a mistake, what I said is reasonable and well-founded!"

"Yes, yes, you are the most reasonable." Xing Lixuan said with a smile, "Hurry up and change into your pajamas and go to bed to rest."

Yu Antong changed into pajamas, and Xing Lixuan rubbed his legs. He didn't feel very sleepy at the moment, so he chatted with Xing Lixuan without saying a word.

"How about Xiaonian's nickname, Jing Xing?" Yu Antong had a sudden thought, "The high mountain looks up, Jing Xing stops, and he is elegant."

Xing Lixuan said lightly: "Think about my last name."

"Your surname is Xing, you don't need to think about it, no..." Yu Antong realized what Xing Lixuan meant, "Hahaha, Xing Jingxing!"

Yu Antong was poked and laughed, laughed for a long time, and said while laughing: "In this way, your son can say with confidence when betting with others, if so, just read my name upside down!"

"No stage fright at all!"

Laughter is a joke, you can't make fun of your son's name, the child's name will still have a great impact on his future growth, and he can't have homonyms or other weird names.

Yu Antong was very regretful and planned to give up this name that he had so hard to come by in a flash of inspiration, and complained: "It's all because of your bad surname. If my son has my surname, it would be nice to ask Yu Jingxing."

Xing Lixuan said seriously: "Your surname is fine with your son."

"After the son is born, you will be in charge of education, and take your surname." The irresponsible father surnamed Yu knew that his character might lead his son to go astray, so he confessed in advance and handed over his son's education rights.

The most important thing is that he checked the parenting Weibo yesterday and saw a collection of parents teaching children to do their homework. There are really ten thousand ways for a kid to make an adult's blood pressure rise rapidly.

He didn't want to become crazy because of educating the children, he was still his little fairy boy, the education issue was left to Xing Lixuan, and he believed that Xing Lixuan's stern face would make the children obedient.

Then he gave the child a delicious food gift package after studying, which little doll can resist the sugar-coated cannonballs!

He is the most gentle and good father! Don't worry about the father-son relationship at all!

Tut tut tut! I am really scheming!

Yu Antong thought about it, and felt that he looked like a scheming villain.

Xing Lixuan looked at Yu Antong's unpredictable expression, and asked with a smile: "What are you thinking about?"

Yu Antong sniggered wickedly: "It's nothing!"

Xing Lixuan didn't get serious with him, he thought about it in silence and said: "Why don't you change the word and call it Jing Yi."

Yu Antong stretched out his hand and asked, "Which word?"

Xing Lixuan wrote it on his hand while explaining: "Standing with a feather, the original meaning is the appearance of a bird fluttering its wings, and it is used for people's names to imply quick thinking and profound knowledge. "

Xing Lixuan's dictionaries these days are not in vain.

"Jing Yi, Xing Jing Yi." Yu Antong repeated it twice, and said with satisfaction, "This name is quite good."

Yu Antong made a final decision: "Then tentatively decide on this name first, and then you think, if you don't think of a better name before Xiaonian is born, you will call it this."

The two chatted for a few more words. Yu Antong felt comfortable with Xing Lixuan's legs, and gradually fell asleep. He said in a vague voice, "Husband, are your hands tired? Stop pinching, come and sleep with me for a while."

"Not tired." Xing Lixuan lay down next to Yu Antong, half hugging him, "Go to sleep."

Surrounded by Xing Lixuan's familiar aura, Yu Antong felt full of security, slept comfortably for more than two hours, and woke up just in time to drink the delicious pork rib soup stewed in the kitchen.

Yu Antong took a sip of the delicious pork rib soup with a strong aroma, and sighed: "This kind of life is really a blessing! Husband, you come to drink too."

He took two bowls and filled another bowl for Xing Lixuan.

Xing's mother smiled and said: "Li Xuan, you have been exposed to Tongtong's light in the past six months."

Yu Antong said sweetly: "Mom, you drink too!"

Xing's mother said: "Hey, you drink, I am the easiest to gain weight when I eat good food at my age, so I can't eat it often."

Speaking of getting fat easily, Yu Antong remembered what Han Lele said about being "happy and fat" after marriage. He put down the bowl and reached out to touch Xing Lixuan's stomach.

"Ahem!" Xing Lixuan almost choked on a mouthful of soup, he first glanced at Xing's mother, and then warned Yu Antong with his eyes.

What are you doing! In front of the elders!

The author has something to say: Mr. Xing: What are you doing!

Tongtong: I swear! I don't do anything else! Otherwise, my son's name is read backwards!

Xiaonian: ...

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-24 23:55:09~2020-02-25 23:46:18~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: there will be no more for the rest of my life, Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Yu 1;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 30 bottles of your baby winter jujube; ~( ̄▽ ̄~)~10 bottles of Mengbaoxian; 336297616 bottles; , 5 bottles of Floating Dream; 4 bottles of Turquoise; 3 bottles of Changing the Nickname; 2 bottles of Jiuhan;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!