Yu Antong's live broadcasting career came to an end, but his live broadcast video was posted on the Internet, and various big Vs rushed to forward it.

Blogger in the Food Zone: Chef God taught you how to eat spicy crayfish, have you learned it?

Netizen: I have learned, I have opened my mouth for a long time, hurry up and assign a partner to feed me!

Blogger in the entertainment area: Yu Antong was given a fat hammer by the criminal boss, there are pictures and the truth!

Netizen: We all know that videos cannot be P, this is true! [dog head]

Blogger in the Urban Emotional Area: President Xing called Yu Antong a 'baby', the two interacted sweetly, and their strength interpreted what fairy love is! Post the nicknames between you and your partner!

Netizen: My partner is better than Xing Zong, call me little boy, little baby... When the alarm clock rings, I open my eyes, hell, where do I have a partner.

Weight loss and shaping bloggers will not let go of this good opportunity.

Have you lost weight today? V: XX brand vibrating fat reducing and shaping instrument, Master Chef agrees to use it!

Netizen: I reasonably suspect that you are implying that I am fat! Headquarters Title Warning!

And Yu Antong's Weibo is full of people begging for forgiveness and live broadcasting.

Vinegar Potato Shreds: Master Chef, we were wrong!

Shredded Pork with Beijing Sauce: Handsome Mr. Yu, please continue the live broadcast!

Rainbow Fart No. 1: Yu · Yushu Linfeng · Suave and Suave · Looks like Panan · An Tong, come back and broadcast live, I haven't learned the spicy crayfish yet.

No matter what good things they said on Weibo, Yu Antong was determined and unmoved, and made up his mind not to live broadcast anymore.

To live broadcast is to wait for Xiaonian to be born and then broadcast live to slap them in the face.

Yu Antong took advantage of the fact that he had nothing to do at home, so he applied for a driving school. It is impossible to learn to drive, but he can prepare for the first test at home.

Subject 1 is full of multiple-choice questions on the theoretical basis. There is a special question bank, and the test questions are just those. You only need to download a car learning software and use a few sets of questions to learn about the same, and the test is easy to pass.

It took Yu Antong a week from registration to the exam to make an appointment to take the exam for subject one, and passed the exam once.

In the last month of pregnancy, Xing Lixuan didn't even let Yu Antong deliver the meal, lest he might make some mistakes on the way.

I can't eat spicy and stimulating food. I eat all kinds of light and nutritious things all day long. I also need to keep my mood happy and calm. My daily activity is to take a walk at home.

Yu Antong felt that he was a Buddha in his whole body, and if he continued like this, he would be able to practice meditation and become a monk.

He waited and hoped, and finally waited until the due date came.

Xing Lixuan arranged for Yu Antong to be hospitalized a week in advance, in case of any emergency, it would be easier to deal with it in the hospital.

The prenatal checkup in the last week was very comprehensive, including blood pressure, B-ultrasound, amniotic fluid, fetal heart rate monitoring and other checks.

Dr. Smith said: "Mr. Yu's physical indicators are normal, and the fetus is developing well. You can choose a date for caesarean section."

Xing Lixuan asked: "Don't wait until the labor pains are there signs of labor?"

Dr. Smith said: "The fetus is thirty-eight weeks old and full-term. It can be performed now or two days later."

Xing Lixuan was suddenly very nervous and scared. Even though the medical technology is advanced now, accidents may still happen.

Thinking of the possibility of bad things, he who has always been decisive became indecisive, wishing he would never let Yu Antong go to the operating table to face that risk.

Xing Lixuan still wanted to push back for two days, but he was afraid that Yu Antong would not want to, so he looked at Yu Antong and asked what he meant.

He thought that Yu Antong would agree to have an autopsy as soon as possible, after all, he had been holding back for so many days, and he was looking forward to the birth of Xiaonian.

Unexpectedly, Yu Antong held his hand tightly and said to Smith: "I don't think I'm ready yet, or wait until the child wants to come out and then cut it."

He had been looking forward to unloading these days, but after a series of inspections just now, he began to feel timid for no reason.

When things came to an end, he timidly retreated.

Dr. Smith smiled: "Okay then, call me for something."

Dr. Smith left, leaving only Yu Antong and Xing Lixuan in the special ward.

Yu Antong leaned in Xing Lixuan's arms and called him: "Husband."

"Yeah." Xing Lixuan shook his hand.

Yu Antong looked up at him: "What should I do? I'm suddenly so nervous, I'm scared."

Xing Lixuan's heart was also hanging in the air, but he couldn't show it. If he panicked at this moment, Yu Antong would be even more nervous.

Xing Lixuan coaxed: "Don't be afraid, Xiaonian will be as obedient as you, and won't let you hurt."

Yu Antong: "...I don't seem to be good at all."

Xing Lixuan pinched his nose: "Little villain, are you finally willing to admit it?"

"Baby, don't be afraid." Xing Lixuan hugged Yu Antong, stretched his arms to reach the storybook on the table, "I will tell Xiaonian a story, and teach him to love Dad."

Yu Antong laughed, and let go of his nervousness: "He hasn't even been born yet, so what can he understand?"

"Prenatal education is scientifically proven and can subtly affect a child's character." Xing Lixuan opened the storybook, "Once upon a time there was a..."

After Xing Lixuan finished telling the story, Xing's mother just came over to deliver food to Yu Antong.

Mother Xing opened the lunch box and asked, "Tongtong, how do you feel today?"

"It's good. The doctor said that the index is normal, and you can have a caesarean section." Yu Antong said, seeing the coke chicken wings in today's dish, his eyes lit up, "It's so delicious."

Just as he was about to pick up the chopsticks, he was slapped by Xing Lixuan.

Xing Lixuan: "Go and wash your hands."

Yu Antong pouted, rubbed the back of her hands, and looked at Xing Lixuan accusingly.

Xing Lixuan laughed: "I didn't try hard, I think I've wronged you."

Mama Xing said to Yu Antong: "You can't do it lightly!"

"Exactly!" Yu Antong snorted, and went to the bathroom to wash her hands.

Xing's mother was thinking about Yu Antong's words that she could have a cesarean section, and she looked at Yu Antong's back and asked Xing Lixuan, "When will the cesarean be performed? Is there any risk?"

Xing Lixuan said in a low voice: "The risk is not great, wait for the child to have an autopsy, and now I am nervous and Yu Antong is also nervous."

Xing's mother comforted Xing Lixuan for a few words, and said: "It's okay to have an autopsy in a few days. You are living in the hospital. If there is any movement, you can find a doctor as soon as possible. Your father and I can rest assured. You don't have to be too nervous. .”

Yu Antong came over after washing his hands. The private ward was spacious and had all the necessary furniture. Xing Lixuan opened the stool in front of the dining table for him to sit down.

Yu Antong picked up the chopsticks, and the first thing he picked up was Coca-Cola Chicken Wings. He eats light dishes all day long, and having a delicious dish is like a hungry wolf meeting meat.

Yu Antong confessed to Xing's mother contentedly while eating: "Mom, you are so kind, I love you so much!"

Xing's mother was so teased by Yu Antong that she only had Xing Lixuan as her son in her life, but Xing Lixuan's temper was cold since he was a child. It made her worry free, but it also made her lose a lot of the fun of being a parent.

Now she especially likes Yu Antong, a child with a personality like this. She said with a smile: "I have worked hard these days, my baby Tongtong. Let's eat freely after Xiaonian is born."

Mother Xing seemed to be hurting Yu Antong as her spoiled little son.

Coke and chicken wings are not easy to eat too much, so she packed three of them to satisfy Yu Antong's cravings, fearing that Xing Lixuan would make Yu Antong greedy, Xing's mother simply didn't pretend to be Xing Lixuan.

Three chicken wings were not enough for me at all. Hearing what Xing Mama said, Yu Antong suddenly wanted to cut them open now, and didn't want to wait any longer.

The author has something to say: Xiaonian: It was my father's deep love for me that supported him to give birth to me.

Tongtong: No, it’s the power of foodies.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-03-0800:24:39~2020-03-0900:13:53~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: ya 4 pieces of pea puree;

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 40 bottles of kemila; Zhifan. 19 bottles; 10 bottles of Xia Mu, Zizai, Xici; 29182702, Shadow Goose Baby! 5 bottles; 10 years, 2 bottles; Mengli Nanke, Yingjie, iiicy, + Tongtong Yangyang 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!