Xing Lixuan was treated very disrespectfully by his son, and seeing the little guy's face full of grievances and wanting Yu Antong to hug him, he was very angry and funny, and said to Yu Antong: "Just let him go."

Brat, you are only this big, but you have a lot of eyes.

But this temper really follows Yu Antong's, he is a master who cannot be wronged in the slightest.

Yu Antong hugged Xiaonian, coaxed him with kisses, and said to Xing Lixuan: "The little baby I gave birth with great difficulty, I am not spoiled by anyone."

Xiao Nian was also easy to coax, and was quickly defeated by his little father's invincible kissing attack.

Even Xing Lixuan couldn't resist Yu Antong's special skill. It was not easy to take down a little fat cub.

Xiaonian grinned, sniffled with a smile, and secretly glanced at Xing Lixuan.

Xing Lixuan was dumbfounded by the way his son Thief glanced at him, snorted, and said to Yu Antong: "You spoil him so much, be careful to develop a lawless personality like Zhu Di."

"How could it be, impossible."

Yu Antong didn't take it seriously, his family Xiaonian is very good, okay, besides, when Xiaonian is older and sensible, he will naturally be educated, and he will not continue to get used to it everywhere.

He must not let his little cutie become a little devil!

The wedding of Han Lele and Qi Jingyao was scheduled for December. At this time, the weather in China was too cold to hold a wedding. Therefore, the wedding of the two was held abroad on a beautiful island with a warm and pleasant climate.

Yu Antong was a little confused about whether to take Xiaonian with him, he discussed with Xing Lixuan at night, "Are you going to take your son?"

Xing Lixuan did not hesitate: "No."

Xiaonian, that stinky boy, gets more clingy to Yu Antong as he gets older. He is robbed of his wife every day, and he can't compete with children to be jealous.

There is such a good opportunity, of course not to be missed.

Yu Antong leaned on Xing Lixuan: "But we will go there for several days before returning, I will miss him."

Since his son was born, he and his son have not been separated for more than a day at most, and he is reluctant to leave his son and travel far away.

"And Xiaonian is definitely not willing to let me go."

His family's little rice cakes are so sticky to him, if he knows that he has been away for several days, he will definitely make a fuss, and maybe he will be angry with him, Xiaopangdun is very angry.

Xing Lixuan said indifferently: "Xiao Nian is too young, flying by plane may not be good for his health, just go for three or five days, it's not to separate you father and son, besides, we can video chat with our son every day."

Yu Antong was persuaded by Xing Lixuan and decided not to bring his son.

On the day of departure, Yu Antong and Xing Lixuan acted like thieves, quietly carrying the suitcase to go out while Xiaonian was asleep, for fear that the little guy would see them and make a fuss to stop them from leaving.

The father and mother did not go, both of them are indifferent people, there must be many business celebrities attending the wedding of the Qi family, and they have entrusted all these human relations to the juniors, so they just stay at home to take care of the younger generation.

The Qi family sent someone to pick up Yu Antong and the others, and then drove them to the airport, where they would take a chartered flight with other wedding guests to the wedding venue.

Xingjia, in the baby room, the little chubby cub woke up, kicked his legs comfortably, then his face was tense, and his whole body was exerting force, pulling stinking smelly.

After pulling Smelly, he hummed and chirped to attract the confinement wife's attention.

Yuesao heard the movement and hurried over to check. Seeing the little guy frowning, Yuesao laughed: "Baby is awake, is it stinky?"

Regardless of how big this little guy is, he already knows that he loves to be clean. Every time he finishes stinking, someone has to clean it up and change him into a clean diaper.

And from his chubby face, he could actually see a disgusted expression. Every time he removed the dirty diapers, the little guy wrinkled his nose and tilted his head, looking like he was stinky.

That little expression made the confinement wife amused.

It's rare for Yuesao to meet such a well-behaved child as Xiaonian. She likes him very much and takes care of him more attentively. With a broken expression, he said with a broken smile: "Little clever ghost! It's clean."

The little chubby cub felt his **** was clean and comfortable, and his little face stretched out. He drank a bottle of milk with satisfaction, and then stretched out his hands to clamor for a hug.

The confinement wife picked him up and went downstairs to take him to find his grandparents.

Seeing Xiaonian coming down, Xing's mother took him up with a smile: "My dear grandson, wake up, grandma hugs me."

The little chubby cub was being hugged by the confinement wife, full of energy, with sparkling eyes, turning his little head to look left and right, excitedly looking for the little daddy to play with.

"What are you looking for, good grandson?" Mother Xing knew that the little guy was looking for Yu Antong, and the little guy was closest to his father. As long as Yu Antong was at home, no one would be happy to hug him.

But Xing's mother still deliberately teased him, trying to divert his attention: "Xiao Nian looks at grandma, what kind of toy is grandma holding in her hand?"

He didn't find the person he was looking for, so the chubby cub was hugged by his grandma on the spot.

Still not giving up on being hugged by grandma, Xiao Pangdun turned his head and searched a few times to confirm that his father was really not at home, so he let go of his strength and let grandma hug him obediently.

At this time, he still didn't know that he would not see his father for several days. He probably thought that Yu Antong was the same as when he was learning to drive, going out for a while every day and coming back soon.

"Does Xiaonian like cars?" Xingmu held a red car toy to attract the attention of her grandson, "When Xiaonian grows up, grandma will buy you a big car, okay?"

"Ah, Aboba~" The little fat cub clapped his little hands, reached for the toy car, and spoke the special language for babies.

"Son, it's time to wake up now. Do you think he will make trouble if he can't see us?"

Yu Antong, who was waiting in the airport waiting room, pinched his mobile phone anxiously and asked Xing Lixuan.

Xing Lixuan said: "I'll call Mom."

He said that he disliked his son, but he was actually worried about that little boy, after all, it was the fat son his wife gave birth to him after ten months of hard work.

"Hey, don't make a call." Yu Antong stopped Xing Lixuan, "If he doesn't cry and make a fuss, when you make a call and he hears our voices, he should really make a fuss."

Yu Antong said: "Let me send a message to Mom to ask about the situation."

—Mom, Xiaonian is not making trouble.

Xing's mother received the message, and it was inconvenient for her to reply with Xiaonian in her arms, so she threw the phone to Xing's father: "It belongs to Tongtong, take a photo and send it to him, and tell him to rest assured that there is no trouble."

Father Xing took a few photos of Xiaonian playing with his grandma and sent them to Yu Antong.

The two novice fathers, Yu Antong and Xing Lixuan, felt relieved to board the plane after seeing the photos.

After several hours of flying, we finally arrived at a warm island in the southern hemisphere.

The wedding was held on the second day. This day was completely reserved for the guests to rest and relax. The group stayed at the five-star resort hotel on the island.

Yu Antong didn't eat anything on the plane, so the two put down their luggage and went to the hotel restaurant to enjoy a delicious meal.

"This fish fillet tastes good." Yu Antong dipped it in the dipping sauce, took a piece of sashimi and fed it to Xing Lixuan, "How is it?"

Xing Lixuan chewed for a while, and after swallowing, said lightly: "It's not as delicious as your cooking."

Yu Antong smiled with his eyes slightly bent, and kicked him under the table: "It's just sashimi, why praise me so much?"

Xing Lixuan said: "It's the truth."

After Yu Antong kicked him, he suddenly felt teasing, stretched his legs and slowly slid up against Xing Lixuan's trousers...

There are a lot of people dining in the restaurant, and the crowd is large. Under the cover of the drooping tablecloth, doing something unknown to outsiders can bring a kind of secret pleasure.

Xing Lixuan stopped eating, looked up at Yu Antong, and said in a low voice, "Don't make trouble."

The place where they dine is next to the window, looking out to see the vast blue sky, the pink sandy beach in the distance, extending to the endless sea, where the sea and the sky meet.

The beautiful scenery makes people happy physically and mentally, and brings people an indescribable sense of relaxation and happiness.

Ever since he was pregnant with Xiaonian, Yu Antong felt that he was imperceptibly bound to some extent. Now that he was in such an open world, his state of mind was suddenly reopened, and his whole body exuded a sense of happiness.

It's not that he's not happy at home, he's also very happy looking at his lovely baby son at home, but it's not the same as the current relaxed and happy state.

Yu Antong raised her eyebrows: "It's just trouble."

It's rare to come out alone with Xing Lixuan, accompanied by the beautiful scenery, it's a pity not to be pretentious.

The author has something to say:

Xiaonian woke up: Dad pinched?

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-03-1700:27:21~2020-03-1900:54:22~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 41952308, Xia Yiqiu 1;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 35 bottles of Ke Jikai; 16 bottles of Bai Ze; 10 bottles of Wen Ran; 5 bottles of Moshang Changan, Quality Daxie, Xiaofei Duck, and Kagura; I also want to drink 4 bottles of Wangzai; 2 bottles of Qingyao 0002, Untitled, My Heart Glass; 376130201 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!