Chapter 8

Name:Everyone Else is a Regressor Author:
Chapter 8

◈ Everyone Else is a Regressor (8)

The Light Spirit, realizing she had been deceived, pouted for a few minutes.

"That was really dangerous!"

When she was sealed, her voice had been lifeless, but after forming a contract with KiJun, she had completely transformed into a different person.

Even with that change, KiJun felt it was worth it to have formed a contract with her.

"It was dangerous. I just accepted the risk because I wanted to grow."This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

― Humans really do strange things. Risking your life to avoid dying? What nonsense.

KiJun inwardly agreed with her statement, patting her head gently. The Light Spirit, who had been tapping his head, finally seemed to calm down and flew into his embrace.

"But it doesn't matter. I won't let you die as long as you're under contract with me!"

"I feel safer now. Thank you."

At first, she had been about the size of a human, but now she was small enough to sit in the palm of KiJun's hand. This was because KiJun's power wasn't enough to maintain her full form.

"Are you worried?"

― No, it's okay. If you stay with me, the power within the contractor will grow steadily! I know it!

"Sure, I'll rely on you from now on. By the way... what's your name?"

― Do you want to give me one?

When KiJun glanced at the Demon Lord as if to say he didn't care, she shrugged, indicating that she didn't have a problem with it.

Eventually, KiJun turned his gaze back to the spirit and thought for a moment. A name suddenly popped into his mind, and he spoke it aloud.

"Let's go with Lucy."

― Lucy.

The spirit looked surprised for a moment but then nodded in satisfaction.

― Perfect...


― Nothing, I really like it. From now on, call me Lucy!

KiJun was greatly relieved by her reaction.

Maybe her original name was Lucy?

If that were the case, was it just a coincidence that he had thought of this name? There were so many questions he wanted to ask: Why did she go berserk? How did she end up sealed? Was she really okay now?

But now that he had made a contract with her, he felt that probing too deeply into her privacy would be impolite.

If he wanted to know, he could take his time, increase his spirit power, and get to know her better through interactions.

"Demon Lord, can you see Lucy now?"

"No, I can only hear her voice faintly. There's a golden light on your palm right now."

The Demon Lord said, squinting his eyes.

"As your spirit power increases, this problem will be resolved. Spirits use the power of their own existence, natural energy, the contractor's spirit power, and mana power. But right now, you barely have any spirit power or mana power, you know? It's impressive that I can hear the spirit's voice at all."

"Can you just praise me once without any complaints?"

"Fine, hurry up and train, you clumsy one."

Lucy happily responded to KiJun's lip service, while the Demon Lord frowned as if he had seen something he couldn't stand.

"Don't date spirits, hero."

"Can’t you see we’re sparring?"

In response to the hero's retort, the Demon Lord relentlessly attacked him during the subsequent afternoon sparring session. Lucy, the light spirit, tried her best to protect him by bestowing a light shield or covering his shield with light. However, the more she struggled, the more the Demon Lord's power intensified, striking KiJun relentlessly.

Eventually, after just two hours, KiJun's mana and stamina were completely drained, and he collapsed on the ground. Lucy, who had protected him, sobbed and shouted, "You evil demon! Someday, I'll defeat you and rescue my contractor!"

"Hahaha, give it a try if you can," the Demon Lord chuckled, thoroughly satisfied with his role as the final boss after a long time.

"Alright, I've found the fastest fairy courier in the world—"

Just then, at that confusing moment, the fairy from the tutorial arrived.

"Why... What is this situation? Did you decide to kill this bug? No, the spirit? Why is there a spirit in the tutorial? That means there's a contractor... ugh, uh?!"

"Oh, uh? Well, listen. This is training. Um, this spirit is..."

"Things change so quickly," the fairy muttered, eyeing the menacing look in Lucy's eyes.

"Oh no, are you by any chance in love with my contractor?" Lucy asked, trying to tease her.


With a slight laugh, the fairy quickly redirected her sharp gaze back to its original position.

"Just relax. I wasn't talking about you. Your contractor does have some charm... No, never mind. Anyway, don't forget our promise," the fairy said, desperately averting her eyes.

"Yeah, of course," KiJun replied.

The fairy, irritated, glanced sharply at him before leaving. KiJun decided that once he got up, he would lie down again immediately. Certainly, he had made up his mind.

* * *

On the third evening of the second chapter, the party was in a forest clearing about 20 kilometers north from the starting point of the tutorial mission.

Eating a porridge made by tearing jerky and bread into it, YeMin frowned and complained, "It's tasteless... KiJun oppa used the same ingredients and made it much tastier..."

Sitting next to her and slowly savoring the porridge in her bowl, JiHye sighed and said, "If only we were in the training camp, we could have had decent meals for at least four weeks. But no, we had to rush out without even training our basic stats properly."

"Are you stupid? Right now, even KiJun oppa must be feeling lonely. We need to join him as soon as possible!" YeMin retorted.

"Don’t call me stupid. Also, how can you be so sure that he's feeling lonely?"

"Just relax. I admit that KiJun oppa has a good personality, but he's not handsome. You don't have to worry about him being popular with girls."


Slightly tilting her head, JiHye responded, "Stop it. I find it terrifying when you glare at me like that."

"Just trust me. Oppa doesn't have that kind of charm... I think."

Satisfied with her unnecessary worries, YeMin turned her gaze back to her porridge. JiHye, who was with her through thick and thin, thought about her past comrades and felt a pang of nostalgia. She realized that she too had camaraderie, albeit in her own way, and sighed, amused by the unexpected sentimentality.

"Just relax. I can guarantee you. Oppa's true charm is... Well, you'll realize it if you stay with him a bit longer. No?" JiHye said.

"That's right. Let's just finish eating and go. The two of us together should be able to tackle the ruins. If only there were gods, it would have been nice," YeMin replied.

The two quickly cleaned up their spot and started their nighttime march.

Among the heroes facing the 2nd tutorial, they moved faster and more daringly than anyone else.

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